1996-2006 Horror games thread

What are you playing in October user?

also i need the silent hill download guide pasta

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this any good?

No, its on PS4 therefor its an instant shit

I need more games like this

Am looking for obscure horror games on PS1&2,Dreamcast, help me out niggas

Daily reminder that Resident Evil 4 and Outlast ruined horror games

>i need the silent hill download guide pasta
OK, here's SH PC Guide + DL links:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

If you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.

SH2-4 do not support Xinput & PS4 gamepads natively. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
There's OK emu-settings for SH1 in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Try the PGXP emulator for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.

>and Outlast

Fuck off. Amnesia and that one trick hack dev that keeps rehashing the same no gameplay shit is to blame for all the horror walking sims.

i m gonna clean my backlog by playing dead space 1+2,condemned criminal origins,call of chtulhu and Cryiostasis. Maybe i'll throw in some Deadlight or metro 1+2.

shame RE7 goty releases in december.

by the way,is Penumbra black plague any good? for what's worth i loved the shit out of Amnesia

shut up Outlast faggot

Thank you based user

If you loved Amnesia then give it a shot, it's basically the exact same thing except crappier. Pretty sure Black Plague is the sequel though, you might want to play the first one before it.

probably gonna force myself through michigan report from hell. Maybe I´ll make it this time

The plan is to play silent hill 1 and then 2 and then RE0 and Remake, at the end of the month maybe i will buy TEW2 if its gud

it´s also on Steam and I´d like to know as well

Silent Hill 2 with Leave ending
Bloodrayne 2

>Resident Evil 4
>ruining anything

look at this dumb fag

fuck off you idiot RE4 turned horror games into action shit so shut the fuck up

this is a meme

There's a name I don't hear mentioned much on this board. Never tried the sequel. The original was the first time I remember hearing "fuck" in a video game.

Silent Hill 2 and 3 on PC. Like I do every year. Maybe go through "I have no mouth" or Silent Hill 1 as well. Will for sure be watching nightmare before Christmas

Really need to replay Fatal Frame 2 one of these days. Only game to ever creep me out more than SH.

RE was always action, now sit down you dumb slut

i need a new game, i might pick up resident evil 7, is it spooky without VR

dude we have the same Halloween, i play silent hill 2 then i watch nightmare before Christmas, every year.

Man, I love October and Halloween. It's so "comfy".

>RE was always action

No fag

you never played RE

i played them before you were born

I played that recently and to be honest I found it to be really lacking, I would say it's only really worth just to say that you did.

not possible, I'm older than you

This is a fun game.

It`s not horror but fuck me if I don`t enjoy it.
Also dat soundtrack
I`m going through The Evil Within, and then hopefully Rule of Rose for the first time.

Best horror game.

I plan to do some streaming of spooky stuff. No idea what to play, though.

>tfw i tried to play SH1 but got scared in the first alley

When will i man up user?


Are you my brother? We use to do that every year before we both moves out for college. It's honestly one of the only traditions I still have anymore. Makes me feel innocent again. Especially right before getting hammered at Halloween parties.

Tried to watch a Let's Play of that game and ended up confused and bored as hell.

Resident Evil 4 will always be the best game in the horror genre.

Maybe it's just me, but mednafen refused to use the SH1 linked in the pasta. Ended up grabbing a different one.

The PS3 remake is a lot easier to play than the original but it's really just not that interesting a story or game. The story can basically be summed up as Silent Hill with an alien and a timeloop instead of a demon god and the otherworld.

I'm playing vampire the masquerade for the first time and I'm about to go into the ocean hotel.

I heard that it's pretty scary, so what am I in for?

Warlords Battlecry 3 as Undead.
Focusing on necromancy and spooky scary skelly armies.
Fighting against mainly Demons, Plaguelords and the Swarm for effect.

Mednafen sucks ass.
PCSX-R PGXP builds are the best enhancing emus, followed by modern ePSXes that just werk.

just leaving this here

Thanks, y-you can leave now user

my fucking dude

>not wanting to jack off with an user over the internet to a plastic figurine's panties

you some kind of faggot

Unorthodox pick here

>Mednafen sucks ass
Incorrect. Learn how to actually use something before commenting on it.

I'll probably play through Deadspace, finish Darkwood and maybe beat Alien Isolation.
Also binge watch horror movies and read some Lovecraft stories.

Actually was planning on Replaying/Playing for the first time a fuckload of horror games starting this weekend, while watching all the classic Universal Monster Movies.

>Resident Evil 1-3
>Silent Hill 1-3 (4 if I have time)
>Fatal Frame 1-3
>MedEvil 1-2
>Dead Space

Not when Silent Hill 1-3 exist.

>Resident Evil 4
I don't think you know what that word means.

Sasuga Mednafag...

...thats not horror...

I'll finish up Doom 2016 (I barely have time for games, life sucks.), pick up Wolfenstien II, and Mario Odyssey. Then spend the last days of October trying to decide which to play.

>Looking under the skirt like a perv
>Looking at her knees
>Not red at all
She might be well mannered after all...

for some reason i thought i was looking at hd gameplay of silent hill 3.

What are some of the non classic horror games like some obscure ones that you don't see mentioned much?

Pretty much played all of RE and SH and the doggo companion ones

It's not strictly horror, but I love The Suffering. Third person shooter prison escape with enemies modeled after different forms of execution. Really great game. Just got put on GOG too.

If you don't mind newer ones Darkwood and Subterrain are nice. The ones that sort of fall into horror territory are Deadnauts and Superhot.

Outlast 1 was fine. Not amazing, but just fine. Resident Evil 4 was an action game, not a horror game.

The Dark Descent is easily one of the best horror games I've played. Everything that followed its formula has been sub par, but you shut your whore cunt mouth about TDD.

Can confirm. I played BP first after playing amnesia and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why danny devito was talking to me or what the fuck the dick-in-ass alien things were. Needs some context. Also if you play BP first, you'll ruin Red.

any good deep sea horror games?

Guyz im scared i have to look for 3 keys

great choice user. i never found it particularly scary though, i think im broken.

Not in the 1996-2006 catagory but I'll be playing Deadly Premonition, I've had this game sitting in my Steam library for years and never got around to playing it. After Twin Peaks: The Return it seems right to play it now.

playing Michigan nowadays

it is shit. I am not talking about unpolished-rough diamond shit, but actual turd-shit. I enjoy those trashy ghetto games and get scared by them easily though, so it gets me occasionally.
great atmosphere, but not THAT scary. I thought it was the peak of the game.

I'm a pussy and i dont find this one scary at all

It's very Lynchian with hints of Lovecraftianism.

I hear that 4, Shattered Memories, and Downpour are actually not terrible. Well, other than Origins just being incredibly mediocre and uninteresting. Homecoming apparently the truly worst SH game, though I don't hear much about Book of Memories other than people being pissed that it's a dungeon crawler.

Don't underestimate it. You can't imagine how lighthearted that game starts and how fucked up it gets along the way.

you'll need the key of megatron. or his seal. i dunno can't remember. btw once you get out of that door, SH reeeaallly kicks the horror and dread in. The fucking music that starts up there is so fucking chilling.

Found this game incredibly boring. The story was semi-interesting, but it was such a pain to play, all the way through.

The only deep sea horror game I even know of is Deep Fear, an RE clone for the Sega Saturn. It's not a good game and not worth playing for the horror but there is a novel oddity to it. Apart from that, there's plenty of games that have deep sea horror segments, e.g. KOTOR, Deus Ex, Call of Cthulhu, etc., but not much set exclusively in that location.

Homecoming was fuck awful. 1 was my personal favourite, the only game I've ever played that truly scared the shit out of me. It still spooks me.

Unpolished gem with spooky concept.
>Shattered Memories
Best western SH, but has no combat, so it's a big downside.
It is terrible. Awful monster design, no bosses, nonsensical story and works like shit. I wanted to like it, but it's just shit.
It has alright story and monsters look pretty cool. Gameplay is meh, though. Still miles better than Downpour.

>The Suffering
My fucking man. I know what I'm playing now.

Thief 3, worth playing just for the Shalebridge Cradle mission. That one level gets horror right better than most dedicated horror games.

4 is good, I found it playable and, like the apartment parts in general, homecoming I liked the monster designs but boss designs were phenomenal, and down pour is honestly the worst one by far. No enemy variation and very dull in every aspect, worst in series

Playing through dark wood now, it's great and the sound design is amazing, a game with an unsettling slow burn

>not understanding and accepting that although RE:4 was an objectively amazing game, it's also undoubtedly the game that turned the Resident Evil Franchise into a michael bay action third person shooter series, and did is, in fact, the source of the series' downfall

So far the GOG version seems fine. I've had a bug where when you scroll through weapons the icons don't show up unless you've got the camera angled a certain way. I'm not very far into this version, but that's the only glitch I've encountered.


I wouldn't say it starts lighthearted and then gets fucked up, it's pretty fucked up from the start. What it does have is really big tonal shifts all over the place. I know everyone considers the ending to be the big gut punch of the game but personally I thought the Amazing Grace sequence was the heaviest part.

Play the suffering.
It does third person shooting in a horror game right.
And even though you are tough as balls, it still manages to be damn right creepy.
Sequel tightens the controls up, but loses the creepy prison atmosphere in exchange for a city.
There are still some fucking spooky bits though, and the antagonistic ghosts you encounter are great.
With the creeper in 2 being one of the best villains in a horror game.
It is a highly underrated game series, and one of the absolute best horror games made.

SH2 and SH3 emulated with the latest PCSX2 builds are better than the PC ports(especially SH2).

This is the worst Clock Tower along with Ghost Head though

Video comparison?

>Shattered Memories
>Best western SH, but has no combat, so it's a big downside.
SH never was popular because of combat - if you think about it, combat was always diffrent shades of shit ...

I was under the impression that the reason the emulated versions were considered better was due to the fog not working correctly on the PC version. Now that the fog is fixed I'd be interested to know how they stack up.

Per-pixel lighting on that emulator or is it still per-vertex?

It wasn't, but not being able to immobilize monsters in SM, at least for a few moments, is really annoying at times. Flare is useful when you run, but doesn't help much if you have to stop and take some photo while monsters keep coming from all sides.

You are right, still I think the game gives too much of that cheesy-corny vibe at the start. It feels like the game gets more and more serious gradually.

It could be my distorted perception though, considering I started the game expecting a poorly made cringe-fest.

Anyone seen gameplay videos of the evil within 2 that doesn't have some tardo fucks talking over it?
I just finished the first one and maaaybe will pick up 2, provided it has more fps than 10, and less templerun sequences than the first one.
Also less shitty cheap deaths.
There was so much to like about 1,but fuck me if you could tell it was designed by your typical nip.
So overwrought and janky.

it was done by digital foundry
Google it.

Mednafen doesn't suck, it just has a different philosophy and that's emulating games as close to the real thing as possible. That's also why it's picky about rips and can give you problems if you don't feed it a clean rip.