Will it happen?
Will it happen?
>Remaster of the original
Maybe one day.
what about like this
i hope not
the worlds are not meant to be expanded on and from are terrible at doing it
at most they could pull off a remake with the last arch stone included
Most likely not
No and why you want slave yourself to corporations?
yes its called Dark Souls...
Ahahaha! No
He's 100% right though.
would be shit if I would have to buy a PS4 for this
(You) are 100% wrong.
Basically zero chance. Demon's Souls was already in licensing hell between From, ATLUS, Sony, and others and now From's ownership has bounced around other companies since then. This is also why you will never see a remaster of DeS despite the fact that it would make a ton of money off series fans that didn't have a PS3.
It pretty much is, and it's a damn good one, so I don't see the problem. You should really play it sometime.
No, it isn't. If you actually believe that then you've never played Demon's Souls.
Are you actually triggered right now? The game is in every way, a precursor to Dark Souls and most people have zero problems saying that.
b-b-but dark souls doesn't have a level select! It's COMPLETELY different!
Demon's Souls doesn't need a sequel.
No. I want from software and Japan Studio to make something original like DeS and bloodborne.
Dark Souls doesn't count, by the way.