Have you gotten 1001% completion?

Have you gotten 1001% completion?
How long did it take you?
Was it worth it?

Is binding of issac the only game that actually gets consistently worse with successive expansions?

World of Warcraft from what I've heard?


What the fuck went wrong?

*I said Afterbirth Plus with the cross symbol and it didn't come up

even base Afterbirth was pretty poor. Antibirth mod update when?

Theyre releasing it in some months

they said that months ago as well though

Some drama happened then but now the dev is back to finishing it.

Anyone else here said fuck afterbirth+ and stuck with antibirth? How is a fan mod better than an official expansion?

will it still be for the base game or will it require Afterbirth/AB+?

I hope it's still for the base game. I know there was some drama back when afterbirth+ was released in such a buggy state, and the mod devs were shitting on it.

No I was too busy playing Enter the Gungeon

I hope so too, I bought Afterbirth and regretted even that, so AB+ I vowed to stay the fuck away from.

When the fuck does AB+ come out on PSN? I don't feel like spending 40 dollars just for DLC.

don't bother, AB+ is dogshit

If you don't know the answer, you could just not reply.

user I'm trying to help you here, AB+ is simply terrible

>game is either boringly easy with an overpowered item combo or a disgustingly boring slog with shit items and no stat boosts
>victory is decided 100% based on what items you get rather than actual player skill
Might genuinely be the least enjoyable roguelite desu

try the antibirth mod

Your assertion isn't going to help me form my own opinion, only playing the game will. And even if it is shit I can deal with that disappointment without coming back here and making a buttmad thread about it.

then pirate on PC

lol no. warlords was worst of all time. legion might be shitty but the only thing that will ever top wod is if they shut down wow.

I thought the complete randomness was the appeal?

I can't go back to AB+ after Anti. The dev for Anti has left for a month in Japan just the other day so don't expect much of anything for a while but it'll be worth the wait.

I wish I could, but as of very recently, the game runs on permanent slowmo and nothing I've tried works to fix it. Played the game fine back in June, and haven't played since until this week, and its nearly unplayably slow.

It'll still only require the base game but there will be AB content available if you purchased the DLC

Well, figured it out. It was fucking steam controller. I have a Dualshock2-to-PC converter and I use that for most games that are more comfortable with a controller. I had to do some fuckery to get Hallow Knight to PROPERLY recognize it, and had to use Big Picture Mode to configure it. Just completely disabled controller support on Big Picture Mode and the game is running perfectly again. What the fuck, Steam?

no and i never will. some unlocks are not worth it and others require an amount of masochism im not willing to endure.

Why does the official art of this game get worse and worse? Just use the actual fucking game style rather this creepy and awkward claymation shit. Someone post the ps4 meme box art.

ahahahaha shit box art for a shit expansion

What was Steakmund thinking greenlighting this shit? There are hundreds of people who do much better (and for free) than that God awful claymation shit. Even somebody who did hyper realistic binding of Isaac art that looked good.

Ouroboros when?

i never got the dlc but got real platinum god

the idea of bosses with health scaling destroys the whole concept for me

any dlc*

>no cheevos

cant bring myself to be motivated

Enter the Gungeon update with Speed Mode and better loot distribution when?

>You have unlocked the Sticky Nickel!


Where is this demonic looking guy from?


Enter the Gungeon with actual substance, gameplay that isn't cancerous 2hu shit and art style that isn't retarded, cartoony adventure time when?

>Do a greed run
>3% chance to break
>Breaks after 5 coins

Fuckin boring times man, at like 400 coins and need 879 to get the lost with holy mantle, cbf bois

Afterbirth was fucking awesome fuck off....

Now Afterbirth+ in the other hand...

IIRC the chance for a penny to get stuck is separate for each character. So if youve been cheesing it with lilith/azazel, use other characters and it will be 0% again.

Reminder that Isaac canonically became a fat, necrophiliac blob of cancer spawned from his tumorous body, voiced by Rich Evans.

It's from the NES Godzilla creepypasta. It has a lot of neat art that helps draw you into an otherwise average spook story.

I just use Cain so I can key the first door and reset if the item sucks, but this seems way better, cheers.

It's mostly just mod tools,though. So probably never

I want to go back to when I didn't knew anything about the game

I like your style, user. And in answer, just under 300 hours.
I never bought AB+ cause Edmund straight-up lied about it. There were many things he effectively lied at, but only one thing that was a bold-faced lie in AB+:
He said it would be on sale for $6.66 if you owned base and Afterbirth. It was $6.69. Afterbirth was sold at $6.66 so I know it wasn't a "We can't cause Steam rounding" thing. I know it's petty caring about three fucking cents, but if you can't execute the simplest of things, that speaks volumes about the quality of the product itself.

I got everything except some of the lost unlocks, meat boy, and stopwatch
Even months after release there were rooms with unavoidable damage or situations where these little shits would pop up under you. Sure you could get a run where you didn't have any bullshit as the lost but after getting all the items for everyone else I decided it wasn't worth pursuing.

665 hours

Holy shit.
You should play for another hour and then never touch it again.

274 hours
never got 1000000% cuz fuck daily run 30 days straight
i have a life

It's infuriating that the percentage is not shown in the character select screen

>Play 500 hours of rebirth, always have fun with it
>Afterbirth comes out, get it thinking it will just be more fun
>It makes the game fucking worse than before
>+ adds in fucking half soul hearts

I haven't played the fucking game in over a year and I used to play that shit daily.

>half soul hearts
That was AB+.

Picked it up for the switch and thought the game was boring and just plain to random/annoying to play.
Are all of those games like that?, how the fuck did they get a fanbase if its just random dickery dungeon grinding.

It doesn't have to be in a row. You can die on the first room. It's still bothersome