Is playstation 2 emulation even a thing? me and my friends, total chad-bros...

is playstation 2 emulation even a thing? me and my friends, total chad-bros, want to play different games than fifa and worms, so i thought about emulating some tekken on ps2, but are emulators even working correctly?

Just use Google you fucking dunce

Why don't you just download Tekken 7?

Fuck off and google it.

Bro, drop by /vr/ and look around

Yes, an underdeveloped and bad one. probably shittiest emulation to date when compared to most relevant ones like ps1,snes,gba,gcb and wii. Dont even bother if you dont have a very good computer. Such a pity too, so many ps2 games id love to play

you must have a really shit comp if you cant ps2 emulate

Every single emulateable system i mention has emulators running full speed with some tweaks on my pc with ppsspp being black magick of performance in emulators and here we are discussing how shit my pc is for not running ps2 full speed. pcsx2 is a piece of shit and so should you feel to even go as far as insulting my system for not being able to run literal unoptimized hacked to abyss piece of shit of an emu that can barely run native res on anything pre 2015 midrange spec.

tl:dr FUCK YOU

Why is the state of PS2 Emulation so bad?

Is the PS2 really so difficult to emulate that even in 2017 some games cannot be run without a wildly overpowered computer?

Are the developers just idiots? Certain emus like Dolphin are run almost like a professional project, while PCSX2 is an absolute shitshow. PCSX2 also has virtually no quality of life features, and even something like loading cheats is fucking arcane sorcery.

Honestly, my reading on the subject makes me want to lean towards the latter option. GC/Wii emulation has its share of difficult shit (if reading forums and developer notes is any indication) yet this doesn't seem to stop them from making god-tier stuff.

I'm willing to bet that if the Dolphin crew started a Ps2 emulator today, within 2 years it would run fine wtih 99% compatibility on most systems.

You're retarded, Wii emulation was so easy because they already had the documentation and the Wii is architecturally very similar to the GCN.

Get the new Tekken you fuck.

I was able to emulate FF10 and FF12 just fine in 2008 on a 2007 build. Maybe other games are more problematic. I haven't bothered emulating ps2 since then, but I can't imagine that the situation would be worse.

word is that they use hacky methods which lead to emulation errors or bad performance.

ps2 isnt well documented as the other systems in terms of emulations.

i think the devs just dont have the financial means, when looking at the wiiu emu for example, which is making enough € to run at least 4 people full time.

i have no idea about possibilities m9, i would be just glad if it would run games native full speed on my system as does every other emulator with most games it tries to emulate available. Im angry because im sad not because im angry

My biggest complaint is emulating silent hill 2 and shadow of the colossus (that needed a beefy rig 2 years ago). Didnt bother with other games since the ones that intially interes me (forgot outbreak file 1 and 2) dont run smoothly. SUre i could bite the bullet but i prefer complaining on v. Glad to had a positive experience

How's ppssp when it comes to rhythm games?
i rather not have to deal with both the games difficulty and further input lag caused by the emulator if possible

ppsspp seemed god tier emulator last time i checked. Not sure about rythm games tho

Ps2 emulation is fantastic, get a stronger CPU and learn to adjust settings you retard

>assuming all consoles work exactly the same and that emulators only are bad because of differences in dev quality
Holy shit youre fucking braindead

That's not entirely wrong though, some consoles are more poorly documented though, but the PCSX2 wasn't as organized as Dolphin development. I don't remember the exact story but I seem to remember a lot of people coming and leaving, with the project being allowed to be tinkered with but not with big goals in mind.

Here, observe an imbecile who cant think or act for himself and just spouts memes he read on Sup Forums.

My laptop can enulate ps2 games, your computer is shit

you mad bro?
I used pcsx2 for years now and it worked for everything I playd