Why don't they make games like this anymore?

Why don't they make games like this anymore?

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Didn't play the sequel because the first game was a barebones repetitive 5/10 bore of a game. The strategy spin-off Fist of Mars was better. I'd rather have another of those.


Like what? I only played the demo of the first game because it came on a magazine.

>The strategy spin-off Fist of Mars was better
I just played the first couple of missions, it seems pretty poor so far.

Literally EVERYONE have the same opinion about the first game and love the second.

They're remastering it for Piss4 and PissC though.

Yeah, it's just a port
I can just pop it in pcsx2 or if I'm very fancy, my ps3

It emulates well? I was always under the impression that it didn't.

Don't get me wrong, if you compare it to other strategy games it's certainly by no means a great game. I'd just personally rather play a middling strategy game than a complete crap action game, is all.

>Why don't they make games about Japanese "Mechs" IE: jets with legs
Because people have taste now.

I didn't really like ZOE1

But goddamn ZoE2 is great, hitting those Zero Shifts in the final boss felt perfect.

Back then when i was a kid i remember i replayed the ZoE demo over and over again because i loved it, i remember Jehuty(?) had this move where he made a ball of energy on his hand and threw it, i loved that shit.

For some reason i never played the full game, or the sequel.

>The bosses get larger and larger and their abilities get more and more crazy
>The final boss is just piloting the same shit you are

I love when games do this.

Yeah its Jehuty, and he does have that energy ball move.

The 2nd is much better than the demo you've played, Maybe you should be excited for the rerelease.

It's going to flop

this is right before gaming taking the turn that eventually led to the decline in 2007. basically this was made still when games were for nerds, were not main stream and were still very creative. I remember loving this game when it came out and almost nobody knew about it or cared about it.

>Seeing how this thread is dying
It seems no one still cares about it.

The second game was an actual game rather than a paid demo.

>Everyone buys ZoE1 for the MGS2 demo
>high sales, so ZoE2 is greenlit
>nobody buys it because zoE1 was fucking dogshit

Such is life

Why was the first one so mediocre?

Budget issues? like for fuck sakes the story isn't much other than bad guys attack your home. The first runner doesn't need to exist at all, it doesn't even establish the world of ZOE

The first one was worth it just for the ending where Anubis appears and you can't even hit him

I want a Zone of the Enders 3 where you play as Neo-Leo.
He went from being a little bitch to being Megaman Zero

this shit was smooth as fuck in extreme mode wityh jehuty v 2.0, then you gotta rescue viola and delete the fucking virus and it's just rape after rape, anyway this game makes muh dick diamonds

I still can't figure out how to find the guy that hides at the beginning of the game whenever I replay it. It's just down to luck for me

because it's getting really really REALLY expensive to do them. even if the game's good, one flop on sales can close a less known studio. you can also consider cases where a publisher will try sabotage a studio's development process in order to bring them close to bankrupcy and try an agressive takeover and you have a pretty hostile environment for creative development