This is the truth

This is the truth

Other urls found in this thread:

>OW not more popular than Starcraft
Is this referring to the competitive scene's popularity?

No you're right it should be higher
It didn't occur to me when I placed it that there's no way it should be lower then fighting games

>SFV requiring more skill than any of the smash(s) listed
This is lie.

I agree with that list

Objectively wrong as melee gets more views than Street fighter at Evo and every major tournament

>cs needing more skill than GO

>overwatch and dota require the same amount of skill


>confirmed for never playing 1.6 or below

>CS:GO needed as much skill as Tekken7
Move it underneath League of Legends

there's too many things wrong with this to count
nice """truth""" you fucking moron

>Overwatch that low on popularity
>Dota less difficult than Rocket League
>Tekken less difficult than Shit Fighter V
Fix this shit OP

> csgo, rocket league, fighting games harder than dota

>confirmed for only spouting my 1.6 meme and never playing
Nigger ive been CS since it's inception 1.6 is ezpz if you can bunny hop and awp

CS GO has been nerfed and unballanced to shit where global elite acutal requires Skill, aim, and good team economy in COMP

list ten (10) of them if you're so sure

And now Melee is getting left out of tournaments due to low players.

that would mean putting effort into fixing your shitty opinion
no thanks

>GE requiring actual skill
If you can add up 2+2 and can aim you can AT LEAST get lem. From this point, road to global is easy if you have good sound positionning, flash/smoke spots and basic team coordination. Although I agree the pro teams in GO are far more skilled than pros in 1.6

There I fixed some things

I don't agree with Tekken being harder then SF though

aha, so you dont think there's anything wrong with OP's list, now do you?
also, both this and the post you're replying to are not OP, and the opinion is not mine.

Overwatch still needs to be higher in popularity, even if it was just a three-months thing. It was 2nd on twitch for a few weeks

>SFV harder than tekken 7

Just how new are you?

Nice meme

FTFY, op


They will fall for it

>sc, csgo and dota more popular than CoD and OW at it's peak
CoD had several millions of concurrent players at one one point, something that CSGO never reached at all and Dota only had once or twice, but even then it was only 1 million, while CoD had 2 millions on xbox alone.

What's so hard about Dota and SC?

But no one has hit rocket leagues skill ceiling yet

>CS harder than any fighting game


Dunno about Dota, but SC punishes players hard for making mistakes, even small ones. Due to it being an RTS, there's plenty of opportunities for a player to make a mistake, micro or macro one.

IDK about dota but SC has some of the most dedicated pro communities ever and the things some of those chinks can do is unreal

t. button mashing Eddy player
I'd agree with USFIV being maybe harder than Tekken but SFV felt like a fucking joke when I played it. Don't know why.
>Dota still needs to be further right

No it doesn't you freaking liar

>team composition
>hero lanes
>skill and items build
>overall strategy
>literally instant reflex

I'm not sure about SC, though


It damn sure is. Fighting games is just combo memorization

Cs is much more involved
>map tatics
>economy tatics
>requires fast reflexes and precise aiming ALL WAYS
>Requires close team coordination
>Knowledge of weapon balance

> fighting games easier than dota


are you even trying u nig nog

melee has a high skill ceiling

too high, actually. that's the problem with it. there's only like 5 or 6 people who have played long enough and are autistic enough to be competitive.

> combo memorization

Okay, bait

dont kid yourself console pleb Fighting games are for niggers and DSP

>fighting game harder than any other game

Post your rank in any fighting game.

Yeah sometimes you have to block

This is much more accurate

>SFV harder than T7
>SFV harder than melee

tekken is just autistic rote memorization

only hard tech is KBD

CS was way bigger than that back in the 1.6 days. It should at least be the same level as starcraft.

you niggers can't be serious about all those games being harder than dota

Adding to previous post: while there are plenty of RTS that punish players for mistakes (it's natural for a competitive game to punish misplays), most of them are not as crucial, while a mistake can cost you the game in SC. There are also RTS games that treat making mistakes as seriously as SC, for example a mistplay with microing tanks in RA2 can cost you the game easily because you lack 1 tank, but these games usually don't have a lot of opportunities to make a serious mistake due to their extremely rigid meta. In RA2, for example, you can fuck up by not scouting with dogs and letting an engie to get to your base, making a mistake with microing tanks or harvesters, making a mistake by building too many reactionary units or not reacting on certain plays, but that's about it. In SC you can fuck up from bad building placements, bad groups, bad army composition, bad countering, bad microing, not making upgrades, not scouting properly, dying to cheese etc etc etc. Even moving your army is a challenge in SC due to pathfinding issues and 12 unit limit groups.

Hundreds of heroes and items, most of them sufficiently unique so you need to know when and what to build on who. Quick reflexes with precision, team composition being paramount due to hard counters and each mistake being extremely punishing.

Remove 'team composition' and 'item building' but turn everything else up to 11. Include proper base management and make the game faster. Basically, think of your favourite RTS game, except on cocaine.


then why have the same 2 people been in basically every tekken 7 grand finals since the release of the game?

must just be more lucky than everyone else since it's not hard right?

>I've never played anything else : the post

They played it only on twitch.

why have the same five people been winning SSBM tournaments for a decade? because nobody else cares enough.

1.6 faggots are the fucking worst. They boot up GO, get their shit pushed in, then cry about it

My brother fucking spergs out at this game everyday, can someone redpill me on it?

Dota shouldn't be that close to league

Dota shouldn't be that close to league

Dota is too far to the right.

Never played anything before CS:GO, but I think it should be closer to Dota, and dota should be Mid/Mid-High difficulty, and lower on popularity.

Played very little SC2, and 0 Starcraft, so I can't comment on those. Overwatch should be higher than everything except League, and Hearthstone, and maybe Dota.

Rocket League should be farther right than overwatch at the very least.

You're a legit idiot. Holy shit.

Smash meme shitting aside, this is mostly agreeable.


Pay to win card game

>it's not hard
>it's just that people can't get on same skill level as the elite players of the game

Okay, cunt, I'll bite.

I've played more than half of these games, if you're actually serious on your stupid comment then you're probably some random shitter who can't get past over 1k mmr. I understand your anger over it.

And if you haven't played Dota 2 then just go fuck youserlf, mate.

Does this seem right for PUBG?

(assuming popularity means games popularity overall, not just cometitive scene)

You gotta be stupid to think dota is hard

PUBG is higher than dota, but not nearly as difficult.

But people do care, otherwise there wouldn't be a scene, it's just that nobody is as good as those few players. You either have to spend all your time playing melee, or just be a prodigy at fighting games.

you're confusing "can't" with "no interest to"

same reason that furry dude dominates NRS games. who else cares? if SF pros actually cared and focused on NRShit, they would dominate it

sf v top 8 2017 was the most viewed thing in EVO history

Guilty Gear AC versions are harder then all of these, even the base mechanics are impossible:
>2f counters.
Literally impossible to consistently do this even if you've been playing for 10+ years.

>Street Fighter V is on the same tier as Hearthstone
come the fuck on

lol and dota are pretty equal in difficulty, dumbass.

Post mmr.

>lol and dota are pretty equal in difficulty

Have any of you actually played HoTS?

Like I don't think it's as hard as DoTA but I don't see why it's not as hard as League.

Uh, no it's fucking not?

Why is PUBG slightly more right than smash?

Not him, but they have non-existent mechanical skill or execution.

Thanks for the (You) but you're wrong.
You're either shitposting, are a league babby, are an "assfaggots" faggot, or are genuinely retarded.

You're all retarded. Rocket league needs to be ranked higher on the skill ceiling.

>who else cares?
there's at least like 30 people who play NRS games as a full time career, why are none of them on his level?

You gotta be stupid to think dota is hard. Period. It wouldn't have such a huge player base if it wasn't easier than other harder genres. Moba as a genre FEELS difficult but it's pathetically pick up and play. So fuck you, you casual.

>but they have non-existent mechanical skill or execution

Mainly because I couldn't fit it in anywhere else, I'll admit I have played smash though

>Communal levels
>No items
>Very little character depth
It's only redeeming quality is having to memorize the different maps. It's not a bad game, but it's certainly not a difficult one.

>football kart game
>you just literally run in random directions
>if you act retard enough you get to score

Heroes of the Storm is pretty fun...

PUBG is not fucking hard, at all.. It's a fucking meme game and e-sport wise it will never be taken seriously by design just like cardstone

fighting game guy here, lemme help you out

How much have you played, what games in this chart have you actually played?

Post mmr.

This. Heathstone is more difficult than ShitFighter 5: Rashido Edition

post your MMR

If you're shit yeah

Go on, tell me what execution skills there are. Outline it for me.

Yeah, nah. Sm4sh is harder than SFV.

Fuck no
>halo, one of the most popular franchises on earth is less popular than SFV on it's peak
>Rocket League is less popular than CS1.6 despite having 100k players easily
>1.6 that far right despite it being only marginally better than CSGO, but even that is questionable
>1.6 being that close to CSGO in popularity, something that never ever happened since the game never reached over 100k players
>SC at it's peak with several thousands of people on iCCup, battlenet and other custom servers along with tens of thousands of people on FISH being more popular than SC2 at it's peak with tens on thousands of people worldwide in each region
>Dota being more popular than heartstone and that far right
>Call of Duty being less popular than CSGO despite shadowing CSGO with playercount at one point no problem
>Heroes after 2.0 being that lower than Tekken7 nobody plays anymore