>Sup Forums tells you game is hard
>get a 100% shield
>game is moderately difficult and easy at times
What the fuck?
Sup Forums tells you game is hard
out of any meme, dark souls being hard is the biggest one. Some of the bosses are tough, but besides that and parts like the archers, the game is honestly not hard
Dark Souls is tough but fair. If you're observent and not a retard who just rushes in, you're not going to have a lot of trouble in the game.
I unironically liked lords of the fallen
"Dark Souls is the hardest game I've played in years" - Generation Z
More power to you then.
It's a tough game to get into, a lot of stuff to figure out. But, to anyone that's dedicated enough to put the time in and figure it out for themselves, they'll enjoy the game, and it's still a talent to play it.
god, youre so fucking cool OP
The only way to think that DS it's an easy game it's by not playing any actually easy game. And most games are easy compared to Dark Souls.
And you are probably used to die a lot. You don't remember that in most modern games you barely die.
>someone said dark souls hard but it isn't
Why is this still a thing?
The nice thing about Dark Souls is that its difficulty scales not with a single setting but instead with the handicap you set against yourself. 100% physical shield, sorcery run and fast roll = easy mode.
Or you could forgo a shield, only use caestus, and bulk up with heavy armor and slow roll it and you'll have a harder time.
Why is it not on PS4 yet?
It's on all Microsoft hardware, why is Sony so shit?
mfw I own a PC
It's a meme. Once you get the hang of the game it's not any more difficult than any other action game out there. The game got its reputation when it was released on PC and shitters who had only played games like Amnesia and Portal tried it out and started using artificial difficulty as an excuse for their lack of skill. That's it.
It just requires different skills than your average action game. I know I suck at memorizing combos and I have shitty reaction time, thus the game was easier for me than say, bayonetta.
It's all about planning, seeing traps or potential ambushes preemptively and learning when you're safe.
If you compare it to other RPGs like Skyrim, witcher or tales of then sure it's hard.
>Sup Forums tells you game is hard
>it isn't hard at all
yeah slamming through idiotic AI zombies with braindead dodge rolls and enormous swords is very difficult
Probably because Bamco owns the I.P
I prefered the more high fantasy setting in lotf. I like big, unnecessary armor. I play vidya to have fun, not be reminded of the grim and horrible world we live in.
What game is the Dark Souls of video games?
Crash Bandicoot
You can improve your time with the game by simply dropping the shield and playing more aggressively.
Sword+Board=Easy Modo
My first 10 hours in this game were genuinely hard, but after that you have seen anything and it becomes easy. The "it is hard" memes made me way too cautious at the beginning.
Do you use a controller?
>dude gimp yourself lmao
souls fans are the worst
>easy mode
Blocking takes too much Stamina.
Turtling works, but isn't fun. The same thing applies in things like RTS. You can "gimp" yourself easily enough in those as well.
If you don't find it fun or hard enough, try playing differently. You don't want to try playing differently, go have EA feed you another ME game.
Controller makes it easier
Good for you!
> Sup Forums tells you game is hard
Sup Forums has an average IQ of 115 and an average reaction time of 600ms. Sup Forums is shit at games.
Is an average of 115 not pretty high?
Its about 100 higher than your iq
it was a lot more punishing that other games at the time and it still is really. not a lot of games can have you permanently loose XP/ money on death while also having enemies that can kill you in 2 or 3 hits or having a limited number of healing options.
It really isn't. Passably average at best.
How do you block this with a shield?
Hold the left bumper.
raise shield in direction of blast
Its not hard, its punishing. Big difference.
t. Jealous 95 IQ shitter
>Can grind out Soul Levels in Painted World for hours if you want
>Can summon NPCs to do most of the work for you
>Can turn the game into a third person shooter with magic
>Can kill Pinwheel as soon as you get to Lordran and get 20 Estus at any bonfire you choose
Rushing in to things in these games is fun as fuck, though, and it doesn't really affect the difficulty. I suppose it does cause you to die and get hit more, though, but I wouldn't really count that as difficulty.
100 percent lighting absorb pointed in direction of blast, duh
None of what you said has any bearing on how punishing the game is or isn't, and I already sad it's not all that difficult.
I'm going to respond to this post.
>grind to be able to hold a shield like that and a weapon that does decent damage
>game is easy
wow, you're a genius OP
How is it punishing? Death is never a means to an end in these games as you respawn at the last checkpoint you rested at and can recollect all the Souls you lost, it's not DeS or DaS2 where you actually lose health for dying. Boss attacks are clearly telegraphed and can be dodged by rolling or absorbed with a shield depending on your build and the game allows summons for most bosses and all of the challenging ones so no one should ever really get stuck on a boss unless they demand to do it solo.
The only punishing stuff is the unfair stuff like the floor giving way to you at Undead Asylum, Bed of Chaos, the first Seath encounter, etc.
What? I suppose me saying that rushing in doesn't affect the difficulty but causes you to get hit more is a little stupid, but that's not what I'd class as difficulty. Having to get better at the game and truly learn a game's mechanics are what I'd consider "difficult", having potshots happen to me because I ran through an area instead of walking isn't.
Most of this comes from knowledge and experience of the game though
I was a shitter who was deathly afraid of PvP so I never bothered with humanity. I didn't realize I could summon while human until after Anor Londo
Wow just like how Zelda 3 heart runs are hard.
mfw I'm not a faggot, unlike you
Same. I think it's a fantastic game.
Is The Surge any good? Just finished Ringed City and want more but something that isn't a fantasy setting.
Sup Forums didn't tell you dark souls was hard, Sup Forums told you it was braindead easy and only the simplest of children would die even a single time.
It's not hard at all. Though some mechanics and tactics are not obvious.
Like how useless resistance is or how exactly scaling works. Or even a rolling tiers. Once you got it game is pretty easy.
>This is too easy, this isn't fun
>Okay try it this way, you'll like it more
>dude gimp yourself lmao
Did anyone actually ever level up Resistance their first time through?
DS became boring to me once I "figured the game" out, it's a familiarity with a lot of games that I have : once you figure it out you don't necessarily want to go through all of it.
Comparing that to real games : chess / go / sports, they are comparatively much easier to figure out in terms of time investment, but playing is actually satisfying.
What's wrong with video games?
Oh man. I do want this shit to get a Switch remaster. It is so good. They could actually give a past Anal Rodeo a boost.
Any game with dodge rolling isn't hard
>Crippling the difficulty by using game mechanics you're meant to use.
Facetank every single attack and win or you cheated.
People only think Dark Souls is hard because the box, marketing, and game journalists tell them so.
For most of Sup Forums Dark Souls was the first game they played that wasn't some shitty western AAA game like CoD or AssCreed. So, since they finally found a game where you can actually die if you aren't careful underage faggots declared it the hardest games in existence and anyone who can beat them is a super hardcore gamer.
I did tried once I got some souls. Guess it was a Taurus reward and a few Wywern runs. I got the least of what I wanted for something (can't remember a thing - maybe it was a strength to wield Demon Axe of the boss) and played around witj stats at the level up menu. Resistance did next to nothing so I desided not to touch it.
Never touched it again because I heard of 120 level cap for online before I had some spare souls. Learned of stats from a wiki soon after.
Dragon's dogma. A flawed gem that's difficult to get into
Sup Forums is full full of casuals that pretend to be hardcore so a good portion latched into Souls for the lmaosohard reputation and use the series to humblegrag by telling everyone how easy the game is.
This is more likely. OP probably read about how hard it is on neogaf or something.
first time i played it, i had shitty equipment and was fat rolling with a huge sword i was holding with one hand ans getting fucked up. If you dont know how to build a good character, this game is hard. if you know the secrets however, know that fast rolling is more important than armor, know where the good weapons are, know what to invest in, know to farm shards and chunks and to get to a certain level before moving on, if you go in blind its hard but once you understand the game its suddenly really easy, but its cool because even if you figure out the AI you still have invading humans to worry about, dark souls is still the best game series ever at mixing singleplayer with multiplayer and that will always add a degree of difficulty that truly takes skill to master. You can be amazing and still get fucked by a lucky parry
The invasions are pretty fun and mix up gameplay in an interesting way. I also liked their concept in Watch Dogs.
"git gud" lol
>Dark Souls is eas-
>2.25 MB
Dude fuck off, I can't load that, just tell me what that is,
This is how I've always seen it too. Dark Souls isn't hard but if you play like a dickhead then it'll punish you for it. It also doesn't hold your hand with markers or tutorials which makes it difficult for some people apparently.
>Summons three phantoms
>enemies weapons go through walls
>yours clang off and stun you
Yeah really fair
Blackflame Friede, the third phase of the Friede fight.
I beat that on my third try
>like literally the seventh lootable item in a linear progression of the game is a 100% physical damage absorb shield
>wieldable by every class
stfu retard
Dark Souls is shit. Online walkthrough: the game. It's not the responsibility of a game to lecture a player on why they suck.
This desu, at least the girls are cute.
That doesn't make any sense.
You google a walkthrough when you don't know where to go or how to solve a puzzle or something like that.
Do walktroughs improve your reflexes so you can time your rolls better?
>Do walktroughs improve your reflexes so you can time your rolls better?
That's not hard at all
>Online walkthrough: the game.
>It's not the responsibility of a game to lecture a player on why they suck.
Did two people type this?