Should I buy a Switch or an iPad...

Should I buy a Switch or an iPad? Obviously Switch has proper games but I really want other features aswell like watching movies, browsing the internet, reading text, etc.

Just buy a cheaper Android tablet, so you'll save some money to buy the Switch later.

How much is the ipad? Amazon just released their 10 inch fire tablet that's 1080p.

>cheaper Android tablet

like what? I don't want chinese shit that will break within months

Ignore him, there is no tablet worth getting other than the ipad pro.

>reading text

with that PPI the switch was never supposed to be about that.

It's a games machine, if you want something more get something else

What is the point in owning a tablet?
You can text, watch movies, play games on a phone, as well as make calls.

I was going to tell you to get the Switch if you're underage but videogames have nothing to offer you, get the ipad and use it to study a foreign language or something

No point in getting an iPad. Just get a smartphone if you want something like that.

>You can text, watch movies, play games

Not with a tiny ass screen you can't.

Degenerative system. Get a Windows tablet, preferrably with a pen to make Windows truely usable on just touchscreen. Even cheap-ass Atom ones can run things like old GTAs and NFSes, they also have great battery life.

Get a bigger phone then

So, a tablet.

It gives you more room to do more. I know people from my film class that shoot movies with their iphone but prefer to edit on their ipads. I assume it's better to do certain stuff on a bigger screen than a smaller one.

No, a phone's more practical as you can make calls.

There's literally no reason to own a tablet unless you don't have a PC/Laptop or Smartphone.

you're already on the internet user why the fuck would you need an ipad or want said features on a console

Should I buy a vibrator or a onahole ? They both give me pleasure tb.h

Buy x61 or x220 and use the savings to by a switch and its library.

When you buy new tablets you paying for a brand.

don’t listen to these poorfags. buy an ipad if you want a quality product. buy any of those plastic tablets and youll regret purchasing an inferior product.

>buying ipad
>buying tablet


The Switch is basically a tablet though.

Only buy a switch if you're in for the games. It's NOT a tablet. It's a gaming console shaped like a tablet.

Why not both? Small phone that comfortably sits in your hand and jeans pocket, and big tablet that rests in your bag.

because the point of this thread is for poorfags

You can play Mario on the iPad. Switch has no Mario platformers you can play right now.
I think you know what to do.

By the time switches are back in stock, odyssey will be released.

>Sup Forums
>Asking if they should buy a gaming console or a general purpose gadget


>No, a phone's more practical as you can make calls
not if it's big as fuck

nice tablet. it’ll start to make creaking noises soon poorfag

t. independent electronics consumer