Where's Halo 2?
Where's Halo 2?
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Halo 2 Anniversary is only exclusively on MCC in better quality and 60fps.
If you want the OG xbox one (480p 15-20 fps?) , you need to wait the OG Xbox Backward comptibility which is coming this year.
>Halo 2 Anniversary
Pretty sure that's the only playlist people use anymore. Can still find games but only there.
god I miss the days of halo 3 coop and multi with the gay little armor customization.
however I will never buy a console again, or upgrade my pc if I can help it.
Thanks brahs
>tfw get all achievements on halo 3 near beginning of launch
>tfw wearing hayabuse armor
>tfw 100s of friend requests and messages begging me to help them get this legendary armor
>tfw take off the shit ninja armor to stop the spam
It's been backwards compatible for a while
idk OP where is halo 3 on PC? Pajeets didnt deliver.
do ppl still play it ?
I'll tell you the exact numbers if you post a cute doggo
You can always find people to play with you on
have 2
0 people
More than lawbreakers and battleborn combined.
>gaylo 3 STILL isnt on PC
I've never even watched this show but every meme involving this scene is gold.
christs sake
>that day my brother layed a match with some bungie employees and gave him recon for the weekend for being chill
honestly I was impressed. He was only like 13
Fuck you for your treachery
To even the score...
im telling on u
A friend of mine managed to get into a matchmaking game with a bungie employee and he killed/betrayed the bungie guy twice and t-bagged him and recieved a week ban for it
I hate cats but wouldnt have the balls to do that
Now post the reach playerbase
solid thread, goodnight pupper
It's coming
Click on the image with Halo 2 in it, right under Halo 2 is Halo CE.
Fuck you
In the trash bin where it belongs.
Dogs fucking suck. For the one or two that are awesome you get 20 other nigger dogs that literally never stop barking.
rate my dog
>Retards don't educate their dogs
>It's somehow the dogs' fault that they act like dogs do when untrained
Whereas cats dont need to be trained. I think its clear which pet is superior
Did they make the map packs for Reach free yet? I went to play it a while back but I would have had to buy the last map pack and it was STILL $15
>tfw Microsoft only made 360 and OG Xbox games backwards compatible because of the failure rate on old consoles
Seriously, there won't be many working 360s and original Xboxes in five years. X1 has been the only stable piece of gaming hardware they've made.
My Aunt has a dog that's literally retarded. Had the smallest head out of the entire litter and now has constant retard bark syndrome. Even when the owner walks in it's a fucking bark session. At least when a cat is retarded it's cute. Fuck dogs.
They don't need training because they don't do shit, woah they shit in the sand truly a omega-level intellect right there boys. The thing is, my house has a huge garden and the only times I've had problems with dogs shitting inside was when any of them were sick or too young and we had to keep them inside, they naturally prefer to do their necessities on soil as well. If you keep one in an apartment and doesn't teach him to do it in a proper place, it will look for the closest thing it can find to soil.
Is your aunt thicc?
Because theres nothing to train them as. Dogs can be trained as police dogs, war dogs, help the blind, sniff bombs, even sense cancer (true), cats are useless and are only good for dwindling the bird race so they're actually a detriment to the eco system. They sleep, eat and bring disease to your house. Dogs have potential. You can never leave a cat in your house and trust it to defend your property while you're at work.
>shits in your house
>house absolutely stinks until you clean it out
>cat watches you clean up its mess as it smirks
>dog shits in soil
>it helps grass grow and disappears naturally
Whats the point????
I thoiught the Master Chief Collection included all this?
Cross-platform play w/ 360 owners, you keep your rank from your 360 account, and everyone who has Halo 3 on 360 (physically or digitally) just got to play it on the Xbone with VSYNC and slightly better performance.
>tfw I didn't unlock the sword until long after Halo 3 had already died.
>tfw I still did all the vidmaster challenges after the Recon helmet was already given out just to feel like I earned the right to wear it.
Getting all the achievements in Halo 3 and ODST was so bittersweet. Man... having that sword was the fucking dream in 2007. Unlocking it in early 2013 just made me feel empty inside.
I would throw that sword into a volcanic pit just to take me back to 2007...
Halo 2 was never ported to the 360
I see. So Anniversary is its own thing. Thats pretty cool then
People train dogs to detect increase in insulin leves in diabetic people and fucking call the paramedics.
Meanwhile, all you can do to a cat is buy one of those retarded tower things and pray it prefers to scratch it instead of your clothes your furniture.
>OG xbox one (480p 15-20 fps?)
you wouldn't be able to play regular Halo 2 online anyway, Xbox Live for original Xbox games was deactivated years ago.
why are you even here then you moron
>cat shit carries parasites lethal to humans
>cat can easily step in its own shit since they're retarded
>dog shit is harmless to humans
The truly are made to be mans companions, not these shrunken wild cats
MCC is still shit, that's why. Bugged and not fixed
Yep. It's the same deal with Reach. Reach actually runs better on the Xbone, too. I can see why they did Anniversary but it was such a rushed job with the multiplayer front-end. Rather than spend a bunch of money on trying to fix a broken game, they went ahead and did 360 compatibility instead. Everyone owns the games on 360 anyways and the only populated playlist on MCC is H2A. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that more people play Halo 3 on 360 now than they ever did on MCC.
OG Xbox Live was shut down in April of 2010, I believe.
I remember avoiding Halo 2 cause I was afraid that my last game would end with me getting stomped on a t-bagged and then the servers would shut down.
That thought fucking scared me. I don't know why. Just knowing that FuckFace69 beat me in my very last Halo 2 match ever...
>Teleports behind you
Nothing personal, Chief.
Nigga literally everyone was wearing that armor the second someone datamined to find the last skull.
>and people didn't believe me when I told them Sup Forums is full of facebook normies
Not in the first few weeks
it's almost entirely fixed, don't fall for the memes