He mods his game before he plays it

>He mods his game before he plays it

it's necessary

You think I'm gonna play the fucking Sims without being able to fuck my family members?

You think I'm gonna play Nier without the fix?

You think I'm gonna play skyrim without some fucking decent shaders?

Why would I even TOUCH something like Fallout 4 if it weren't for the modding capabilities.


I modded Witcher 3 before I played that on PC, but that's because I saw a friend playing it on xbone and figured I would get annoyed with it if I didn't.
Turns out I was right.
Also modded New Vegas before I played that too, due to my experience with Fallout 3 beforehand.

I always look to see if there are at least any quality of life mods like UI modifications or unofficial bug fixes.

>playing STALKER in 2017 without mods.

fucking wew lad.

>not modding witcher 2 so it gives 2 upgrades every level instead of 1 and zooms the camera out
so fucking fun and it doesn't even break the game

Yeah OP, like I'm gonna play a Bethesda game before someone makes a patch that actually makes the game work.

First mod I got for Witcher 3 was oils like Witcher 2 and the ability to cast spells by hitting the 1-5 those 2 are MUST haves for me at the very minimal.

So yeah go fuck your self that I like to mod my games on a first playthrough.

>Mods his game to make it easier
Might as well open up the console and give yourself infinite health

I can't stop myself. I've never played vanilla in a lot of games. I spend more time looking for mods and installing them than actually playing. And when I do finally play, I always start all over once I find more mods.

It doesn't make it easier though, try it sometime. Witcher 2 isn't exactly hard to begin with anyway though

>Doesn't mod Go Diego Go Safari adventure for the Wii

Wew lad you're getting a little edgy here

I bet you play games without the day one patches and or updates huh.

Quality of life mods are a must in some of these games, especially in 2017.

Obviously, I want all the unofficial bug fixes, wide screen fixes and removed content that was planned but scrapped due to release dates.

>Paradox games

Yeah... vanilla they're unplayable.

>Making it so I get more of something while I would normally get less
>Doesn't make it easier
Holy shit modders are retarded

I always try games vanilla for 30 minutes first to see what should be modded, especially older games.

VTM:B is fucked up beyond FUBAR without mods.

>playing vanilla doom when brutal doom exists
Tried vanilla for like 5 minutes and dropped it hard.

OP please

>dohoho guys I'm so cool, I think FO4 is shit and I only play it because of mods
>Skyrim is awesome though I just need to fix the graphics a little and I can play it for 800 hours!
The cycle of underageb&s thinking the first Bethesda game they played is the best never fucking ends.

>playing Brutal Doom when Project Brutality exists
>anime reaction image
suicide encouraged

I fucking hate these suicidial memes, specially since they're often spammed by normalfags with happy lives.
Just kill yourself already if you feel the need to share at least 10 times a day a picture of how willing you are to kill yourself.

I know right, they are cheapening it for actually depressed people with actual issues. Very frustrating. Memes ruin everything, they are the death of humor.


Yet Fallout 4 unmodified is pure garbage, and you need at least 5+ mods to make it somewhat decent
Vanilla Skyrim is miles ahead of Fallout 4 even if it's Bethdsda shit

Are you familiar with the skill tree in w2? Being able to max out a tree halfway through the game and enjoy it's perks for longer as opposed to maxing out your skill tree near the very end of the game and enjoying it for 5 minutes isn't exactly game breaking

It's all the same shit, faggot
This site is 18+ fuck off

Coming from a fan who played since Daggerfall, Skyrim did improve on a bunch of shit coming from Oblivion. FO4 was trash out of the box because it failed to improve on FONV

Thanks for proving my point

f u l l y
m o d e l l e d
b a g i n a

Not that guy and I am familair with the tree in W2
How is that not completely overpowered? The difficulty of the early stages of W2 comes from having to learn to dodge away until you get a good opportunity to get a hit in. That's completely trivialized later on based on what you put skillpoints into (for example you can just slice shit apart without a care in the world as a swordsman). I can't see something like the nekker cave or that one bandit fight in W2 being particularly hard if you have double the skillpoints. Hell, that probably makes the prolog easy as fuck as well

well, yeah, the bugfix patch is actually nice
but it's perfectly fine without any other mods

>I'm the special little suicidal snow flake
>Not those guys

I'm not some loser to be suicidal

>ring ring! ring ring ring! ring! ring ring ring ring! ring ring riiiiiinnnnnnngg

banana phone!