Filename thread

Filename thread


Should've named it ASPECT RAIDOU

I get that someone probably thought "hey, we should do a sword fight but with guns", but did they not even watch it and see how ridiculous it is?


Is this real? Like someone put this in a video game?

its from the latest resident evil movie

It's so ridiculous it's good

This was cool up until they do duck duck goose with fucking pistols.

Reminder that if this was in MGS you fags would eat it up


I'm eating it up anyway. There's nothing I love more than cheesy ridiculous action.


The fuck is this?

Is he fighting it or mating with it?


I feel like we kinda fucked Japan up beyond repair. Like, I understand that gun fu is a thing. But goddamn, they just can't into guns.



Damn elephant seals



Just remind me of the ar2 from half life and makes me want to flay that fat fucken alive.

this was made to showcase my husbando's ass

no it's not

Most subtle loss I've ever picked up on my own.

God I love this shit

I think I could beat the shit out of it with my bare hands.


yes it is





Steven Seagal tier

I don't get why they don't just have some of the protags get infected with some benign strain of a virus and get super powers like speed, etc.
not like the series has anything to lose at this point, and at least it would be ridiculous on a fun level, and not this pseudo realistic crap.