This was a good little game. Billie is alright. The levels were well designed. Fun abilities. 8/10, might replay in the future.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm enjoying my time with it too, OP. Starting the bank robbery mission now. A bit of a pain in the ass that it re-uses the same city as the second mission.
Does Daud show up?
Yeah. He's a major character.
Like, immediately.
Oh shit I might actually play it now.
I'd avoid this thread if I were you. You're about to get spoiled, mate.
Good taste, user.
> Billie is alright.
At least she didn't sound like nigga.
> The levels were well designed
10/10 objectivlely, god tier level design and best in industry overall
Did you spare Outsider? Killing him was dumb imo. Daud blaming outsider for everything sounded like a kid. I liked spare ending more, he's just another victim.
Also, now I want to replay DH2 even more
>Loot on top of a building
>Grab it all
>My wanted poster is there
>Weird, oh well
>Eyeless spawns behind you
Haven't beaten it yet but I'm definitely sparing the Outsider. I kinda get why Daud hates him so much but it's just such blatant blame-shifting that I can't side with him. (Which I like. It's a character flaw of Daud's that humanizes him.) It's like blaming gun violence on the manufacturers. Yes, the Outsider gave Daud powers but it was 100% on Daud how he chose to use them.
Part of me kinda likes that there's no Chaos system for this so I can either choke or kill enemies whenever I want depending on the situation without going "Shit, I killed one enemy, better reload my save".
And yes, absolutely 10/10 level design. Literally no one in the industry better than Arkane on that front, in my opinion. I might be in the minority but I was okay with Missions 2/3 being on the same map, because I LOVE the feeling of casing a joint during the day, then robbing it later at night.
>pic unrelated, but delicious
>Did you spare Outsider?
Shame there was no boss battle or anything overly difficult in the last stretch. Some void horrors would've been cool.
>Part of me kinda likes that there's no Chaos system for this so I can either choke or kill enemies whenever I want depending on the situation without going "Shit, I killed one enemy, better reload my save".
I'm still like that because of my autism, but now I don't get rewarded with the levels being different because of it.
>Part of me kinda likes that there's no Chaos system for this so I can either choke or kill enemies whenever I want depending on the situation without going "Shit, I killed one enemy, better reload my save".
100 times THIS. Kinda lame to spare some thug who kill innocents without hesitation just because MUH chaos level.
The only downside were the abilities. Blink was replaced with something much worse and unnecesarily convoluted. On the other hand, you didn't need to replenish mana anymore.
wha? where was that
>*blockz yo path*
Blink is available on NG+ tho
I liked that new one tho, so many possibilities with 2nd ability and levels were designed so that you can use that combo and gain a greater shortcut or just find another way in
John Boyega's best role to date
The problem with the Chaos stuff for me was knocking them out or killing them was the same, since they never woke up from being choked.
>was going for the Perfect Crime achievement in NG+
>my face when realizing the new powers essentially cucked me out of it
I didn't like Foresight at all.
Until I started combo'ing Displace with it and now I fucking love it even more than Blink.
I want more qt negresses in vidya.
nope because if a black person plays a central role in a videogame its a jewish trick to make waipepo want to become traps and serve the black masters
Displace is better than regular Blink once you get the bonecharm that lets you quickly teleport.
Billie isn't cute.
>completely rapes Dishonored, even more than the second game did
I hate sequels. First Prototype and his "lol Mercer is actually a bad guy now", and now Dishonored "lol the Outsider isn't some leviathan but just a fuccboi who got shanked".
I wish I had a black mistress to serve.
Ehh why? I did that shit on NG+ without problems. Blink has long distance and you can warp on that stairs near first sentinel guard without problems.
You can get mad if you want, but literally no one at Arkane ever said "yup, the Outsider is definitely a magical whale". Sorry your headcanon didn't turn out right, kid.
You go ahead and go for all the ugly niggers then.
It's in the books, you should've played Dishonored once in your life, baby.
Find me the quote, then. Prove your bullshit claim.
I'm not obligated to spoonfeed you anything.
Go buy the game and play it, and you'll find it yourself.
Or are you too shit to play such a simple game?
Cool, you're wrong. Bye.
Sorry to hear you're shit.
Casual trash catering to the main audience, with a lot of retarded retcon and everyone in it being legitimately stupid.
>"abnlublu the outsider is to blame for everything"
>moron, YOU killed the empress
It's not canon, but it doesn't mean it's not disappointing, dishonored 2 is just a disappointment in every way when it comes to the story and the world.
I don't know if they just fired their writers so they can pay the level designers some more, or what, but it's just such a huge drop in quality.
Finishing chaos run on D2 before I play this. What's your favorite Sup Forums? Despite 2 being very good, my favorite is still 1 overall. I liked the assassination targets more, the dlc was pretty good as well.
>I wouldn't have killed her if I haven't had these powers
This is what made me hate that spin off.
Either it's brilliant writing and Daud is a giant fucking retard, or the devs completely rape what happened in the previous games.
Sorry to hear you're objectively wrong. But, having provided no evidence and fleeing the argument, you already knew you were wrong.
Third mission. If you enter from the rail, it's the first building right in front of the gate, you just need to displace up. There's a bonecharm in there the second mission too.
Who cares about story when the gameplay is good? It wasnt even bad tho. Fuck off
Yeah they fucked up majorly in the story and characters.
The first is objectively better, because there's more mystery to it. I like the fact that the Outsider seems completely out of your league, with dialogues suggesting he's a god, an elder whale, or even something else entirely. Made it really fun to see him growing disappointed when you kill everyone, or getting interested when you just spare people.
Then the second game arrived and he turned from some mystical god to a trickster imp.
Yeah man, I know that. In 2nd mission there is an amulet on the ground. But there was nobody on that roof in 3rd mission. I thought Daud left that stuff for Billy
I thought they woke up if someone else found them
Yup, but not in new one.
Yeah the mystery in the first game gave it a lot of charm. The improvements in 2 weren't enough to make up for what they did with the setting for me, the overall package is better in the first one.
Honestly? I believe that they're showing Daud unraveling. He's getting old, he's near death, he knows his life has been an unrelenting shitshow of murder and darkness, but he's unwilling (incapable?) of accepting the blame. SURELY if the Outsider had never given him powers, Daud would've been a good boy and retired to a small peaceful village to sell wine, right?
No, Daud is human. He fucked up a lot of shit and he just can't deal with it. He's utterly unwilling to accept that everything he did was 100% his choice. He's lashing out on his deathbed, looking to blame anyone or anything for his shitty actions, and I like that. We saw a little of the repentant, remorseful Daud in KoD/BW campaigns, where he increasingly regretted killing the Empress, slowly realizing that no matter how he tried to justify himself, HE was the bad guy.
Just my take on it. Some people seem mad that it's "so out of character" for Daud but, in my mind, if you've been paying attention, it makes perfect sense.
>Haven't beaten it yet but I'm definitely sparing the Outsider. I kinda get why Daud hates him so much but it's just such blatant blame-shifting that I can't side with him. (Which I like. It's a character flaw of Daud's that humanizes him.) It's like blaming gun violence on the manufacturers. Yes, the Outsider gave Daud powers but it was 100% on Daud how he chose to use them.
Not to mention Daud was a famed murdered 9 years before he was even Marked, so it's not like he was that innocent afterwards. He just went from killing lower/middle class people to killing upper class people.
I literally, 45 minutes ago, just finished Mission 2 and watched a guard discover a sleeping guard then kick him to wake him up, which he promptly did. Please don't lie on Sup Forums.
I like that Billie commented on that. She's at the heart of the Void and there's no great evil beast to defeat there; just the solemn song of the whales and the petrified body of the cult's greatest victim.
But it's super in character for Daud, he's been a cowardly hypocrite even since the original game. They literally had to make a DLC to make him look less bad.
He gives Corvo a "I don't want to kill anymore" speech WHILE PREPARING TO HAVE CORVO KILLED.
My only issue was how casual Billie was about the Outsider taking her eye and arm.
She did act a bit casual, but she'd felt it coming for a long time. She wasn't meant to have her arm and eye still.
I feel like Daud could've shouldered the burden of being a low/mid-level assassin but when he got superpowers, killed the most powerful woman on the planet, and sunk multiple countries into chaos, it kinda broke him. He never acted like what he was doing before wasn't bad, but the shit he did after meeting the Outsider was vast orders of magnitude greater than anything he did before. Deep down, I think he KNOWS he's guilty as fuck but he's unwilling to go to his grave bearing that blame. His last-ditch effort to save what's left of his soul is to blame it all on someone else.
I lack words to say how much I loved that atmosphere in the first. That feeling that were was *something* waking up because of the whales getting killed. That fear, about what will happen once there are no more whales, since the economy in Dishonored runs on whale oil.
And the Outsider...
Man, that was some Lovecraftian shit here, but even better, because the Outsider wasn't evil or malevolent, he just observed. I really liked how he wasn't encouraging you to kill like a stereotypical villain.
And Corvo being silent made sense, I always assumed he took some vow to speak as little as possible until Emily was on the throne again. Still a bit disappointed that you never really get to see him regaining his honor. The game was good, but the ending was a bit lacking.
And then the second game arrived and
They forgot all the subtility, red herrings and hints from the first game and just turned it into "DISHONORED FOR DUMMIES", with stuff shoved in your face, in case you were doubting.
Daud is human, and a complete scumbag as well. I also preferred him in the first game, especially in the DLC, where he really sounds like he's doubting his actions, resigning himself to Corvo coming after him. His actions in the main game where he can't kill Corvo and begs for forgiveness make a lot more sense.
Yeah, that. I remember that in High Chaos, he sends his entire gang after you, and then beg for forgiveness. That was pretty neat.
Maybe they shoulda made him sound more scared.
>Yes, the Outsider gave Daud powers but it was 100% on Daud how he chose to use them
Billie even calls Daud out on it, says that Daud could have used the powers for anything he wanted but he used them for killing just like she did, and says that both of them need to atone.
They do but its rare that happens with how small patrol routes are. Not to mention you could just spend one second to hide them behind a box. I don't even think they notice if their talking buddy disappears
You raise some good points that I agree with, but if you honestly didn't get that Emily was Corvo's daughter from the first game then you simply weren't paying attention.
I love Foresight. It's a better dark vision that can actually see items properly.
Yup. Billie called his ass on it to his face. Loved that.
I really like these two. Can't put my finger on it. You almost can't even call them "anti-heroes", they're so fucking scummy. But I guess I have a soft spot for a tale of two shitty people who know how shitty they are, and that nothing will ever change their shitty actions, but god damn it, they're gonna TRY because it's better than sitting around getting drunk and self-loathing.
They know they're going to Hell, no doubt, but they'll try to do a LITTLE good on earth before they do.
A bad story just bothers me, same with MGSV, even if the gameplay is good, I just have that constant thought in my head about how badly they fucked the story up whenever I see it.
And even worse there's multiple sections in the game, that are completely unskippable, just three minutes straight where you can't do shit, but listen to the shitty new outsider talk on, and on.
I can't ignore the shitty story when it's shoved in my face.
> low range
> can't mark enemies
> only see those who's behind the wall
dark vision is shit
I dunno, at first, I thought it was just his devotion to the Empress.
After all, it's explained in the game that he barely talks, is considered with suspicion since he's a stranger, and the scandal if an Empress had a kid with her bodyguard made me think no more of it.
And then I found a secret recording from her, so I started doubting.
I like how things were in the first. I prefer when things are hinted. Emily being his daughter, or him being just incredibly loyal to Jessamine. Whether or not he already had powers before escaping from Coldbridge and getting the Outsider's mark.
And also if you get rid of Lady Boyle after writing your name in the book, without crashing the party.
Small details like that.
I can't handle 25-minute JRPG cutscenes so I kinda feel you, but if you literally get mad at a 2-3 minute conversation like that, you should probably just play CoD.
At least with MGSV, you can relax by just attacking outposts.
Not to mention it takes them YEARS before they are even willing to even face their actions.
When Corvo is locked away but escapes, there is a letter saying nearby that Daud is sending Corvo to an execution by the Loyalists, the very people who want to exploit Emily for the throne, and Daud is the whole reason for that in the first place. When you confront Billie in Knife of Dunwall, she's not even slightly apologetic that she had her own friends and allies killed.
To be fair, that's been canon since 2014
As an autist who always feels the need to go as non-lethal as possible, I welcomed playing Billie and the exclusion of the Chaos system. I still focused on stealth and usually knocked people out if they were in the way, however, I was still in the clear to go Lethal with certain characters I felt deserve it. Billie's repentant, but she still believes that some people simply need to die - like the taxidermist. I did kill each and every cultist at Shandaery Peak for some reason; it felt like the way to go.
>Dishonored: Sneaky Androgynous Negress Edition
No thanks. Also, stuff it up your progressive asses, Arkane.
There are actually several more hints throughout the game too.
If you eavesdrop on Havelock and the others, they are discussing how Emily's age conveniently matches when Corvo became the Empress' bodyguard. There are some other hidden bonuses too.
To be fair, he's a shitposting retard that got BTFO.
I'll never aknowledge Prototype 2 as canon.
For me, it's a shitty, edgy fanfic that rape Mercer's character into a misanthropist faggot who does evil things to the lulz.
But wait a minute...
I remember a book saying that Jessamine picked Corvo as a bodyguard when he was still a child.
My problem isn't the conversations, my problem is that they're completely unskippable and you can't do anything during them, and there is zero reason for being unable to skip them, there's plenty of similar conversations in the game you can.
Note that this is only a problem on repeat playthroughs obviously, and I think that's where he game shines, or at least the first did, since the second basically removed that.
One nice example is the outsider shrines, in D1 you got three versions of his speech, pre-kill, after kill, and non-lethal, in D2 there's only one.
post yo favorite levels niggas
Why does everyone get butthurt over Billie Lurk.
She's a black female, it's not a big fucking deal. She's been around way before Goobergate happened. She's bisexual which is a bit stupid but you can overlook it. She has a good reason to stop the Outsider and team up with Daud.
I'm sorry we don't get more straight white men protags but it doesn't mean every developer is pandering to SJWs.
>tfw solved the Jindosh lock without doing the level
>She's bisexual
I haven't even played the shit but how did I already know the ugly bitch was some flavor of dyke?
>Anyone who doesn't spout Sup Forums memes is Reddit
This is why it's so infuriating that you retards keep saying stupid shit like this. If you don't like the game, why are you in this thread? You won't give it a chance because of your racist opinions? That's so immature that I'm sure you are under 18.
If you played Dishonored 2 you'd already know this.
>mfw an absolute madman killed Jindosh while he was at the bridge mocking you behind the bulletproof glass
>god tier level design
How? D2 levels were decent, it's only great compared to japshit levels and that's not a good bar to base on.
That's nice, user, now do this
Hi there fellow redditor, and welcome to Sup Forums!
As you may have noticed, all posts are Anonymous, so there's no need to shitpost to soothe your flaming butt!
I'm happy to have enlightened you, and have a merry time on our imageboard!
I loved how when you find Daud and turn off the suppression field, everyone just fucking drops to the floor as he materialises infront of you. Ie; how other people see Time Stop. I found that exceedingly badass to actually witness
The writers are the same as they were in the first game. I guess it was just a case of less being more with the first game.
>good games
you know perfectly well it's about forced introduction of PoC within existing franchises, even Sup Forums wouldn't give a shit about black characters in some new IP
And what's even interesting that will those guys be killed or just knocked out depends on your playstyle of that level
Really? I was a bit surprised they were just knocked out when I played, but I figured it was because Daud had largely stopped killing (despite that the letter from Thomas + his reputation as a ring fighter countradicting that).
Honestly that was my greatest disappointment with Daud in the DLC. The D1 DLCs were about Daud's redemption arc, and in his plea for his life to Corvo he says he's had enough killing. It's not so much that he'd still kill at all, but it being his default method of conflict resolution struck me as very off.
That makes him a hypocrit.
That's not a bad thing.
That means that sparing him was the wrong thing.
What was this note all about then?
Holy shit, really? I knocked out everyone before freeing Daud so I never saw any of that. That sounds fucking badass, I'm replaying Mission 1 tonight.
I love the brief moments you get to see Void powers from a normie's perspective, like the opening of D2 when Corvo gets surrounded and just APPEARS behind a guy and impairs him before you can even blink. No flashing lights, no particle effects, he just straight-up teleports behind u.