The great debate:
Do you prefer boobplate or practical armour for vidya girls?
The great debate:
plate armor with open midriff
Boob plate. Girls already wear practical armor in real life.
Ornate dress with random pieces of practical armor
I prefer frilly plate
Titties need to breath, let them be free
for some reason girls in practical armour are more sexy to me than boobplate which seems kinda ridiculous and embarrassing
a practical armor with good design
por que no los dos
Boobplate for eastern, practical for western
pic unrelated?
The bigger her boobs are the stronger the girl.
So it stands to reason she should display them proudly to ward off competitors.
Practical armor or slutty cloth/leather armor.
No slutty plate mail or shit like that. It just looks like it hurts.
probably a guy but close enough
Practical. If the armor doesn't cover 100% of my chars body and make it impossible to see any detail beyond their height/width, its shit armor and fuck you whoever made it
I prefer armour like that.
I prefer flat girls so it doesn't matter.
modest boobplate is best boobplate
Practical armour is, and it always will be, better that boobplate.
My God i fucking hate GATE so much, i don't thing that there is an anime that i hate more.
>tfw no greatsword gf
You prefer shit so your opinion doesn't matter.
Do i need glasses or do the arm pieces look like plastic?
As discussed in a previous thread, light metal armour with a skirt.
Whats the point of woman if theyre not being sexualized?
Flat girls are cute because they have low self-esteem about their boob size. Cute>sexy all day every day.
Practical armor with boobs.
they're still being sexualized, you just unable to appreciate it.
nice and all but whats with the lizard claws coming out of her calves
Great taste
How about getting laid?
Is this JAV?
why are you asking stupid questions, you dumb nigger?
Triggered feminists.
I would prefer no girls because war is for men only
It's not some child's play, it's a serious conflict.
"Practical," though limited amounts of plate shaped like boobs is fine if the setting is fantasy. Tera Castanic-like bikini armor will always be fucking garbage outside of H-Games though. It's just lazy design and is probably a pinching/poking hazard with every step.
Modest frilly dresses with bits of plate are acceptable too in comfy JRPG fantasy settings.
That might as well be a man.
>Guaranteed replies
actually Nero has some of the best variation.
Ornate dress armor with lots of lace and frills.
t. neverserved
I'm serious
This debate thing is just a childish thing for your abhorrent fantasies
How are you supposed to immerse yourself with things far too unrealistic?
This, women in armor are already impractical anyway.
this is what you sound like
You don't have to serve to know that shit's no joke.
Thats a man.
Not even fun just so stupid
But if anything, is how it should be
Depends on the game‘s atmosphere and background.
i.e. Charlotte in fire emblem in comparison with bikini armor in Skyrim.
>Tfw you will never be a girl trying to sneak into the military, be found out, and then kept as a gangbang toy for the soldiers
I agree. Games should change the rules and let women be just as Huge as the men. I mean plenty of settings have gods make all species and they don't evolve so gods could just make men and women have equal minimum and maximum size and strength and the women won't devolve. Thus keeping internal consistency. But no one does this, the closest you get are species who are all small and prissy.
well, at least you have good taste
I like my vidya girls to be wizards.
Practical but in a way that still shows off the hips&ass
This armor, plz.
But wizards have to be smart.
>not being patrician enough to be turned on by armoured ladies
Bikini sluts are so common it doesn't even do much for me anymore.
Practical armor. Boob plates and chainmail bikini triggers my medieval larp autism.
Depends on the genre entirely.
>The only armor is plate armor
>Not giving them chainmail that naturally hugs their curves a little
I think you read my mind spot on user
If you wanna put females in a war game of any kind you gotta make em gritty too, unless the game's atmosphere is already some obnoxious fantasy type imo
is yellow armored character a boy or a girl?
These losers would get ripped to shreds by mere ARROWS hahahaha
One of my greatest fetishes is girls in full-body armor, whether it be sci-fi or fantasy or whatever
Also it doesn't work unless their helmet is on and you can't see their face
I don't know why
Thats not patrician at all.
Hips are too wide for a boy.
If it is, he's a girly-looking boy.
They have PLOT armor so it nullifies the lack of physical armor dumbass.
Practical for cuteness and boobplate for lewd.
But female knights are ok?
Girls in practical armor are cute
>thats a 10/10 in Ireland
i prefer both at once.
there needs to be some boobplate sets and some practical sets
I want to watch a woman take 20 minutes unfastening her platemail, then 10 more taking off all the under-padding and the rest of her clothes.
Whenever I see this I can't help but think what happens when a sword catches on one of the breast.
Thirsty virgin.
I mean, either one is fine. Either one can be sexy, either one can be cool/fun, either one can be unattractive. As long as it's well designed it's all gravy.
I guess it's easier for boobplate to be unattractive. The worst practical armor can be is just boring, but poorly designed boobplate is actively ugly.
How about practical boobplate?
Of course boobplate. This is fiction, user, I don't want no practical shit. Practical is boring.
>stions, you dumb nigger?
> Anonymous 09/21/17(Thu)10:05:
Looks like it's just part of the armor
what if she had some assistance?
A feminist thinks all men who dare even compliment a woman's appearance are thirsty virgins so thats not saying much.
can you post exempls?