How the hell can people play games with dubs?

How the hell can people play games with dubs?

I'm serious! 50 hours of listening to fat old cows with no talent pretending to be 16, and failing horribly at it, and people actually enjoy it?

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Some people do enjoy it, sorry to say.
I hate most dubs as well but what can you do.

This is solved by not playing shitty 50 hour JRPGs. Try some Dragon Quest or something.

There are people out there who ACTUALLY think the Blazblue dubs were anything other than a horrible nightmare

>play Japanese call of duty dude, it's a good game because it sells well in Japan

These are the same people who enjoy english dbz dubs. Do the math.

>Japanese call of duty
Where did I mention Nepshit?

>niche anime game on vita is the same as a AAA franchise

They're both shitty series with yearly releases, or at least COD used to be annual. The comparison is more fitting than saying fucking DQ is COD as if there's a new one ever year. Now kill yourself.

Not all dubs are bad dubs(FF13 was actually far and fucking away superior in quality compared to the jap cast, for ex), but some people are ridiculously tin-eared,
I can get preferring it in your own language, no fault to that. But people who actually say unironically that shit-tier screechcasting jobs like the Disgaea games have good english voicing, need to blast the fucking wax out of their ears,

Not the guy you are arguing with, nor do I agree with his idea that DQ is Japanese COD, but calling Nep "Japanese COD" is completely asinine, hell even dumber than calling DQ Japanese COD. Really I would say every musou shit game ever is Japanese COD.

It's quite simple really, just stop being a dumb weeaboo

It's usually the low budget anime games like Dangan Ronpa and Neptunia that are hurt the most

If it's Tales tier or higher the dubs are usually fine

At least musoushit has variety because every Japanese series wants one for some retarded reason, Nepshit however does not. And if you really think DQ = Japanese COD is more fitting than Nep than you need to get your brain checked.

>At least musoushit has variety
Other than cast they all play exactly the fucking same.
>And if you really think DQ = Japanese COD is more fitting than Nep than you need to get your brain checked.
I can easily see the comparison. Both are highly acclaimed series in their respective countries and really reflects their cultural tastes quite well, both release games at a very consistent rate and never once stray far from its roots etc. Nep is just shovelware vita garbage that only a very specific audience (otaku) actually give a shit about.

Yeah, Nep is an especially offensive offender. Neptune herself in particular, the difference in their VA quality is absurdly clear - jap nep has so much tone, cadence, enunciation, etc. She sounds like the dorky little sperg she is. English nep sounds like an 18 year old mallrat getting paid to do it in a kiosk.

I'm an otaku and I hate neptunia

The first game was aa gigantic flop in Japan and was only saved by American sales, and it shows
The artstyle is shit and generic, the gameplay is boring, only ironic weebs who started liking japanese shit the last five years could like it.
If South Park had an episode where the guys started playing to anime games, it'd look like Neptunia

90% of the time the Japanese VA is just as bad, you just don't pick up on the awkward inflection and bad delivery because it's not your native tongue.

>I'm an otaku
stop this fucking meme.

English isn't my native tongue either

So you think the japanese VAs sound like 16 year olds?

>Other than cast they all play exactly the fucking same.
Oh gee that sure does remind me a certain series we've been discussing
>Both are highly acclaimed series in their respective countries and really reflects their cultural tastes quite well
How is Neptunia not reflective of Japan's current cultural taste? Just look all the shit the Vita has, Nep blends right in. Same goes for the PS4, Dragon Quest is the odd one out when you look at JRPGs and it's not just because it has Square Enix backing it.
>consistent rate
The gaps between the last several mainline DQ releases doesn't show consistency, meanwhile we're getting consistent yearly Nep releases.

Sure, but unless you're actually Japanese I can almost guarantee you hear English a lot more often in your daily life. The more familiar you are with a language, the more obvious mistakes seem.

>Not reading japanese

Better than hearing squeaky shit

It's about 50/50. I can understand bad english acting

The only good dub.

Because unlike these weeaboo fag, I actually want to understand what these people are saying and not have to focus on reading instead of watching what's going on.

t. still struggles with his ABCs

Remember the last time cod released a minecraft clone, a musou, roguelikes or other non shooter titles? Me neither.

I refuse to play a game unless it's dubbed entirely by cute harpies

Your only alternative is spending the whole game with your eyes glued on the lower screen which honestly aint that much better.

>50 hours of listening to fat old cows with no talent pretending to be 16
why did you describe japanese games then

dumb bird poster