Leave 2017 to me

Leave 2017 to me.

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K I N O .

The first one was the best resident evil since 4, hopefully this one will be even better.

Just last night I uninstalled the first game that I was 2/3rds near completion, got tired of sluggishness, recycled encounters and overall lack of imagination and innovation. Just hope they get rid of the horrible Carmack's engine for the second part and it might be worth to pirate it.

>made by the guy who made the terrible DLC for the first game

Dead on arrival.

first game was shit.


Carmack made the engine?


Same engine "runs" Rage

Found three casuals.


Is there a bigger casual filter than TEW?

t. reddit aka Sup Forums

> nice balance of stealth and shooting
Lel, dlcs were better than original game, you shit taste faggot

>mfw I've completed the first game on all difficulties

You've got to try harder than that shill. It's made by a hack, so it'll be shit.

>the game was meant to be action horror like RE4 but Beth forced in the stealth segments to appeal to casuals who enjoyed games like TLoU

Kek must be nice to live in ignorance.


the evil within gameplay

>mfw ive followed the first game on twitch for ages just to see 95% of the people who start it genuinely get mad and talk shit before they drop it in chapter 3
it's fucking hilarious

fa real brah?

Look it up. I was fucking pissed when I found out because I hated the stealth segments and just knowing it could have been another RE4, or close to, really killed my enjoyment of the series.

I'm one of those people but I'm gonna try again before TEW 2 comes out.

Nah the game does get repetitive and lazy in the second half, they probably just ran out of budget

>thinks baby's first stealth shit is good
>thinks Amnesia/Outlast horror that is as scary as a loud cat at night is good
>thinks anything related to Evil Within is good
I'm happy that you have no taste at all.

Only thing even close to "RNG" is the light aim spread or however you call that shit where bullets don't hit where you aim.



I'm sure you have.

I thought it was a reference to the game constantly switching between action and stealth.

I guess if "pcgamesn" says it then there's no way I could possibly like it

Actually the best stealth game I played recetly is MGSV. For this decade at least it has the best stealth. But we're talking about survival horror here and EW dlcs had good balance.

>waaah first Evil Within and the DLCs are too linear and unlike my Resident Evils with its light back tracking
>ok, the game world is a bit more open this time
>waaah they fell for the open world meme.
You can never please people

pic related.

I wonder what happened to Joseph. It's never was explained in DLC, and I couldn't find any mention of him in interviews about TEW2.

Game looks promising, but I probably gonna wait until X-mas sale.

>The puzzle answer is literally on the fucking wall in all its fuzzy megatexture glory

doesn't make it a good gameplay

DLC was shit, TeW2 will suck.

The first game was a mediocre resident evil 4 that "tried" to be more horror oriented; why should I care about the second?

my bad , i make it with chance.
never know , it was on the shitty texture wall

With TEW and RE7 I'm glad Survival horror is going back to being about fighting monsters and puzzle solving rather then hiding in a closet horror.

>Enemy gets within a mile near you
>Get locked into an animation and forced to take damage from the enemy on the other side of the level

Keeper DLC was cool though

only time you have to stealth in the game is in chapter 1 getting past the sadist which takes 20 seconds once you figure out what to do
DSP is that you?

Why do people act like this was anything other than a poor man's RE4?

The only thing it did well was not having competition when it released.

Pretty sure he died in the simulation, remember how he was always bleeding?

anyone here interest in this? I can post a whole thing

That only shows how many hours you idled for, not that you beat it on all difficulties.

fuck off nerd

Fine here.

Post full story please

It would be nice but desu these threads dont last super long.

Why is he so bloody?

>not Akumu

He left the game open for 80 hours just so he can shitpost on Sup Forums pretending he played the game

How well does the first game run on PS4 Pro?

Why was the first game so popular with landwhales?

It dosn't unlock anything so there's no point.

This will be my 2017 GOTY for sure if it's even a tiny bit as good as the first game.

Please post, user. I would love to read it.






Evil within 1 was one of the worst games of its year
How the fuck did it get a sequel


Local man doesn't like things




End yourself



No, you end yourself












That's it for now.

Thanks user. When's there gunna be more?

October 4th if i remember correctly


New long haired girl boss.