Why aren't tourism video games a thing yet? It's not like the industry doesn't have the technology or engines for it...

Why aren't tourism video games a thing yet? It's not like the industry doesn't have the technology or engines for it. They've had them for decades. Like imagine a game using the P5 or Yakuza engine for exploring a specific country, participating in the local cultures and activities while maybe learning the language.

The only game I can think of off the top of my head that does something like this is Go Go Nippon and that's nowhere near what I'm thinking of.

Just go there you fucking neet jesus christ this is almost as bad as wanting sex games becausr you can't get laid.

Back to NeoGaf. Adults are talking.

Sounds boring as fuck. Such a shit idea.

I think that would be pretty cool.

Currently playing Shenmue 2. Are there any other games like Shenmue and Yakuza that give you that "its like im really in japan" feel. I enjoy all the asian faces, cultural shock and pointing at unstanslated text with google translate.

There's Akiba's Trip and Persona 3-5. Can't think of any others.

You're a pretty pathetic weeaboo.

If you want to be in Japan so much, why don't you learn the language, get an applicable degree and find a job there?

>No fun allowed.

Are you samefagging? Just curious.

Kiwami/Yakuza 1 shows the reality of being a foreigner in a big city. You are going to be scammed/lied to/possibly robbed.

They'd shun the fuck outta him. Japan hates weebs.

Middle dude here. It's a garbage idea.

No one's talking about actually going there, retard.

See He can keep his weeaboo interests to himself. Although seeing him in this thread that's probably impossible, so you have a point, JCE pal.


Japanese Culture Expert

Depends, in third world and American cities? Yeah probably. The UK? Good chance. Personally never had a problem and I've been all over China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam.

Assassin's Creed

Can you do other things in AC besides fighting and assassinating?

Not him, but not that I think of. You can just walk through a crowd and keep stealing their money and if they try to make a fight, punch them. Although map exploring may be fun if that's your thing.

Nothing cool like Yakuza. Thry totally should, though.
AC 1,2, and Brotherhood don't have much side activities (Brotherhood has a fight club, I think). Same with Revelations.
3 introduced playable board games and hunting, Black Flag improved upon that with whale hunting, diving, and bar fights. Rogue offers pretty much the same things.
Don't remember much about Unity and Syndicate.

The games are pretty atmospheric, though. Visiting famous places, reading up on history, listening to people singing and having a good time.
More interactivity like in Yakuza could actually improve those games and give the protagonists more depth.

>tourism video game
GTA is America trip sim to me
Killing fat burgers and niggers are fucking fun

Have you heard of Google earth?

>Genuine autists can't comprehend appreciating a different culture in a healthy and modest fashion the moment it's Japanese, there's only xenophobic or weeaboo.
Imagine this silly shit if we were talking about American agriculture or exploring the Thailand wilderness.

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