What went wrong ?

What went wrong ?

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I've seen some eager faggots before but god damn

Nothing, Fans get to make their fursonas and we got Sonic mania.

I think it all worked out pretty good.

Sonic Team

post your deviantart

It was made.


I'm really proud of my writing

*breathes in*


>40 bucks w/ tip

Sonic games were never good.

Generations with a serious plot, a character creator, worse graphics and worse level design

>What went wrong?

Inane 2D vs 3D gameplay arguments.

Nothing. Autistic babies need entertainment, too. I already got my Sonic game. I don't give a shit what happens with this.

Sonic threads need to be Banned.



>t. Arin

>I am a dangerous weapon I am the sharpest of blades;I'll cut you down in a second Cause I was born in this pain, It only hurts if you let it, So if you think you can take me Then you should go and forget it

The fact that Sonic Team rarely do CGI cutscenes lately bothers me.

At around 0:03 you can notice shadow shaking his ass at the camera a bit. What was your argument again?

Creating your own character and yet another try hard, serious story line in a fucking platformer where you play as talking animals.

>Creating your own character and yet another try hard

Nothing wrong with these tropes and mechanics.

>serious story line in a fucking platformer where you play as talking animals.


Creating your own Sonic character is blatant pandering to the autistic kids on DeviantArt already making their own character's (literally the worst crowd to pander to).
Also, I said the story was try hard. It's been trying too hard to be serious since it went to 3D, where as Sly has had serious moments and character's from the start. Also, the character's in Sly have much better writing behind them as oppose to just liking hotdogs.

again, Sonic Threads should be banned.

>sanic team quality

>Very little improvement or tweaks to Modern Sonic. Some regression in how he controls.
>Level design is about 5 steps backward. More linear than ever. Stages are short as shit with little in the way of routes,
>Classic Sonic's back for some reason but is still shit, made worse because Mania exists right next to it.
>Most of the music is awful with Classic Sonic tunes and the main theme being a major stinkers
>Avatar character is just a gimped Sonic at the mercy of wisp gimmicks to spam. Weapons are wonky or overpowered.
>New edgelord with edge story as the piss on top of the shitcake.
>Nearly everything is automated.
>production values all around look subpar.

Debate me.

>It's been trying too hard to be serious since it went to 3D
There's been many lighthearted 3D games.

Can you list them off? Not that I don't believe you, I just can't think of any.

Literally every boost game has glitches like this.

Colors, Heroes, Lost World, Generations.

>where as Sly has had serious moments and character's from the start.


The 'cartoony design' also detracts from the ""seriousness"" of the series. Also, Robotnik/Eggman has been trying to kill Sonic through impalement on spikes, incineration, explosives and drown Sonic in many of their confrontations. It was always had serious moments in the first game. Sly is a cheap furry Lupin the III rip-off.

>Also, the character's in Sly have much better writing behind them


>what went wrong?
People are judging and complaining about a game that's not even out yet is what went wrong

Where have you been the past decade? Pretty much every Sonic game since Colors has been lighthearted and cartoony since then. Even Unleashed was only half edgy. Forces is the first time since 06 where the story is serious again.

Nothing. This is the Sonic fanbases autistic wet dream. They couldn't ask for more if they wanted to.

>implying this or any sonic made to appease the autism the fanbase exudes would be difficult

Difficulty isn't the only problem here.

Notice I said 'moments' and not the entire series? It also has a lot of comedy and light hearted banter, but with Sly's motivation for starting his adventure being a revenge story against the monster that killed his parents, you can see it clearly has some serious themes underlying the narrative.
Which also leads to the better writing. The character's have motivation other than just being good guys who are saving the world because they do that.
I can't believe I've actually had to explain that someone. Did I just fall for bait?

I don't actually remember much of Heroes at all, and I didn't play Colors or Lost World. I did enjoy Generations though, with the story taking a back seat being one of the reasons. My bad.
Chip actually being a god and Sonic turning into a a beast at night? That's pretty fucking try hard if you ask me.

That's why I said half. It had some serious part like still comforming to the final boss god monster shit from the older 3D titles but it also had a lot of cartoony shit and slapstick with Eggman. It's like a transitional game between the serious older games and Colors.

>Sonic turning into a a beast at night
I dunno, if he turned into an actually horrible looking monster I would agree but he's just a bigger anthropomorphic animal with stretchy arms.

I blame the moronic chlorine addled brains of the American fanbase. They NEVER give up over their insistence of sonic being always a series franchise and they ALWAYS site their stupid American exclusive lore like that saturday morning cartoon.

Can we ban Todd posting and CoD games too?

That is what went wrong.

They really want to pander to the self inserters.

Not that fast, user

But user, you are correct

No you nailed it. It's sad how bad it looks without even playing it. Thank GOD for Mania.
