Why does it hold up so much better than 2?
Why does it hold up so much better than 2?
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muh nostalgia
valve didnt add dumb bullshit to stop people from speedrunning it
HL2 treats you as Jesus. In Hl1 You're just a normal dude with some military training trying to survive in an interesting setting. City 17 is so boring and uninteresting. Also the "minor" retcons in HL2 are infuriating.
Like such as?
Like such as?
both games are overrated as fuck but hl1 was at least a good game and doesn't stop you all the time with 5 minute long unskippable cutscenes
both games have shit gunplay too but its really really shitty in hl2
All the time? 5 minutes long? Aren't you exaggerating a little?
I love hl2 but the "cutscenes" really drag on for way too long when replaying it
HL2 has better gunplay, my friend. Just compare the grenades.
the grenade in hl2 is actually pretty nice but all the guns you use the majority of the time like the smg and assault rifle are utter trash
Half of HL2 is standing around listening to people talk before you can continue. There are pretty much no real stops in HL1. Having just recently replayed each game it's significant enough that I don't think I'd want to replay HL2 soon but I'd play HL1 no issue.
For me it was the setting honestly. The first game felt like you are deep down in a goverment bunker and shit goes crazy with aliens and shit.
The second game feelt more like 1984.
But weapons do have a feel to them.
The only fun weapons in hl are xen weapons.
And those are pretty niche and unbalanced.
>using the SMG in either game
You're doing it wrong. You can avoid both in both games. HL2 has a nice SMG though. Rapidly spraying down an enemy by tracking their head is pretty satisfying.
Just replayed HL2 and I disagree. It's definitely more suited for longer play sessions though. If I tried to play it in 30 minute blocks I could see myself having trouble.
I don't think you've actually read Nineteen Eighty-Four.
It doesn't. Half-Life 2 has better atmosphere, story, storytelling, gunplay, gameplay mechanics and pacing.
Weapons might be less imaginitive but they are better designed and balanced.
desu I don't think it's even fair to compare them to one another. They feel like Half-Life but manage to be such different games.
I played through HL1 again a couple of days ago
There is no cutscenes or physics puzzles, so it's more fast paced for sure
HL2 is just a different experience
Both games were good in it's time. I don't understand how a person play these after 2010 and become a fan of it. I have seen so many people like this.
theyre really not that special
It did silent protagonist right but not having you talk to everyone for half the game
Gordon just not answering people in 2 was retarded
t.14 year old
Both games are decent shooters with light puzzle solving integrated into their fairly linear world. I honestly love both about equally. Not sure I'd say one is much better than the other. They both have their unique charm.
im 25
half life 2 was amazing 13 years ago but its like 6/10 now, it really is nothing special
I'd agree if linear shooters HL helped pioneer hadn't completely abandoned shit like exploration and problem solving. HL1 and 2 will both be special cases when it comes to shooters solely by the token that they have light problem solving woven into level progression. It doesn't need to be full on puzzle solving to be more engaging than hallways of running and gunning to the next cutscene.
It's what made them special when they were new and nothing has changed. They're still a cut above.
you dont need that if the actual gunplay is good, which it isn't in half-life 2, half-life 2 is the epitome of themepark FPS, it's only good for one single playthrough, it's only interesting because of the constant variation of environment and new novelty gameplay tweaks but the core gameplay is utter trash, the actual shooting, the actual battles are quite shit
i'd consider crysis (1) a better game, maybe i'd even go as far as to say that halo 2 is a better game because it at leasts nails the core gameplay, fighting the combine is entertaining, fighting the enemies in hl2 is just point and click and trade punches until one of yous run out of hp
>Just compare the grenades.
Yeah, what was up with grenades in HL1? Gordon acted like he was trying to throw a fucking cinder block.
The only thing HL has over HL2 is more sci-fi inclusion.
>Xen, enemy variety
It was also more claustrophobic than HL2 which strengthened the "world turned upside-down" aspect of the cascade event.
HL2 is more focused on the larger picture through specific events so it seems to move slower.
They both are great at getting the player sucked into the world and caring about what happens.
you cant even cook grenades in hl2 what point are you trying to make
Pretending the combine aren't aliens it has a lot of common ground with the dystopia created in 1984.
Did you not play the beginning of HL2 or did you sprint past all the NPCs?
Crysis is WAYYYY better than either Halflife. Halo 1 also. Halo 2 maybe not, there are some serious problems with how they changed up the combat toolbox which tend towards monotony though the basic gunplay is still better than Halflife.
Because it's less polished
Not even joking
The Doom-tier movement speed, the crazy physics and the insane level design makes it much more fun than HL2 really got
HL2 with SMOD is still the best, though
Right click, pick it up with E, throw it. It's a very natural thing... how could you have possibly not figured that out? Are you mentally well?
The similarities are only surface tension, I mean, surface level.
Because it had a fucking good ending that continued into a sequel
Don't forget that HL1 had a lot of TECHNOLOGY going around, even disregarding the pure gameplay aspects.
no forced story characters that talk you to death and no highway 17. also turning gordon into jesus was stupid.
>shitting on highway 17
You fell for the pleb filter.
sorry i don't like driving down empty highways for 30 minutes and operating cranes for the sake of "muh physics'
boring as fuck chapter. every playthrough after my first, this has always been the chapter i get bored stop on so it's definitely some kind of filter.
You certainly type like a pleb.
its the worst part of the game
The thing with Highway 17 is that there's not that much driving and the combat sections you get between are pretty decent.
Can't say the same about Water Hazard, though. At least pulse machinegun is fun.
>empty highways
>worst part
you plebs just cant into environmental storytelling and -exploration. Route Canal and Highway were the best HL2 sections.
lol that's not Dark Energy or Our Benefactors
I agree about Highway but Route Anal is trash. You're thinking of Water Hazard though, but it wasn't great either.
I unironically love Out Benefactors even though it's basically a Citadel walking sim.
How retarded do you have to be to judge a game from the past on the standards or expectations of an industry 10 years into the future?
Oh wait i know it's because you're not too bright.
>You're thinking of Water Hazard though, but it wasn't great either.
ah, yes. The boat section.
Which is fucking badass and atmospheric, and has the bet climax of the whole game.
The industry has gone backwards in most ways other than tech in the past 10 years.
it has the worst combat sections because all of them are long-range, and the only weapons that are decent at range has zero ammo
i explored everything and there is nothing to find except ammo and health pickups, there is nothing interesting to discover whatsoever
the car controls like utter shit too
im not very fond of route canal either but its a lot better than highway 17
nova prospekt is probably the best section of the game
I agree but your statement still doesn't make sense.
I feel bad for people that play games and don't think like this. I know a lot of the people that hate these games give no fucks about the atmosphere or anything and just want to get from one end of the hallway to the next. I can't comprehend that shit.
How retarded do you have to be to not do that? Who gives a shit if a game was good back then but its shit now? Then there is no reason to play it except if you wanna learn vidya history or something but that's autistic as fuck. You fucking brainlet moron masochistic fuck, I bet you play through old shit-tier games just to feel cultured.
>Which is fucking badass
Only very specific places are, like red barn. Most of the time canal is a large, poorly detailed corridor since you're expected to blaze through while fighting the silly physics and avoiding missiles.
>all of them are long-range
You can force them to be any range (you have a car), the car has also a gun that has good range.
So you haven't actually replayed it because when you select "New Game" they allow you to start at Route Kanal, where the action gets going.
half life 2 plays like proto-call of duty, and those type of linear cinematic shooters that hl2 belong to have actually improved
if you want a recent game that does hl2 better than hl2, wolfenstein would be one such game
>and there is nothing to find except ammo and health pickups
If you're playing on hard mode, which you should, this is a good thing because the game forces you to explore to find these things. You know. Like an old FPS.
Are there any SP mods that use the car? Just replayed EP2 and I loved that final fight, mixing car racing with vehicular combat and traditional gunplay.
I don't agree. I think wolfenstein falls more into the doom category with cutscene blocks thrown in than anything. The cutscenes come in chunks and then you're just nonstop killing again. Hl2 felt slower paced than that even in the gameplay.
>I choose to be wilfully ignorant that makes me better
Why are you proud to be a mouthbreather?
I'm not but the point was current expectations of the industry shouldn't matter when evaluating games when things have gotten worse in the last decade.
Or it would, if Hard was actually hard.
So you haven't played hard mode. Good to know.
That's just sad.
>with cutscene blocks thrown in than anything
This is a distinction without a difference, claiming that hl2 long drawn-out sequences are not cutscenes. Sure for the first playthrough it might feel somewhat more immersive that you can hop around or whatever the fuck but for every playthrough each of those sequences are just long unskippable cutscenes.
>Hl2 felt slower paced than that even in the gameplay.
So it's better because it's slower paces and you have to go search for medkits and ammo? Really? Wolfenstein had a bunch of shitty collectibles too if you like goose chases
Oh so I guess this means stone age paintings are as good and beautiful as mona lisa because we must rate the art based on what era it's from
>being this retarded
What is?
>claiming that hl2 long drawn-out sequences are not cutscenes
What long drawn-out sequences?
I have played it on hard and it plays even worse because all the standard weapons are innacurate as fuck and you really need to place those shots on hard becase the enemies have more health.
You can spray a whole clip of smg rounds at an enemy 10 meters away and he wont die on hard.
>So it's better because
He's saying Wolfenstein isn't like HL2 because HL2 is slower paced. Sup Forums is fucking awful at discussing Half-Life wow.
The fact that instead of arguing you just go back to the most primitive kindergarden level insults "well you didn't play it on Hard". Obviously I have no way of proving I did, I mean I could stream it or whatever but that's too much hassle. It's just dumb and disappointing.
When you're forced to listen to the uninteresting ai characters that have zero character development, or wait for them to open doors, or wait for them to say something in your ear or whatever the fuck
Brotip: use the shotgun.
this SMOD thing looks absolutely retarded
I don't think you understand. You clearly didn't play it on hard because Half-Life 2 and its episodes are notorious for being too fucking hard on hard. You get chewed to pieces in seconds.
>and you really need to place those shots on hard becase the enemies have more health.
Are you complaining that you need more skill to deal with a higher difficulty? Is this how far we've sunk?
>because all the standard weapons are innacurate as fuck
Grenades, gravity gun.
All the action sequences, the meat of the gameplay, have about the same pacing in those two games.
I never said anything about one being better than the other. But my point was if anything outside of those cutscene blocks wolfenstein plays more like hl1 would than hl2. There's a lot of gameplay parts in 2 that are slower paced for the sake of trying to convey something via atmosphere. Wolfenstein definitely doesn't do that.
>this SMOD thing looks absolutely retarded
I'm sorry for your lots.
>the uninteresting ai characters
See, this is a preference and subjective. You can't speak of this in objective terms and should refrain from bringing it up at all because it is your own fault you are unable to become invested in the world the game presents that you find the "cutscenes" long and drawn out. Especially because on your second playthrough you can start from Route Kanal. It's actually really hilarious to think of you playing HL2 for the first time like some ADHD brat listening to the characters world build and you're just complaining about when you can shoot things.
There is no skill in the gameplay you fucking retard. You just stand there trading punches with paintball guns, essentially. And then you have to go for a medkit hunt. There is no tactical gameplay, there is no lean, there is nothing you can do to minimize damage from enemies except woooosh around like a monkey. You can use grenades but that's about it. Most enemies are hitscan enemies so you cannot avoid taking damage, claiming hl2 is a difficult game even on hard is laughable, it's just tedious on hard with bullet sponges and innacurate as fuck toy guns
>Half-Life 2 and its episodes are notorious for being too fucking hard on hard
Um, this is the first time I encounter this opinion pretty much ever. Are you sure you aren't just bad at single player FPS?
>recommends gravity gun on Hard
Never mind, maybe you've just intentionally used suboptimal weapons all the way through.
If you think HL2 is hard, though, I can't recommend you MINEVRA Metastasis enough. It's a free HL2 mod on Steam, made by a guy who got hired by Valve later. Play it on Hard, don't use quicksaves. You're in for a ride.
Many games did this before Half-life
Really? I could play Half-Life 1 for 4 hours straight but I can't play HL2 for half an hour without getting bored.
>Grenades, gravity gun.
you can carry 5 grenades at a time so they don't last for long, then youre back to the fisher price toy guns
I played it for the first time around a month ago and completely feel in love with it. No nostalgia here, HL1 es legitimately really good, whereas HL2 is starting to bore me.
Use the fucking shotgun. Find a corner, peek-shoot-peek, you take minimal damage and Combines get one-shot. Use revolver at long range, or AR2.
better mods
So you're talking about the themepark parts, the walking simulatorish parts? Do you really find them interesting at all after the first playthrough?
>You just stand there
Stopped reading. Thanks for wasting my time.
I played Minerva back in 2005, man. It was a fun ride, then. But thanks.
>Not using the gravity gun on hard
It's as if you don't know how to cook grenades and then switch to the shotgun.
>See, this is a preference and subjective. You can't speak of this in objective terms
What retards actually think. So fallout 3 story being bad is completely subjective opinion. Ok senpai.
And yes all that shit is interesting the FIRST TIME but just a drag if you ever play it again. You faggots complain about movie games like unsharted but you are completely fine with it when valve does the same shit
Hmmm, I wonder if you have a shotgun, or a magnum, or an AR2?
Why are you comparing Fallout 3 and HL2? Are you alright?
>You faggots complain about movie games
I don't talk about video games I haven't played.
>but just a drag if you ever play it again
>Especially because on your second playthrough you can start from Route Kanal.
Lol just stop.
>you take minimal damage
>trading punches
in a good shooter i could actually avoid getting hit at all, see stalker or crysis or wolfenstein or fear or arma or doom
Minerva's not very fun on hard since it's mainly about mid-range encounters and gives you shitty weapons like the SMG to deal with enemies. And it's all Overwatch soldiers.
only the magnum is accurate and its ammo is scarce as fuck, and this is what this was about
It doesn't, you just gotta take off your nostalgia glasses.
The gunplay in HL1 is dogshit compared to HL2.
>Why are you comparing Fallout 3 and HL2? Are you alright?
I didn't. Are you literate?
It's not just in route shit
I dunno how you did it then, it's literally a dozen times harder than either vanilla HL2 or Episodes. You don't get the shotgun until the later episodes, revolver ammo is scarce, AR2 ammo is scarce, the inner complex has really big corridors and long walkways and Combines respawn so you can't just pick them off, you really need to push them. The autosave points are far apart, too. The only really hard part in those was elevator battle, and they patched it to be easier!
>It's as if you don't know how to cook grenades
I only did it for killing striders out of sequence. Too risky if you play on autosaves, just too much hassle overall when other guns work.
You can't really avoid getting hit in Doom because depending on level the chaingunners will probably get you and chip some health and armour.
It was fun to me because it was hard, made me appreciate the SMG. Not the pistol though, that thing is useless.
>it's all Overwatch soldiers
The last couple of episodes are zombies vs Overwatch. Infinitely respawning zombies, of course!
sounds fucking awful
its dogshit in both games but even worse in the second one
>>It's as if you don't know how to cook grenades
>I only did it for killing striders out of sequence.
Reminds me of another shitty part of hl2, you cannot kill certain enemies before you're supposed too. You cannot kill the first strider you see no matter how many times you hit it with rockets. There are other times you cannot kill enemies because they're part of a non-cutscene, one example is invincible combine soldiers that have to be killed by Dog. Wow so immersive! It's ok when Valve does it!
you can pick off chaingunners at long range though, doom weapons are actually way more accurate than hl2 weapons, imagine that
>Right click, pick it up with E, throw it. It's a very natural thing
why they did not make snipers visible
It's to discourage people from using it like the SMG alt fire
because then people would think to try and shoot them, when they're designed to be taken out via grenades.
So you can't cheese it and actually have to go lob the grenade into the little nest.