>"One copy of Senran Kagura, please"
"One copy of Senran Kagura, please"
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That's a big otaku.
>these are the people that complain about "le ess jay double yous ruining mah vidyaz!!!"
Future Soldier was such a big disappointment.
For you
>they're wrong because they're unattractive.
Yes, and?
I dont get this line of thinking. When I go to spend my hard earned cash on a few groceries, I see some wellfare recipient with 2 carts full of shit, looking and smelling like shit. I have to stand behind those people too, but I in no way feel like they represent me just because im in the same line.
They might very well be the SJWs.
Man what losers standing around talking about games, excited about their newest purchase, good job exposing these scum.
Haha good strawman, my man
That denim jacket hasn't been washed since the 90s.
LOL! Mildly ugly people doing things is a real riot!
Sure here you go.
Only shitters like cow tits anyway.
Hello I'm here to pick up my preorder of Ees Lahkrimozer of Dannah for the pee ess viter
>stinky day
Makes me chuckle every time
were these genuinely people with shit hygiene or gay ass smash stench tactics?
Everyone needs to eat food; but not everyone needs to play vidya.
You don't choose to buy food, you simply have to, but you do choose to play vidya and be associated with these subhumans.
>only 1
Fucking secondaries.
Found the ugly guy
>Not buying it off Amazon for that discounted prime price and never having to go into a gamestop
>Not buying games online because why would you ever want to see someone in person
Normans out
>mildly ugly
>Dear GAF comrades: Today I have failed to awaken the Sup Forums lumpenprole to the truth of Social Justice yet again, but I shall redouble my efforts tomorrow as always.
reminder that the op got the pictures from reddit, they werent posted here originally
As a former retail wagecuck,at least these kind of customers are polite, some of them even have a nice conversation.
>playing video games past the age of 20
Now that you mention it, it does seem weird that there is no timestamp.
That rekindles my faith in Sup Forums actually, but I gotta say I'm a little disappointing too.
>senran kagura fans
Thats me except I'm buying danganronpa.
Should I just order online?
>Genuinely not sure if I'm one of those smelly in public nerds
I mean I take showers whenever I leave the house but I know my bedroom perpetually stinks
i'm in retail too, and wanna know what my last conversation topic with one of these fucks was? Shadman's work
>stench tactics
My God. Leave the basement, please.
>coming to Sup Forums past the age of 16
And? Do only good looking people have the right to complain?
>being on the internet past age of nine
masturbation odor is a thing you know.
keep your doors and windows open more frequently and get some air freshener, you fuck.
and yes, everyone who enters your room DOES KNOW that you've been jerking it.
True, the trouble customers are:
>middle aged black women (some are really nice though)
>young black men
>middle aged white guys that look like they're from a trailer park and leave behind a scent trail of cigarettes that doesn't go away for hours
>Mexican women
t. SJW
AND morbidly obese.
It's fucking great listening to Sup Forums get defensive over a picture of some fat neckbeards potentially buying the latest weebshit. It's funny the things you guys get soft about.
>senran kagura fans
nah. they're clearly nintendo fans. weeaboos don't wear jean jackets for that "rustic" look. that is more in the lines of western nintendo manchildren. sony is utter shit, too, but nintenfat manchildren are the easiest and best to gawk at
Saying or implying that you are under the age of 18 is a reason to get banned, even if you are obviously joking, you know. See ya in two years.
I wouldn't doubt it in the slightest of those manchildren were Sup Forums regulars.
Im on the other side of the world, here are
>syrian refugees
>nig nogs
>rich milfs bored of their lives that want to ruin your day
so very true
>opinions should be judged by the appearance of those that voice them
t. racist
t. cuck
have you read the thread? only a couple of anons got defensive and they got called out on it. this is a fatshaming thread
Yare yare daze
*tips cap*
do people still go to video games stores? I thought everybody ordered online these days.
Saw something like this at my University yesterday, didn't take a picture because his life seemed miserable enough.
Yeah that's true I forgot cunty upper middle class white women
>Boomer tells horrible dad joke
>Have to combat my autism head on to find a way to fake laugh that doesn't sound awful
>playing video games under 25
No such thing as enough
>these are the people
>i say this while hiding behind the veil of the internet and am more than likely fat myself
Why would you play your DS in front of a mirror?
>stinky day
I do everything online because it's often cheaper but you can price match in almost any store these days. Fry's and Best Buy are probably the only stores left worth going to in 2017.
simply eric
now post the edit
Who was in the wrong here?
>Not importing the JP version digitally
obviously the store
>consider myself a socially adjusted normie with non normie hobbies
>I take care of myself, go to the gym, look moderately attractive, make decent salary, etc. - hiding my power level
>I fucking love rhythm games
>on Sup Forums and realize Project Diva X releases today
>it’s been a long time since I played a decent rhythm game
>fuck it, I’ll try this series out
>I’ll just go to gamestop
>drive there
>ask for it at the counter
>staff is visibly confused
>search inventory system and it says it’s in stock
>after a while they finally find it
>”I saw it earlier but I didn’t think that was what you wanted - it looks like a girls’ game or something for kids”
>just kinda nod
>”Oh are you buying it for someone else?”
>yeah sure
>make up something about it being for my daughter
>just wanna go home
>cashier starts asking about mythical daughter
>can’t back out now
>start making up stuff about daughter - she’s 7 and into video games or something, I’m a single Dad, etc.
>desperately just want to leave but they won’t ring up the transaction
>cashier starts talking about how she also has a daughter
>she’s kinda flirting - saying how she loves that I’m raising a daughter on my own and getting her games she wants and everything
>Asks to see picture of daughter
>I just go on Facebook and pull up a picture of a daughter of some friend of a friend that I saw on my timeline
>she recognizes the little girl
>turns out she knows the friend of a friend
>I kinda just back away and leave without saying a word
>forgot game on counter
Thank god for amazon prime. I can’t go to GameStop anymore.
well, it is better not to tell them, because console women can get all pissy at the mention of steam
I was sitting here for 30 goddamn seconds thinking "What the fuck is a valvey shower?" Christ I'm retarded
Hello, are there any Nintendo Switches in stock?
If you are attractive and make a decent salary, nobody gives a damn what you're into.
I don't understand hiding your powerlevel, I've never bothered and it's had no repercussions for me.
You guys are just paranoid.
As someone that used to go to locals for smash, I can confirm.
>those Sup Forumstards amirite ?
>SJW bullies people based on their looks
Sounds about right.
shut up, fag.
>tfw turning 25 in less than three months
Disgusting. Ugly people should be eliminated.
One again, the mighty SJWs prove they are even more shallow and mean spirited than the people they claim to hate
this is Sup Forums in a nutshell
this is /v-pol/ incarnated
your glasses make you look like a faggot
>would probably be an 8/10 if I wasn't fat
Feels bad
Diets going well though. On my way to be with the beautiful people in half a year or so.
hygiene and world peace would improve if they told kids in sex ed that people can smell you've been wanking, because it isn't common sense for some.
Too bad weeaboos are always 0/10 personality wise and will always make women recoil in disgust.
It's only noticeable if you know how a person smells otherwise. This is why you masturbate as often and as frequently as you possibly can so nobody can know the difference.
found the fat Sup Forumstards
4/10 for effort.
They're wrong because they're bitter fucks who only play games for porn.
I'm as weeb as they come and I have plenty of female friends.
how can you really tell?
All this shows me is OP is not being Chad enough to go into a store and get something you want.
Easy, nobody would play Senran Kagura otherwise.