>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a nigger's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as I've once said, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no nigger now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."
"Video Games Can Never Be Art" - Pewdiepie
Well, did he have a point?
I don't like the Swedish faggot but he's right, video games are not art.
poopypie is our roger ebert
"Nigger" - Pewdiepie
Who cares? That bigot still said n*gger.
Is this supposed to be shitposting? Is that the best you can do?
i will never forgive him for racism
pewdiepie - the hidden leader of the alt-rigth
this. pewdiehitler will have no place in our Great State comrades
>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a nigger's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive from niggers urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "chinger changer," because chinger changer, as I've once said, is a nigger dagger. Let me just say that no nigger now living will survive chinger changer enough to experience the nigger dagger an art form."
kek, great satire
This faggot really went overboard with the whole Pewdiepie nonsense. We live in a timeline where Keemstar of all people is making sense.
Its also """"pure coincidence""" that he's jewish
What did the jew say
>tfw read it in his voice with jump cuts included
u mean >>>/leftypol/ ?
What are some good things to add to macaroni and cheese? Sometimes I'll just add green onion which tastes pretty good, but I can't really think of anything else to add aside from meat.
>When I say nigger it's funny and cool, but when PewDiePie said the n word it made me sick to my stomach and it came from a place of racism
This faggot desperately wants to sit at the big boy table. If he had the opportunity he'd be doing the H3H3 equivalent of Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred.
Why is Kim a Touhou?
Why do people make this distinction? There's only one board for politics on Sup Forums. And it's not this one.
Don't know exactly what he said, not going to watch a 3 hour long circlejerk, but I can't see how people think he's being a hypocrite for calling Pewdiepie out.
It's all about the intent of the word, and pewdiepie used it to insult someone (which doesn't make him a racist or anything, it's just a stupid thing to do). It's especially dumb because the last time he fucked this shit up, almost all youtubers got fucked in the ass for it. It wouldn't surprise me that's one of the reasons Ethan is mad as well.
Broccoli bits, black pepper, melt some butter on it while it's hot
I can clearly tell when you fucking faggots are false flagging, you're worse than jews.
you're missing out the context he said it in which was a very frustrating moment of the game where he was concentrating. english isnt his first language, his brain just jumped to nigger and he blurted it out.
he even immediately apologized, stop pretending that the responsibility is on his shoulders for this retarded far left outrage culture that (((Google))) just takes advantage of to censor more and more
yeah i hate antifa false flags too