Rank the Trinities
2. NES
3. Gameboy
4. 3ds
5. Wii
This is some bad bait dude, but I'll tell you the best game on each Nintendo system
>SNES: Super Metroid
>N64: OoT
>GC: REmake
>Wii: TP
>Wii U: Bayonetta 2
>NS: BotW
>VB: VB Wario Land
>GBC: Pokémon GSC
>GBA: Pokémon RSE
what's the bait?
Where's the gamecube?
Super Mario Bros. 3 should be there instead of Metroid, Super Mario Land 2 and Tetris should be there instead of Super Mario Land and Metroid II, Chrono Trigger should be there instead of Super Mario World, Wii Sports Resort, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Xenoblade Chronicles are should be the Wii trinity and Super Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem Awakening should be there instead of Super Mario 3D World and Metroid: Samus Returns.
>No Gamecube
>Other M
This isn't the best games on each system you retarded samefag.
GC, N64 and DS didn't have Metroid games
GBA didn't have a Mario game
>Not having pokemon blue/red/yellow as part of the holy trinity of Gameboy.
What are you, gay?
Replace Other M with MP:Trilogy.
>Gc didn't have a Metroid game
>Replace a mainline entry with the spinoff Trilogy
>GC didn't have Metroid game
Nigga wut
>GC and DS didn't have Metroid games
Okay 2D fag. Saged
Why do people always try to shoehorn in metroid as on the same par as zelda and mario this way?
I'd personally consider kirby just as important once you're including metroid
baito desu.
If he was going by 'first unique entry on the platform' Wii's Metroid game should be Prime 3.
Because Pokemon and Kirby arent first party franchises. Kirby is made by HAL, not Nintendo
>GC didn't have a Metroid Game
They own the IP of both you retard.
GCN had the best Metroid games ever, and was the platform for the grand return of the series. DS had Prime Hunters which was a legit FPS with online play, back when Nintendo didn't do that shit and introduced a lot of cool characters to the Metroid universe.
2D faggot.
>GCN had the best Metroid games ever
That doesn't make them first party. They are second party games because they are made by a studio they own, but aren't developed in house.
Same reason neither franchise appeared in Nintendoland for wiiu
Wii belongs to the bottom with Skyward Sword and Other M. Don'r really care about the rest of the rankings, they're all good games otherwise.
and yet pokemon sells more than the three together
Man I know this is the baitiest bait that ever baited but you seriously think that other M is more significant than prime one and two?
This faggot probably does. He probably also cummed when Samus got scared of Ridley because it reminds him of his tentacle porn.
It's a far better Metroid game than the Haloids, that for sure.
Well that's just not true at all
>Metroid Prime ripped off Halo
Okay xbot.
Cry harder. What's it like being part of a such a small minority that never gets taken seriously?
But they're actually really good, though. The whole game still keeps the style just right, It's just three-dimensional. Prime 3 was a bit of a letdown with all the cinematic shit, but the first prime is still really true to its roots.