Preemptively getting ahead of the shitposting and say it's going to be great.
That dude in op picture looks like a fucking idiot.
w-will there be r-romancing?
I never played a MH game and I'm buying it for the Xbox One, stay mad.
>Pr. Pavel, I'm CIA
They keep saying it's name is Zorah Magdaros but it looks like a Lao covered in shit.
Seconding this before the list shitposter finds this thread.
weasel snake is my favorite of the monsters revealed so far- hoping it's got some sweet gear to go with it
I wonder if the mantles will have to be crafted before we can use them. The glider looks like it's made from the sugar glider snake narga after all.
Could be cool though. They managed to make big monsters fun with Gog, so don't give up hope yet.
The Japanese users are saying its probably related or a sub species of Dire Moralis because it uses the same naming convention but it doesn't look anything like it.
he'd look cool if he didn't have that shitty hair. Also I fucking hate the weapon design in Monster Hunter.
So Gog + Lao + Dire Miralis? Looking forward to the Proof of a Hero music change.
Any particular reason?
has any game been shilled as hard as MHW this year?
I don't understand what's so "hype" about either of those links OP.
The last three characters in ゾラ マグダラオス are the same as グラン ミラオス which is pretty much how Monster Hunter does assign monster families, or has in the past.
I wonder how much Capcom Japan is involved in World's English version though because they're not using the same translation localization styles for the monsters in World and instead are just doing hard literal translations of the monsters. ネルギガンテ for instance just drops the U from nerugigante to make it Nergigante.
Which definition of shill? Traditional or Sup Forums?
Horizon: Zero Dawn had insane amounts of shilling.
>love Dragon's Dogma
>could never get into MonHun on PSP because everything felt aimless and unnecessarily complicated
This one seems interesting though.
DD pretty much started development as a Monster Hunter RPG then morphed into its own game the same way Devil May Cry started as Resident Evil 4.
to be fair they needed to in order to remain relevant against the wave of BotW funposting
Horizon and Nier.
meant to reply to
>delay on PC
It was always coming later on PC. Capcom doesn't care about the PC or Xbox versions. Japan is only getting the PS4 version.
It's only two months or so, not as long as the delay to play BOTW without glitches.
You can romance the monsters by sticking your love blade deep inside of them, and by that I mean stab them with the lance.