WebM thread!

WebM thread!

Other urls found in this thread:


this webm sucks



this is what people actually play?

Not anymore since the second one came out, I imagine.


christ this series is so casual


typical titan player



Not sure what this webm is I am praying its sfw since I cant view it on my PC

Oh wow it was just drive club phew

Oh it gets better.


>game allows mods

Damn son


How do you get moving wallpapers?

thats pretty fucking cool for a main menu

Plenty of ways, depends on OS. That one is from wallpaper engine though, on steam.

>be closet weeb
>vow to never have a fucking weeb ass wallpaper
>see moving anime girls
fuck, must resist.

Ai-chan is literally perfect and the ideal female.


your mom sucks (my Thompson)

>and people give Borderlands shit

Can;t wait for Borderlands 3, assuming it's not awful.

It's ogre, user.



Do you just have to be a car-fag to like these kinds of games? I never really saw the appeal.

for some reason i can't stare at this gif more that 5 sec before my eyes start weeping huh.





Echo, released a couple days ago.

bad game but thanks

It looks interesting to me. I'm gonna check it out and see how it plays


Are these all on Wallpaper Engine via presets or do you have to download them from somewhere?
Can you have different moving wallpapers on each monitor?


if you like competitive games you will like racing games
"muh fighting games" or csgo or lol or dota dont even touch the skill it takes to be good at some racing sims


>no star at the end

so close yet so far


theres absolutely no way this isnt TaS

You download them all from Steam Workshop, accessible from the app itself too.


Don't use more than one monitor but there IS an option for one wallpaper per screen or stretching to both. There's also options for icon transparency, when/if the wallpaper should stop animating while there's something else in fullscreen and things like that. It's pretty good and constantly updated.

>Pupil dilating and contracting

Anyone else find this sort of lewd





I still think build engine games look cool as fuck.




Such a cool fucking game.

I find it remarkable a bunch of nords made so much (even though having two types of enemies helped)



Pixel-based 3-D has aged surprisingly well.



Call me when I can lift up her dress and then we will talk



What game?





Metal Slug 3

Geez, Monster Hunter World looks worse with every new trailer.

I caved in about 2 days ago and added this/other weebery to my background folder, just give in pal. If you're hiding it from your friends like me just remember they probably won't be peering at your desktop now will they.


these graphics...just lol

Im not hiding it from my friends. my friends are degen weebs...

im hiding it from myself


>they still scored 2
what episode is this?




Dont hate on Blood you unbelievable faggot

is that...


The only football game I played when I was younger that I actually liked


game? is it a brutal doom mod?

give in to your guilty pleasures. Forcing yourself to like something can sometimes turn out ok but forcing yourself to dislike something you actually enjoy will just make you feel like shit. Stop judging yourself for wanting to enjoy life.



these games are probably older than you, fagboy


At least you tried.


I came to this thread to laugh and I was pleasantly surprised.



>bad idea
