Why do fighting games on the pc die so quickly?
Why do fighting games on the pc die so quickly?
PC games are awful with a keyboard.
For me it's because I get fucking trashed online
I'll dominate all of my friends irl, like hilariously fuck em up but when I hope online I'll become someone's bitch 9/10 times
I just get put off after about a month of getting fucked up and stop playing
idk, but I think fighting games on console are more fun because you can invite friends over to play couch vs. mode
They'd rather play Dota 2 and Overwatch.
But all those mugen games are easy to run. Plus blazblue is piss easy.
because fighting games are awful and anyone who uses a pc is too smart to fall for them
Fighting games are hell unless you actually know someone good at them IRL to show you the ropes. I also don't think they're interesting unless you're decent at them.
not anymore. Fightcade, cross-platform play, emulation netplay, and simultaneous releases have been reviving fighting games on the PC
keyboards work on the same principle as the hitbox. They are objectively better than arcade sticks, especially if you have a no-key rollover keyboard which supports unlimited simultaneous buttons presses
>i can't git gud
>why can't my pc hold two usb sticks?????
Vidya girl
>PCbros have some free time available
>they turn on Steam and Battlenet
>see some of their friends are online
>they turn Discord on
>their friends are playing PUBG/LoL/Dota/CSGO/Overwatch
>they join them
>Couple of hours pass
>Time to go sleep/work/study/whatever
>Close all these programs
>No time for single player games or Capcom's latest abortion
And this is why moba shit and pubg are the top games. Fuck this timeline.
its sad how dead tekken is on PC. the ps4 version is trash.
Well PS4 was the place to be if you wanted fighting games, and PC only just this year got about everything that's currently out. Fighting games already have a small community, and I don't know who's bringing their PC to local events. Also, I can't play with the boys if I'm on PC and they're on PS4.
If there was voice chat and the person handing me my ass was telling me what I was doing wrong and how to improve I'd keep grinding at it however it's just me getting my ass beat, pressing yes on the rematch and then getting bodied again
I don't learn and it isn't fun
Because I have fun on them? You might have the autistic patience to sit there learning every fucking hit box and what hit counters "x" hit but I don't
I have fucking work and a social life to get to, my few hours a week I got to play I'm not going to invest in getting down frame perfect inputs while simultaneously losing
I'm obviously going to jump on the game that I can win at and have fun on
so you can't manage to look up some stuff online and learn some solid habits without being spoonfed by the person who somehow managed to learn all the shit they body you with, without being spoonfed? why not just admit you don't enjoy fighting games and the intricacies of them instead. you don't want to git gud, you want to just naturally be good.
by the way retard, it doesn't take that much effort to learn decent habits. i have a full time job that i work overtime at every week, play in a band/create digital music, and i'm learning a third language. you've got time, you just don't like fighting games is all.
>cross platform play
There is literally only one fighting game with cross platform play on Steam, and even that has a relatively small playerbase. If games like KoF14 and Blazblue actually had crossplay, then maybe they wouldn't be dead on pc.
Nah I really don't
I won't spend my time looking up how to play because I have other games offering me a good time without having to look up 20 guides on "habits"
I'm sure you do all those things m8
Keep your little sperg rage going, I'll keep enjoying story mode on fighting games and have fun that way.
"ur wrong nananana i cant hear you btw ur the sperg"
yeah sounds about right coming from someone with the attention span of a rodent.
too many barriers.
>you need a good and lag free connection
>you need to learn the unique controls
>you need to be able to take losses well
you also need to take the game somewhat seriously, by that i mean not underestimate the genre.
otherwise you will quickly start calling everything bullshit and turn into a whiny piece of shit. and then you'll quit.
>I can't get gud
Yeah, at a fucking video game that only seldom holds my interest lol I'll survive. I wouldn't mind fighting games if the matchmaking systems were better. Like said, it does nothing for us if we just get trashed over and over again. You think that's just people whining when they just want a path to improvement.
Most Multiplayer PC games are team based. If you perform badly, you can always blame someone else for weighing you down and stopping you performing your full potential. You can't blame anyone but yourself in fighters. Such a concept would shattered the mustard's inflated ego.
I can't wait to see how they sperg in the 6 player team mode on DBZ: Fighters.
Nothing is stopping you from plugging in a controller. Pretty much every mainstream game has controller support and if it doesn't well there's programs like JoyToKey that can fix that.
>pig disgusting 60FPS cap in every single one of them
When is there going to be a true PC-focused fighter with uncapped FPS, mod support, character customization allowing you to draw from a set of fighting styles and moves to make your own favorite combinations and a large amount of input commands taking full advantage of a keyboard?
nothing is stopping people from buying a controller, if people can spend $600 to over $2000 they can spend $40 for a controller
>Poor, have to play fightan more.
>Social, enjoy playing fightan more.
>Tournament and locals scene has a console standard, need consoles to play fightan more.
>More consolites, get more better at fightan.
>Better consolites, get more better at fightan.
>No games aside from movies, have to play fightan.
>Rich, tons of games, have to buy loot crates and skins, new LEDs for case and posters to decorate for battlestation threads.
>Antisocial, can't into fightan comradderie; never goes to weeklies.
>Can't drag PC to locals/tournaments -- doesn't matter because he wouldn't go anyways.
>Less players, runaway reaction where the less players there are, the more likely on-the-fence players are likely to drop the game.
>Worse players overall -- about on par with consolite FPS players.
>Tons of games, all of which are skinner boxes and grind simulators that take away from fightan time.
It's called MUGEN
I have a feeling that once the MMO, MOBA and King of the Hill fads die fighting games will be the next big thing. It just needs a new entry with something unique and normie-friendly.
Fighting games will never be a thing. Let's look at the 3 most popular games on PC:
All of these games are e-sports "blame others" games, here's why:
1. All of these games are group-focused, immediately giving players the ability to offload their personal shortcomings and failures onto others in order to continue feeling superior even when their performance was lacking:
>It took 3 of you to kill me. I'm a great player despite losing.
>A guy on my team fucked up in lane. I'm a great player despite losing.
>Stop picking Hanzo and Widowmaker. I'm a great player despite losing.
2. Hero games add additional metagame layers to blame poor personal performance on other factors:
>This matchup is bullshit. I'm a great player despite losing.
>My character desperately needs to be buffed. I'm a great player despite losing.
>My opponent is using an overpowered character. I'm a great player despite losing.
Fighting games have very little of this. Most players will accept their losses, with very few "blame-style" players. The only people I've ever really seen that did this in all my years of fightan were LTG and DSP, some really despicable people frankly. You have to get fucking destroyed constantly to get good, wheras MOBAs and Overwatch try to keep you at a 50% winrate and PUBG is practically a lottery.