>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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execution is a part of fighting games
>Defend against it
>Get a full punish combo which lets me control the match
I mean why the fuck would you eat a DP? Are you really that retarded?
>adding startup without commitment
>even top players have trouble anti airing
shut up retard
Of fucking course I'll defend against DPs.
It's a free optimal full punish
not only this but it also makes actually learning how to play all the more satisfying. I will never forget the moment I hit 100 wins in street fighter online after losing for triple that and the game just clicking. If moves were just holding down buttons or pressing them, and stick movements and combos disappeared, the genre would completely die.
I am among the shittiest of shitters. The most casual of casuals. The only fighting gane I was ever good at was SFxT and even then, the only thing I ever did was beat a GM in one round because he was stupid enough to keep getting countered by Lili.
Yet even I, in my infinite scrubbiness, can pull off a DP all day, every day, and without any thought to it whatsoever.
Literally, completely, objectively, and totally GIT GUD
Just hold back bro
because my safejumps are on point
I just wiggle and waggle it right and down and spam the punch button until it activates
I'm fairly bad at fightan and even I have absolutely no trouble pulling this off on pad
literally git gud
No, Sup Forums is shit, he would eat that DP.
which controller do you use?
I'm not going to defend it but I will call you an idiot.
That legit is not hard to do at all. Sure, it looks stupid, but the actual movement is not hard.
generic ds3/ds4
I can do it on x360 pad too, but the dpad on those is really too ass to use for fightan
Could have just been quarter circle back.
What is there to defend?
Fighting game inputs haven't been hard to do for a long time, especially since the games now accept "close enough" inputs
I still don't know what kind of movement you're supposed to do on this.
just curious, what's your opinion on ds3 vs ds4?
I think the DS4 is a big improvement overall, feels weightier and the grip contours are better. Thumbsticks and trigger are improved too.
The only thing I'm not really fond of is the touchpad since I seldom use it for anything and that the start and options buttons are less prominent because of it.
>>even top players have trouble anti airing
Wow, I must be the greatest player in the world then, because I anti-air on reaction all the time
Doesn't Street Fighter have a really generous DP input to the point that all you need to do is press diagonal down forward twice? If you can't even DP then you can't dash either, I guess.
The question isn't if the input is easy.
It's if it's needed at all, or at least if it's really needed for every single 2d fighting game.
cool. thanks for sharing :)
no prob
every street fighter game should have a mandatory 9 hour DP motion tutorial. If you cant do a DP motion in less than 10 minutes than the game bans you for life.
Nope. An isolated double down-forward does not work. Here's SF4
And just now I checked in SFV - the shortcuts that work are:
DF, D, DF or 323
F, D, F or 626
F, DF, F or 636
And of course the true motion F D DF works.
Basically, it is required to have the down or df direction between two identical higher motions. 33 alone does not work.
There is also a good deal of leniency on overextending inputs, if you do a full 63236 or 3236 or 6326 or even 632369, those will still DP.
But if you go too far the opposite way and down-back ends up in your motion, that will just result in a fireball.
Somewhat related, a DP with a keyboard or Hitbox is super easy because of the 323 shortcut.
In WASD terms, Just hold S and tap D twice for the 323. You have to end on the diagonal, going back down will just be a normal. This is a great preventative advantage for those mashing players who may end up doing a 236236 Super by accident.
Hope you enjoy all the crap ken mains then
Exactly this. The commands themselves can be inputted easily, but they shouldn't be needed for modern games. No other genre of games requires such long inputs for a single maneuver.
You can do it OP!!
Kagura believes in u
>90% of Sup Forums can't unlock this phone