How does jap devs are so based when you compare them against western devs?

How does jap devs are so based when you compare them against western devs?

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It is my sincere belief that the Japanese are a race superior in spirit and in mind to the rest of the world. Why?


>cherrypicking this hard


How does user are so illiterate when you compare them against non-weeb anons?


It's hard to avoid being based when you pander to what your players actually want instead of pandering to PROFESSIONAL critics who can't even play games

Japanese posters are also superior to western posters. 2chan is far superior in terms of quality of content compared to Sup Forums. For example, this bait thread wouldn't exist there.


You refuse to listen to other people's arguments because you've gone deaf from all the Pachinko Parlor noise.

You realise Japanese games have WAY more trans/trap characters than western ones?

guilty gear, street fighter, king of fighters, nier, stein's gate, tekken (reverse), catherine, dark souls to name popular ones

just because they aren't "progressive leftists" doesn't mean they are your homophobe rightist friends either

>How does jap devs are so based

thats because japs recognize this faggot shit as a fetish, not a lifestyle.

They actually do it because they want to, and they recognize it as a mental disease

USA on other hand...

Why can't you monkey foreigners learn proper English?


Japs have fun with their shit while working themselves to death, west have to cater to special snowflakes and fulfill diversity quota or risk permanent career destruction.


>and they recognize it as a mental disease
[citation needed]

no, they don't "recognize it as mental disease"
they recognise it as a sexual taste. Westerners just overthink this shit way too much, both transes as making it a "way of living" and both rightists for acting like it's some super dangerous shit instead of just some useless hobby that people might or might not overdo.

That's pretty good bait, saving for later use.

If I'm gay and don't care about boobs, is there literally any reason at all to play a weeb game?

There is always the Boys Love and Bara genres.

>only Square Enix protag
every time

>Being so insecure about your tastes that you had to write this shit

>wrpg protag
that's a lot of word to describe a generic action hero you see in every fucking movie/book/comic/game


insecure about what, faggot?

Because they are vastly inferior in their physiology, they're weird perverted pygmies in real life.


What should I be wanting then user-kun?

because of pic related


Did that 9 year old ever make that game?


>Tits are life, ass is hometown



>West can't design a pretty wo

I will never not have a dislike for Jason Shreier for being such a pussy about this

Tracer really is the best.

> Heather

I almost forgot about tropes vs women vs video games


Japan was not infected by cultural marxism

Cute design overall, but her legs are too stick-like imo. No ass either

>artworks and pre rendered images

less attractive females, you should be actively pushing for less attractive females in video games, any other position is obviously misogynist and offends me as a cishet benderqueer trinary """"gamer""""

>Nazis getting triggered

Loving Every Laugh

because you are a fat retarded weaboo
western games are still shit tho

the difference is that you prertty much summarized 90% of the good looking western vidya girls, while on the Japanese side (don't fucking call it "eastern side", only Japan makes proper games) you could place 90% of all their vidya girls

Western devs are full of liberal cucks.

Their publishers compete with Western ones just fine in the scum of the universe section though. Square Enix and Konami are just as bad as EA and WB.

i'd rather have a Square Enix than WB, EA, Activision, etc.

Capitalism is global. You can't escape it no matter where you go.


>Japanese devs work harder
>Make shittier games

>hating on Bailey Jay


>right promotes homosexuality and permanent virginity
Video games are trash is the conclusion I get.



Well the muh better devs arguments only work if they aren't under the thumb of publishers who will just add various strains of disease into their games.

That's because Fetish > Agenda

>just because they aren't "progressive leftists" doesn't mean they are your homophobe rightist friends either
Yeah, and nobody cares. The whole western right vs left thing is so retarded it just hurts. The Japanese in this case go for the one thing that matters: what the audience wants. They don't try to push some political ideology at the expense of the game.

>this bait

Weebs confirmed for never having read Masters of Doom.

Stop falseflagging you fucking weeb.

Like always, Elf is cutest

>Western devs: Still develop games with the belief that males are the true audience
>Japanese devs: Develop games with the belief that the audience is diverse and thus the games need to reflect that

You can cherry pick with your shitty weeb tit games, but the truth is that Japanese devs are more "sjw" than Western devs. That's why there are no otome or BL equivalent for Western video games. And only just now is the "female main character" in Western video games becoming a trend when Japan has been doing that shit for years. There are more females in the Japanese game industry as well.

>what the audience wants.
I fucking hate that meme. Audience doesn't want good games. Authors should just do whatever the fuck they want and hope if sustains itself. Sure sucks to be the when the game doesn't sell author but it's more fun that way.