Internal Capcom marketing presentation shows they don't give a shit about the actual game, just using e-sports and sponsorship revenue to make a bunch of money from the title while Justin Wong and others shill them infinitely

This is a scheme to turn the MVC series into a profitable revenue exploitation for both companies with minimal costs.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be esportsman
>forced to play complete garbage all day because you're told to

a company that's interested in profitable revenue exploitation? but i thought they were my friend

no shit? that's part of what puts me off from touching it
somehow i'm allergic to blatant marketing schemes

a game made by a business with the goal to net a profit from a small but dedicated community


It shows that DLC and costumes are literally made only for the purpose of reports and that they are going to put minimal effort and resources into the actual game.

Focusing the entire business of the game on eSport 100%. This proves why the game is 85% reused assets and is poorly made and looking

Capcom never had intentions of making a good game. Only a branded title for then to push for eSports sponsors and revenue.

Their video even shows how using Justin Wong in the business model they meet their end goal of this. The FGC scene is nothing but bankrolled shills for this model

>businesses do things to make money
Fucking monsters.

maybe they should actually put out a quality product to actually make money

>lets spend more time, effort and money on products when we dont have to because the consumers will buy them regardless


Through shady deals, exploiting their consumer base and the small dedicated community, and creating a false narrative while decreasing their products content and value 3 fold.

It's vile and grounds for people to ostracize the company for it's horrible practices.

>the consumers will buy them regardless

This isn't Blazblue

i don't think this shit will sell well. hopefully it won't, but it's not like capcom has made a good fighting game since the ps2 either way

capcom is trying to be like western publishers. i wonder how much of this can be blamed on inafune. they might as well as die at this point

Why must you do this?

Because BB tried to buy a playerbase and their shill fanbase thought it would work. Must suck knowing you can throw more money out than SF at Evo and not even get a quarter of the entrants.

>FGC drama
Oh nevermind. Carry on then.


>Capcom made this video thinking it was a positive thing

How fucking out of touch are they?

>Company shit counts as FGC drama
What do you think this thread is about?

No shit. All sports (esports and real sports) are just a scam.

Motherfucker did I not just tell you to "carry on" do you think "carry on" means "stop talking"? Are you retarded?

>they don't give a shit about the actual game
why did they make the mechanics good but the graphics bad then you fucking moron. Do you understand how marketing works with your peanut-brain?

Capcom has really undone themselves, over the past years they fucked up every single one of their franchises, and I'm not even kidding. It's almost a pity.

>Capcom jewery
>Ike Perlmutter jewery
What a Yiddish alliance


PLAY Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite™ YOU FUCKS




Why the fuck is Hbox in an MvC video?

What's the problem OP? Fighting games are full e-sports, that's what the FGC wanted.

The FGC despised and mocked e-sports for the longest. Arturo was the the biggest anti-esports dude and even he eventually bent over.

Check out Arturo's vid of him secretly recording a convo between Mike Ross and Twisted Jago where they exposed how their "rivalry" was some fake BS that was meant to push esports

Do you have no grasp on connotation or tone you dense motherfucker? Are you really a retard or are you just trying to play ignorant?

I almost download the pirated version (yeah, not cracked yet) but it was 56 GB.

How in the hell the game spends 56 GB of assets? Even UMvC3 was at most 5 GB.

>fighting games are made mostly to sell to casuals (see: mvc2, 3s, umvc3, sf4 to a lesser extent) and they're good and the tournament scene is good

>fighting games are made to be esports (see: mvci, sfv, sfxt) and they're shit and the tournament scene is shit

really makes you think

but u know

jwong has that bud light money and nobody gives a shit about the games anymore

>This is a scheme to turn the MVC series into a profitable revenue exploitation for both companies with minimal costs.

You'd think Capcom would learn after shooting its own foot off trying to tailor Street Fighter V to the eSports crowd.

Motherfucker here I am trying to fap after edging for 10 minutes then your stupid-ass post pops up my notifications and interrupts with your constant questions like the questioning faggot that you are. When I tell you to carry on you better fucking carry on you salt-licking, fag absorbing mega-weenie hut.

So are you saying matches are staged or just the "rivalries", because anyone with half a brain knows those "rivals talking shit so hype" is an act.

>people use the "hur dur businesses only exist to make money" in defense of poorly made games with shitty DLC practices

Every time.

>e-sports used for marketing

that's nothing new retard, everyone does that

Who was defending retard?

>the mechanics good
>"wooooow you can switch characters whenever you want! this took us like a week to put into the game!"

Some rivalries are real and they legit hate each other. Some are fake bs to get $ or attract views. All depends, user.

>It shows that DLC and costumes are literally made only for the purpose of reports and that they are going to put minimal effort and resources into the actual game.

This is literally how things always ran, especially when DLC came into play

I don't know what you expected, it's Crapcom for a reason

Cool, thanks for the info

Why the fuck did they show Hbox

>The biggest argument Capcocks for this game is that there's no ToD Combos
>This is somehow an amazing breakthrough and not a basic, fucking feature

Pokken Tournament DX comes out tomorrow, has no ToD combos, wasn't made of recycled assets, is portable and doesn't look like complete diarrhea.

were you around the FGC before esports and PC bullshit? Some people were ruthless over some video games. Same for any competitive genre really

pokken tournament will never be a good game or even a fighting game fuck back to your autism pit

the removal of tod combos is honestly the worst thing about this game, they were a good feature of marvel 3

Seeing how much companies struggle to make a game that isn't a piece of shit gameplay wise day 1 it's pretty amazing.

Why even waste time posting shit like this?

>the removal of tod combos is honestly the worst thing about this game, they were a good feature of marvel 3

and it looks like shit too, it's probably uncompressed audio

I wouldn't care about them profiting off of it if it was like the ArcSys games or like Killer Instinct where they look like they had effort put into them and have good presentation, but Capcom just threw out some blatantly low budget fighting game with outsourced and reused assets, then push esports out the ass as soon as it's released.

That's just unforgivable.

yeah, unlike amazing games like overwatch that do the opposite where it looks great but plays like ass

MvcI is a budget game because Capcom is fucking broke, dummy. They been for away and the only games of their that they are willing to spend money on are their biggest series like RE and Monster Hunter. Marvel was never a big sellerbsobof course they are not going to give the game enough time for polishing shit like graphics and newer models/animations. At least the mechanics are actually good and not garbage like mvc3 and Umvc3

I wouldn't call either SFV or MvCI the pinnacle of fighting game gameplay either. If anything, they've gone the Overwatch route with simplifying their games, but don't even have the polish Blizzard puts on their games.

>the removal of tod combos is honestly the worst thing about this game, they were a good feature of marvel 3

w e w l a d

SFV is baby shit, and whatever supers/vtriggers/vskills SSFV will bring won't fix that.

Marvel on the other hand is the most fun fighter they've pulled out in years.

Why even lie like this?
MvC2 and 3S were made for hardcore arcade players way after the casuals left and Capcom acknowledged it's playerbase could do high execution shit.
MvC3 was made for casuals and it shows since they rushed it out with a bunch of bugs, but UMvC3 was made for the install base that actually stook around for more than 2 weeks.
SFIV was an arcade game and was actually going to be dumb as fuck until Seth told them to cut it out
SFxT and SFV were delibrately made for casuals. It's why they have the most robust stories, a fucking one button special gem, dumbed down buffering, removed "toxic" zoning, homogeneity, etc. They were delibrately made for casuals to pick up and play. Streaming is a way to gain casuals (r/kappa and Sup Forums) and it was never geared towards the hardcore playerbase since it's a goddamn invitational which blocks off 99% of the hardcore playerbase. If there still wasn't a thriving grassroots community for SFV the SFV CapcomCup would fucking die just like SFxT.

MvCI is a weird beast. It's rushed, but it tries to cater to casuals with an ass story mode, easy mode autoshit, and less stuff on screen. Yet it still has an okay online mode and a fun game underneath the poor presentation.

To be fair many fighting games do not sell well anyway so it makes sense that they are finding other ways to make the genre profitable.

not anymore dickhead, corporations can now manipulate the masses consumption through mass media
its 2017 grand grandad, fuck your liberalism

SFV is bad. I don't understand why they would hire a GG player as battle director when people actively avoid playing GG.

MvCI is genuinely fun and my only regret is they didn't axe the story mode for more characters and polish. I'm honestly sick and tired of modern gaming putting story mode and graphics over gameplay. It doesn't matter if it's East or West this shit happens. There are a lot of viable reasons to not buy MvCI (bad DLC practices, some performance issues, small roster with recycled assets), but to call the actual fighting game shit is an injustice in a world where games are getting away with shallow homogenized pieces of shit.

>leffen a fucking Melee players is the top MvC:I streamer


>The only point of the game is to make money

Uh... yes?

Never understood the whole left behind nonsense. Where did it come from?

Something this faggoloon said.

i guess you're part of that mass then, you stinky pleb faggot

Real talk though, videogames are a sort of weird situation. Were they born in the entertainment division of some major corporate conglomerate looking to create something new to sell to people? Or were they invented by a grassroots host of nerdy programmers looking to make something cool?

The result basically is that as the medium was developing and before it became huge and profitable, it was pioneered and championed by people who just happened to be passionate about games. This wound up having lasting effects, and so, while the industry definitely has plenty of businessmen, there are also to this day plenty of people involved in the making of games that do so because it's their dream to make great games, and that is the ideal that most fans tend to desire (as that tends to wind up resulting in better products, as it would happen).

mvci is a total marketing esports hollywood dlc scam game, literally designed to be as such. i will never support this disrespectful game. when i see it on a key site for $30 US Region, then maybe ill get it

duh, the whole point of capitalism is maximizing the effort/profit ratio. of course they are gonna do that.

This. It's the Capcbro fanbase's fault dfor eating up their games no matter how gshitty and effortless it is. If you don't want another SFV or MvCI, then you don't support the game with your money.