How the hell can people play games with dubs?
I'm serious! 50 hours of listening to fat old cows with no talent pretending to be 16, and failing horribly at it, and people actually enjoy it?
How the hell can people play games with dubs?
I'm serious! 50 hours of listening to fat old cows with no talent pretending to be 16, and failing horribly at it, and people actually enjoy it?
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Some people do enjoy it, sorry to say.
I hate most dubs as well but what can you do.
This is solved by not playing shitty 50 hour JRPGs. Try some Dragon Quest or something.
There are people out there who ACTUALLY think the Blazblue dubs were anything other than a horrible nightmare
>play Japanese call of duty dude, it's a good game because it sells well in Japan
These are the same people who enjoy english dbz dubs. Do the math.
>Japanese call of duty
Where did I mention Nepshit?
>niche anime game on vita is the same as a AAA franchise
They're both shitty series with yearly releases, or at least COD used to be annual. The comparison is more fitting than saying fucking DQ is COD as if there's a new one ever year. Now kill yourself.
Not all dubs are bad dubs(FF13 was actually far and fucking away superior in quality compared to the jap cast, for ex), but some people are ridiculously tin-eared,
I can get preferring it in your own language, no fault to that. But people who actually say unironically that shit-tier screechcasting jobs like the Disgaea games have good english voicing, need to blast the fucking wax out of their ears,