Did Sup Forums like RE7?
Did Sup Forums like RE7?
Misread as REZ, got excited for a moment thinking this was a REZ thread. Fuck you. Sage.
I did, for the most part. Still not crazy about the le ebil little girl and the bland protagonists but the Baker family was excellent.
I banged you're mom kid
I thought it was the best since RE2
>ywn be able to save the Bakers
I really enjoyed it and felt it was a very strong step in the right direction. Was kinda bummed when I watched the trailer for Not a Hero earlier, looks like more of what made the late game kinda lame rather than the better stuff early on. We'll see, it's free at least.
Zoe a shit, Mia a best
Fite me faggots
I loved it and cant wait for Not a Hero..it better have zombies though
Mia is like the fucking poster child for the uncanny valley
In cut scenes yes but in game she is OK. She is also your waifu and did nothing wrong.
Her teeth and hair are pretty fucked ingame too
>not a hero comes out on the 12-12-2017
>Ethan...save my family...please...
boring af where is leon and all the zombie shooting and umbrella... like wtf
is this charlies family reunion from always sunny?
I liked it. Could've been more ambitious as a return to horror but at this point it's nice to see a competent effort at all.
feels fucking awful
>mfw it's my birthday
Thank you, Capcom for this gift.
>I've always wanted to start a bed-and-breakfast...
Are there any pictures of young Marguerite?
I imagine she was a very beautiful southern belle.
She was a major milf at one point.
Jack's perfect wife.
No. It was boring as hell.