Other urls found in this thread:
>when the update hits its going to be a huge nerf to anything fun thanks to comp fags
I dont have faith
I wish they would just give the game to a group of dedicated fans instead of the 8 some people working on the game. But that will never happen.
-They took away my stickyjumper
-They took away my Bison
-They took away my Caber
-Can't even Demoknight for fun unless it's a very specific cookiecut loadout
-Liberty Launcher is uninteresting
-Cool weapons like Sun on a Stick and Volcano Fragment have no use
I could go on
It's thursday
Imagine being this autistic to keep making, and replying to the same thread for the past year because the devs of the dead game you talk about cucks you beyond belief
I find the game horribly uninteresting unless I can get 10+ people on my steamlist to play on the private server we use to frequent that is dead.
It's been very painful. Trust me. We haven't been fully cucked yet. If the update is a horrible abomination of an update. Than it is beyond being cucked. We'd have to invent a new word for it. Pic related. It's how I feel on the inside knowing the update is going to trash. I hyped myself up too much. Not this time valve. I won't be fooled again
It literally, physically, mentally, socially, figuratively is not.
the van?
They don't release updates without the two-day update blog post.
valve sucks
they dont care about their games
only microtransactions
The caber was no fun. That shit needed to be nerfed.
It's been almost 2 years i left TF2, when the skins were introduced.
why does everyone now use skin weapon, what the fuck, this isn't csgo god damnit.
i'm still using my collector killstreak spy cicle that i drop and augment without paying a thing, feel nice to have it.
That's a pretty good loop,nigguh
>why does everyone now use skin weapon, what the fuck, this isn't csgo god damnit.
this thing here
haha no
i'll raffle a shitty unusual if the update is today
>Pauline has a sweet 3D model that isn't even use ingame.
I've been waiting for her been playing since expiration date, she even has her own gun.
>tfw regularly get the urge to play TF2 again before remembering how shit the performance has become, that its been visually downgraded, that any semblance of inter-class balance has been ruined with all the weapons, that community servers with an active playerbase and a map rotation that includes community ones are an endangered species, that the surfing/prophunt/pyroball community is dead, and there is STILL no way to disable cosmetics
God fucking dammit I miss pre-f2p TF2
The funny thing is the fucking awful cosmetics are demonstrably one of the reasons for the shit performance.
Disabling them entirely was proven to increase fps like four years ago.
Why did they all have to be so goddamn garish and ugly, why couldn't they make one or two that wouldn't look out of place alongside the original style
Why would she be playable? It's not like the announcer is playable.
post F2P TF2 was still fine, the game start to degrade in 2014 maybe.
T. Sniper "main" who can't into unscope
>tfw been playing since f2p update and still no other game can compete
i just want a good shootan game
It was still okay for a year or two but the community took a hit with the f2p update and that was also the time the performance started to get way worse very quickly
Pre f2p was the sweetspot
Tell me about TFC Heavy! Why does he wear the goggles?
I've never was able to play pre F2P tf2, but i started playing the day the game became F2P.
2011 TF2 was so much better than now.
for me, the best TF2 years was maybe 2012.
Almost nobody uses a skin. The only people using it are gibuses or the people who bought the expensive ones and have buyer's remorse.
Don't forget flaming faggot who like the shiny-ess of those things.
Quickly reminder that the Ghastly Gibus is now a collector hat since we can't have him since 2013.
It's strange...
also, will there be an event or at least a special item when you will play the day TF2 will be 10 years old ?
I hope not, I just uninstalled the game.
It will never ever be the night.
threadly reminder that if the pyro update ever comes out, it will be on October 10th for TF2's 10th anniversary and not a day before
I've been wearing my Gibus as a Rancho Relaxo Engineer on casual 2fort servers for about two months and so far no F2P has managed to kill me three consecutive times to claim my hat
>backstabing friendly HWGs
>get punched
>dead ringer
>disguise as a sniper
>spam medic
>backstab them again when they come back after respawn
>Kick spy 6/24 votes
>Not farming friendlies with your cursed sword for free heads
>That smart
He is unironically the dumbest of the mercs
t.scout main
Isn't pyro a ceo? It's definitely not a brainlet.
plus you'd need significant brainpower to maintain his hallucinations
>uuhh get this da big dumb looking guy is ACTUALLY super smart guys!!!
This shit is more cliche than having the big guy just be unintelligent .
>implying this is new
Poker Night says he has a PhD in Russian Literature
Why soldier so high, why scout so high?
Why demo so low?
Sober demo is pretty normal, soldier is very damaged in the head and scout can't even read.
He is kind of smart actually, but brute force stills brute force
i know, but it's still lame.
I always pictured Sniper/Heavy/Demo just being the everyman
Cucking would entail that valve is working on another game besides TF2.
Valve literally does nothing they're basically a cash mill shit company the likes of Zynga now
Plus the russian version if his meet the has him speak much more eloquently.
He's just a little rough at english
>awakening the lust I had for femme pyro when I was a teenager
Don't be gay, user
Failed step one, then
>Femme pyro skin awakened my fetish for fullbody latex + gasmask combo.
>tight bodysuit
>highheel boots
I'm not even really crazy about gas masks, I just love 'wearing nothing while wearing something'
damn you flanders
Good for you, user
Please, don't stop
I've already fapped today.
>-They took away my Bison
>-They took away my Caber
it still hurts inside to know that those weapons got nerfed to hell, those were the funniest shit you could play with
>-Can't even Demoknight for fun unless it's a very specific cookiecut loadout
only way to enjoy demoknight is to play on medieval servers now
>-Cool weapons like Sun on a Stick and Volcano Fragment have no use
they should add some 20% chance of burning player with the sun on a stick, with no damage penalty and minicrit if target is burning, also no random crit
still got nothing for fragment volcano
>thread is ruined from fempyro fuckers again
This is not that kind of thread
Kindly direct me toward a thread of that kind?
Probably on, I don't know, what're the 3DPD boards called again?
and god luck
>TF2 thread turned into latex gimp fetish thread
I have no clue why I replied to this post but alright
I've been playing this game since primary school (2010 or so)
We thought it was perfect, and now everything we want is our perfect game back
it's funny because the update will manage to miss the 10th anniversary
That's pretty much me playing Demo. Think I'm about to change the whole course of the match, fumble everything for 30 seconds and one guy takes one good shot and I'm gone.
If I could go back in time and do things differently, I'd do it all again
TF3 is announced. What would you like to see?
What would you fear to see?
put demoman's liver in to balance it out
A reworked engineer.
Trading can only be done in game through a Valve run version of, that requires a small fee for every transaction
I'd laff if it came out on the one day you don't make this stupid thread.
But seriously this is fucking ridiculous. It's been over a year. How the fuck are they gonna get scream fortress out if they're taking this long for the pyro? Or will it be more 100% community stuff and contracts(which aren't bad just lazy compared to bosses)?
every fucking tread that webm is posted
I laugh everytime
Weren't there proved to be certain hats that would contain more polygons than the map itself?
Keep telling yourself that, please, it helps me alot.
More than you think.
>she even has her own gun
I'm pretty sure it's just the spy's revolver
or a revolver that was provided thanks to the Announcer
on smaller maps like the rocket silo arena map, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest
>that one update when they added hats and made people crash when they loaded Steel
>this wasnt fix until one week later
>no Demoman
Wow racist much
What other gamemodes could be add to TF2? Maybe some community created ones?
Friendly Arena, a competition to see who can be the biggest waste of a server slot in a limited time
I want Robot Destruction to come out of beta and implemented fully into the game, with more maps.
I liked farming robots while ignoring idiots chasing kills like it was "deathmatch" on Hightower.
>robo destruction
Is that Asteroid right? I would love a 5cp version of that map
It's been forever since I played, but I loved tf2ware
I'd love a mario party in the same vein get made, if it doesn't already exist
>with more maps
But user, why should Valve make any game content whatsoever when the community will do it for free? Hope you like another abandoned game mode like special delivery or medieval.
MOBA mode with tiny robots that require escorting to control points and a "core" as final control point.
>cant find any server running the medieval mode mvm
Medieval is neat, but needs more work.
It sucks most community gamemodes are trash
>wanting more mobashit
>in tf2 of all games