>FFX ended up being the best of the final fantasies beginning with X
What a timeline.
FFX ended up being the best of the final fantasies beginning with X
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didn't like it as much when I realized Tidus was undead.
The last good Final Fantasy game.
It's been... 16 years..
>TFW FFXIV had a better story and gameplay than XII, XIII, and XV
Just fuck my shit up
Considering there's potentially 34 more main games which could start with FFX, you can't make that call.
Until XVI-XLIX come out, you have no ability to say that
He wasn't undead, he was part of the Fayths' dreaming of Zanarkand.
>thinking they'll release another mainseries title after what has been nothing but bombs since X.
>implying i'm not from the future
You brainlets probably felt so smug typing that out.
you forgot ix exists
At this rate, SE's Final Fantasy division will be shut down before we even make it to XIX, and good fucking riddance.
>beginning with X
ya retarded my guy
tell square enix to make a ff5 remake like the ff3-4 ds remakes and i'd pay 60 dollars for it
I was never too clear on this. Were pyreflies just a naturally occurring Spiran phenomenon that reflected thoughts and memories, including those in the lifestream and from living people? Or were they spirits? Former makes sense in light of FFX being a far off prequel to VII in that VII's world didn't have them.
He wasn't undead, he was unsent.
Not quite that either. He was basically an Aeon.
SE needs to return to doing a mainline Final Fantasy release every 18 months or so. This would be better for the fans, better for the developers, and better for the series as a whole. Their track record with "long term" projects is not good. Historically, they've done their best work during shorter development cycles.
Have you actually played any of those games? Because FFXIV's story is honestly terrible and so forgettable that it makes me wonder why they bothered. That wouldn't be so bad, if there weren't more cutscenes than every other fucking FF, with nothing interesting happening in them until the very end, which is ruined by the fact that it's in a story raid that is completely filled with people doing it as a daily quest, trying to get through it as fast as possible, so you have to skip the one part of plot that could feasibly border on having a point. FFXV alone, for all of its numerous flaws, has a plot that you could conceivably care about, and that's to say nothing about FFXII. FFXIII is FFXIII
FFXIV's gameplay is standard post-WoW MMO fair, so unless you like that grindy style of gameplay, you won't like it whatsoever.
All this time and I never realized Bender was Wakka.
Wow, you're not kidding. It really helps to see him in his outfit too, it really just pulls the whole thing together
Don't hate me pls. 13 was fun and the music was great. I also never understood people hating it for being linear since I loved 10 and it was literally a single path too.
He's also vamp in mgs2 and 4
Fake and gay, everyone knows all of current humanity will be gone before XXIII starts concept stage
FFXIII, ARR, and FFXV have all been massively successful, despite highly troubled developments for each of those projects, what exactly are you talking about?
Gee, sure it's shit taste around here.
XII is and will always be the king.
XII is** mediocre, only thing that made it redeemable is the Zodiac system and that was too little, too late. It's literally just a ripoff of Star Wars.
>massively successful
>still haven't eclipsed 7, 8, 9, or even X's sales
okay bud
Tidus was a (part of a) summon
pyre flies are just animals that have the (magic/psychic) ability to extract information from a person and show it to them like a ghost
theres probably some unspoken parasitic or at least mutual benefit that pyreflies get from doing this but I like that they didnt feel the need to explain every last detail like that. All you need to know is that they're psychic bugs
Still the worst one starting with X. 11 12 13 14 and 15 are all better. Hell x-2 is even better.
I don't know about bugs. They're inside people and escape upon death. If anything they're like midichlorians. Some kind of in between symbiotic entity for the physical and spiritual.
I'd understand this argument if it had the same plot, otherwise it's just doing what every other Final Fantasy has done.
Hell, there's not even four crystals.
10 was trash. A corridor with shitty fucking characters. Simons says combat for the first half and quick hit for the second half. Airship is a menu.
The game is one of the only ones in the series to not use the prelude, that alone should tell you it's barely a final fantasy.
I don't have perfect numbers, but this is the best I can find:
FFVII - 12.1 million
FFVIII - 8.6 million
FFIX - 5.6 million
FFX - 15 million
FFXI - 2.1 million
FFXII - 6.1 million
FFXIII - 7.7 million
FFXIV - 10.9 million
FFXV - 6.5 million
I have no idea how you could call any of these numbers(except FFXI's, which was actually the highest grossing FF of all time due to its die-hard subscription paying fanbase) anything but massively successful, unless you're just shit posting, but I know nobody on Sup Forums would do that.
I mean yeah they arent actually animals thats just a practical way of looking at them. They also act as an alternate form of matter/energy. At the end of the day the audience isnt supposed to understand them because we only receive info from the primitive civilization that is spira which would need a scientific revolution to truly understand the pyre flies
Take into account how little development time (costs) the first games had and how much longer the other games were in development. Substract that from profits. Plus games on the psx era were just cheaper to make in general.
>they don't even beat FF8
gaming is at an all time peak, and they don't even have as big of a market as they had 20 years ago?
see I, like most people, played the game without excessive grinding so I didnt get quick hit until post game. You cant complain that the gameplay wasnt fun if you grinded to easy mode. Thats how all rpgs are. You can grind to easy mode. You should have known better.
He wasn´t unsent user. He was part of the dream of the Fayths. He was never real to begin with... which is actually worse than being unsent like Auron.
I didn´t really like Tidus at first but when he learned of this and carried the secret he grew on me. When Yuna learns of it by the end it was actually a beautiful moment... and one of the best dramatic momments FF have ever achieved.
That transformation arc is probably reason enough to say one likes FF X.
Not even mad. X was not the greatest overall FF but it was still a fairly good game and good FF.
I still don´t understand why new FF games can´t be at least as decent as X.
I mean, i am not asking IX, VIII, VII or VI... i am asking be as good as X. I am a reasonable man.
It probably will reach it and ff8 came right after 7, they were at all time hype
Sure, but the games were still successful, which is what I;ve been arguing.
ARR sold more than FFVIII, which you would know if you could read. Japanese gaming in general doesn't sell as much as it did in the 1990's. That doesn't change the fact that FFXV is the best selling Japanese PS4 game so far.So yeah, FF doesn't sell as much as it used to, but I think that has a lot more to do with less desire for Japanese media period.
It gets better! I promise!
seriously though, 2.0 story was pretty garbage, it doesnt pick up until 2.4, and doesnt get good until the first expansion
>MMO's count as Final Fantasy titles
It came as a must have with the PS2, the biggest console ever, that was pretty important for the success, still my favorite FF ever though.
VIII is actually pretty good though... second favorite right after IX.
> INB4 shit taste
Fuck you.
I've played up to Stormblood, and while the story has improved, it's still nothing special. I also don't count anything after 2.5 to be part of FFXIV's story,it's more like a sequel to me.
this desu
Honestly never understood the praise of X, it does have comfy moments though
I still remember being that "Nintendo kid", and glancing over the trailer of final fantasy after playing 8 and 9 at friend house.
I was so amazed by the cutcene the summon, i followed what they did in the PS2 era and after... and nothing.. and expect the same thing and it never came back, when I think about it this is maybe one of the most disappointing franchise that exist right now.
The poetic touche of the serie is completely gone
>the best final fantasy game was an expansion pack to an MMO
really makes you think
>At the start of the game, Yuna is planning on sacrificing her life to stop Sin, Tidus is in the dark at first
>Tidus learns he'll stop existing die if Sin is destroyed, accepts it, and Yuna is the one in the dark
FFX's story wasn't amazing, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.
>Artist: Alright, I think I've got the design down for Valefor, it's this kickass Panzer Dragoon-style laser dragon
>Art Director: Looks good, but it's missing something...
>Artist: Huh?
>Art Director: I got it, slap a pair of tits on it.
>Artist: But...
>Art Director: Do it or you're fired. Fuck I love this job.
>The poetic touche
A lot of people will tell you it's just nostalgia even though i understand what you mean
i'd argue the combat system was best
no need for any delays, just as fast as you can/want to click and fast change outs for quick balanced leveling
i'd argue 12 close behind but it needs/ed much more/complex gambits system but whatever
What is the most popular theory on why they lost their heart (FF13 is pretty, but doesn't have the soul of 9, characters like Steiner and Vivi)?
Don't worry user it's just a meme. Although I could only truly appreciate xiii on my second playthrough. I don't really know why this is, maybe something to do with the expectations you have going into the game the first time is different than what you get to experience?
I never got to play all Final Fantasy games but the ones i did all had a terrible story and characters, its amazing just how awful and nonsensical they are, but why? Why are they such tryhards with style but not the substance, its not hard to make you care for characters, its so wierd, I can't blame it all on it being japanese either becouse even the japs arent that obtuse to shit the bed 20 times in a row
Don't worry user, you just have shit taste. You'll understand eventually, or you won't.
What I liked about the battle system is the kind of puzzle aspect it had to it sometimes. The best example of that would be Yunalesca. Up until that point you had no reason not to heal status ailments as soon as they came up. So when Yunalesca inflicted you with Zombie you had no reason not to cure it. At least until you get to Yunalesca 3 where the first thing she does is Megadeath your whole party and anyone that wasn't a zombie died. The game anticipated your move and fucked you for it. I don't like that you pay for it with instant death but I do like the idea. Because now there's a careful back and forth. When zombified you can't heal yourself but you want at least one party member to have zombie to protect yourself from getting kicked in the dick. It was nice. I wish there was more of it.
you must be pretty desperate to make an argument despite you stupid you sound
If you know he's just baiting, why respond? He already got his (You). People like (You) are why shitposting runs rampant on Sup Forums.
X was great because it had Tidus, Wakka and Auron.
The narrative is better than people give it credit for. There's some great character moments in X
Final Fantasy - JRPG
Final Fantasy II - JRPG
Final Fantasy III - JRPG
Final Fantasy IV - JRPG
Final Fantasy V - JRPG
Final Fantasy VI - JRPG
Final Fantasy VII - JRPG
Final Fantasy VIII - JRPG
Final Fantasy IX - JRPG
Final Fantasy X - JRPG
Final Fantasy XI - MMORPG
Final Fantasy XII - ARPG
Final Fantasy XIII - ARPG
Final Fantasy XIV - MMORPG
Final Fantasy XV - ARPG
I bet the Al Bhed's had something to do with this.
Calling XII an ARPG is a bit of a stretch, though it did lay the groundwork for XIII's abomination of a combat system.
I prefer XII personally but X is pretty comfy
XII's was even worse than XIII's somehow, but they're still all remarkably bad since X.
I still need to play XII. I haven't played it yet
That's Phil la Marr, dummy.
XV was better. They both have strong points, and XV has a lot of weak points and is unfinished. X is finished but most of its content is just garbage, notably every single character in the game.
No, that's Tidus and Yuna.
Actual homosexual detected, none of those kpop band members had anything resembling character.
>1.23 + Coil sequel
>All of ARR
Had a few good ideas that they ended up doing nothing with - parallel worlds, hydaelynjacked minfillia, etc
Bad anime plot
They did, but I'd rather have no character than a group of annoying anime cunts with shitty voice actors/direction.
Final Fantasy X was never good.
Seriously, it's literally just Final Fantasy XIII but with surprisingly less dumb plot.
Tidus was originally going to be a plumber, it's in my headcanon now
>group of annoying anime cunts with shitty voice actors/direction.
So, basically XV's cast then.
They did have good voice acting though, with the exception of Gladio.
>not annoying anime cunts with shitty voice actors
So you're trolling, got it.
How don't they have character? All playable cast members sans maybe Lulu and Kimahri have something they're trying to grow into or a goal they're trying to reach and a personality flaw they have to climb over to reach that point.
It's very different it's like a total opposite of X in terms of freedom, explorationn and scenario. In XII you have way more freedom to move around and to literally leave the main scenario on pause for how long you want just doing side stuff, the game is full of side shit to do.
It's combat system divided the fanbase considerably but honestly i just fucking love ivalice and hunting monsters while setting up my teams, equipements, jobs and gambits.
No X does have characters, I just hate them all. user was arguing that XV's cast don't have character.
Fair enough. I'm sure a remastered version exists that I can get into
I'm not arguing anything, it's a fact. They're literally carbon copies of each other except one is the speshul chozun wun
>Implying XI doesn't exist
Oh well. I can't argue XV because I haven't played it yet.
Yeah but they develop into a group of not annoying anime cunts, notably Noctis, which is sort of the point.
Tidus is just a faggot from beginning to end. I like the conceptual plot surrounding him, but holy fuck they could not have written a worse character.
Really I'd say Noctis was the only annoying character, and it's refreshing that he actually becomes not annoying and responsible by the ending because of the events that unfold. Like a proper story, just presented in an ultra terrible fashion with awkward pacing. The tension after Leviathan was great and it didn't feel forced like it has in other FFs.
Yeah the zodiac age version on ps4 is the best version, if you can't have access to it just emulate the english patched IZJS version on ps2
Final Fantasy has been on a steady decline since VI so I don't know why you're surprised at all.
They're archetypes, no doubt, but they're hardly similar.
This is actually the only real answer
This. Yeah, VII is good but the only thing people can say it has on VI is POLYGONS. Better characters, better customization, a better attempt at a dramatic plot with a better meme plot twist, it even has a better edgelord villain-behind-the-villain.
I actually don't blame James Arnold Taylor for Teedus. JAT plays an outstanding Ratchet. But JAT is forced to play nice with Japanese lip synching and mannerisms. Which comes out really bad sometimes. I'm not talking about HA HA HA where it's supposed to be uncomfortable. I'm talking about scenes like Teedus finding out about the reality of the Pilgrimages and half the times he sounds like he's rushing his lines because he has to play nice with Japanese lip movements.
>A corridor with shitty fucking characters.
Funny how people only ever started saying this about 10 after 13 came out.
Sadly the only thing the 13 had over other entries was Noel.
Yeah I never try and blame voice actors either. It's always the directors, and if nothing else the casting who are always miscasting characters.
Never mind the script.
>tfw no standalone blitzball game
Mind blown.
>yfw there'll never be a 2d remake of FF7-10
>a series for fans and newcomers alike
>throws away 30 years of final fantasy history