Favourite Hearthstone Card?

I hope you like my invention

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This with Uncle Tony is just so rad

For her card art alone

I like hunter

>not picking the superior gnomish waifu

for shame

I keep it green and clean, my man.

Great potential for great value.

I like cards that sound cool.

I just like his intro





safety restrictions offline

Surely not ALL minions, right?


ALL minions?

muh nigga

Wouldnt that fail? You dont have an extra spell to get the first fireball off of antonidas?

this is my favorite card



Lap dogs, ALL OF YOU

I can't believe they made that shitty corrupted version in Whispers of The Old Gods.

You do the second molten after timewarp

I activate my iceblock!

a man of taste

disgusting plebian trash

Embrace the void!

>tfw played in wild
>ET cost reduction to have enough to spare a fireball to proc ice block
>time warp
>kill them next turn

Elise packs are pretty fun
>King Mosh
>ig elemental

The image is missing the time warp, which gives you an extra turn. You play the two sorcerers, molten one, Time warp, then next turn play antonidas and another molten on a sorc, which gives you infinite fireballs that cost zero

Hey, beat it!

*Blocks your path*


you don't need to molten before time warp I'm pretty sure
just need the two apprentices on the board

Always Huffer

rip murlocs after last change


What's with this game and the amount of cards with random effects?

rest easy, zoo

Can't have a Blizzard game that requires skill, turns people away. Turn too much people away and you lose profit. The random BS lets anyone win, even the most braindead moron.

You're not looking at it right, both feet are bending.

lolistone faggot pls gtfo



give me classic hearthstone servers now


gotta have some randomness, otherwise it doesn't tickle that gamblers nipple everyone has.

Also it'd just be a pure boring "i have more stats so i win" game if there weren't any rng.

my elemental OTK waifu

to keep the average winrate at 50% so baddies can still win without any semblance of skill

Also so they can toss in more overpowered random cards each expansion so you have to buy packs to reasonably compete

see: shredder, murloc knight, primordial glyph, etc


All card games are inherently random so who cares

it's not that excessive

Mah nigga, love using her in my priest decks

I had a hard time deciding but then I realized all my favorites were big active effect guys and so the best way to get big cost dudes for cheap is barnes.

Bow down before the god of RNG.

play a fun game instead
pic related


I loved vanilla HS and now game is shit

>shit out a dozen spells on my mage
>finally put down Yogg
>immediately casts this on himself
>mfw I have no face

A well balanced card game would never release cards like this.

Unstable Portal and Alarm o Bot are my favorite cards.

The one that wasn't designed for a shitty card game that locks cards to certain characters and employs randomness as if its a legitimate mechanic so the developers don't have to bother thinking at all about balance, so casuals and 'competitive' players alike can feel good about themselves for winning despite their input being essentially irrelevant and thus continue to feed money into their skinner box.

Sink cost fallacy keeps players chained to Hearthstone, which is nailed even further when the expansions come out consistently every 4 months

Who is the girl in the front? I'm having a hard time recognizing her for some reason.

He's my favorite Commander


garbage feet/10

>Lyra's voice is distinctly male

>lose after having played only 2 land all game
>lose after having played nothing but land all game
>lose after like 14 turns because neither player drew anything playable for the first half of the game
>constantly draw all of the same synergy cards but none of the cards they synergize with because the deck is too fucking large to make anything reliable
>same shit when you win because it happens to the opponent; you still feel like you didn't even get to play the game
this game has learned nothing from modern card games. it has jut taken the old CG formula and made it slightly less shit, but still shit
it's fun when it works but like a third of the time the RNG just fucks you in the ass hard enough that you're not even playing the game

I wanna say Confesser Paletress from Argent Tournament but I'm probably wrong.

Confessor Paletress.

Fun fact, it was supposed to be Elise Starseeker. But when her new Ungoro card got announced, the artist changed the art.


they altered her voice however for the game for some reason

That's the best part about Yogg: he's indiscriminate. you've got an decent chance that he might backfire and toss a Pyroblast in your face, but there's also a good chance that he'll clear your opponent 's board, or at least put you ahead when you play him.

But regardless of his effect, he's fun to play, which is something that Hearthstone forgot how to do as of late. If you draw him after spending the game tossing spells (and thus not playing an aggroshitter deck), you know you're in for a wild ride. Even if your opponent drops him, you can't help but watch with a smile on your face.



Blood Manos truly is the greatest card.


Thanks, and that makes sense, seemed like an odd choice for the picture.

>tfw you fell for the standard meme and dusted all of your wild cards

Warleader nerf sucked, but it's not like it's impossible to still go crazy.

Of course, but if it's no longer high meta then it leaves you no choice but to dust it for nerf value. At that point you gotta question if murlocs are still worth playing without him.

I don't understand why Blizzard don't add a third ladder that would be limited to certain sets changing every month.

>his stats
>his effect
>his cost
>his art
>his line
he is favorite.

Yogg is my nigga

I haven't played hearthstone in a while, but I really like mill rogue when I did play.
Coldlight Oracle is my fucking nigger

These cuties.

mtg arena when

Hopefully soon. I don't usually play MTGO, but I'm going to do a draft or something this weekend so I get priority access to the Arena Beta.

All I want from it is:
>play like magic
>look like HS
>trade like PTGO

The holy trinity.

>when your opponent summons all his big minions in 1 health intervals

2 mana board clear is so god damn glorious

costs 6 now

Is playing Hearthstone the vidya equivalent of being a mongoloid?

let's all just post dumb custom cards, alright?


>Dusting wild cards

Do people really doing this?
But what about Tavern Brawl or Adventure
it's shit without wild cards

It's the vidya equivalent of pushing a lever that dispenses food.

Me too bro

man, I wish I had one of those

yeah don't dust wild cards. Never.

Cards are way more expensive to obtain once they rotate out. It's either crafting or buying from the store.

even the most niche crap will eventually be useful in brawls or hard heroics. Keep everything


This card enables so much bullshit. Whether it's Elemental, Miracle, or Mill Rogue, you can always count on Vilespine.