Why are you so into strong girls, Sup Forums?
Why are you so into strong girls, Sup Forums?
Because dominating a worthy mate only intensifies the pleasure. Especially the thought of turning that hard belly into a liquid-filled lump.
We need more element bending games
I'm a fan of fantasy
Here are doujins of strong girl
Curse ! I don't know how to read moon runes and I like context...
I wish Korra was a better game.
Because I like the thought of utterly dominating a "strong" woman and making her my bitch, simple as that.
What's not to like?
Same reason I'm into traps, because I'm bi.
best girl forever stuck in normie anime
never happening, the thread
I'm surprised they didn't try making a multiplayer pro bending game. Would have been pretty cool.
For me it's the opposite.
It's the thought of making a woman who is unconventional and intimidating feel sexy by showing how much I desire them.
And the jap voice makes my dick hard
Is this game any good? I've heard mixed opinions from one other user from this thread.
That's a big baka.
>strong girls
Cuck extraordinaire, neck yourself.
>hit combo
Every game with this is trash
damn someone needs to translate these
Mikasa a SHIT
The fighting mechanics are solid, but the enemy variation is very lacking which even extends to the boss fights and the AI is also kind of dumb.
Because I wanna be dommed by a nice tomboy with abs of steel
seconding posts about wanting to dominate them. it's weird because i'm usually a big femdom guy but the concept of repeatedly dominating and humiliating a girl who's stronger than me is.. real good
also those faces look fucking awful hahaha
She didn't deserved this treatment.
Too good for this game.
Whats normie about aot?
Normies watch it so people think that makes it a normie anime
Normies like it and 4chins is contrarian.
I want to fuck Mikasa.
oh boy I love strong gi-
oh well maybe next time
Because they would leglock with me with a fierce grip
Normalfags love it so it's a normalfag anime, obviously
probably the best combat i've ever experienced. but it's extremely short.
>tfw you will never get pushed down and molested by a girl with abs
Why are we even alive?
>not liking ryona
I literally want a drunk Kanako Yasaka to pin me down and assault my face with kisses
>Whats normie about aot?
Sup Forums considers anything popular to be normie
Strong girls embody power and strength which is a turn on.
Power is fun to play with in a sexual and romantic dynamic in various ways.
Also under the right artist/workout plan. Muscles just become a way to exaggerate a woman's curves further.
Does she still have that thing with Eren? I jumped off the bus a long time ago.
That's not Annie.
y'know what i want? i want a really fit and tall female friend to get princess carried by
Yeah, she's still obsessed with him
Eren doesn't give a fuck though
Dunno but Eren is a cuck, she deserves the blondie.
I don't know but I always was into them.
But I hate Zarya this is just too much.
I like even bodybuilders like cass martin or julie vins but wtf why they made zarya build like a hulk instead of she hulk..
>Because I like the thought of utterly dominating a "strong" woman and making her my bitch, simple as that.
Annie deserves to be with a MAN who can treat her right
This is all that matters in life.
>also those faces look fucking awful hahaha
Amazon doesn't look to weird
Everything you've heard about The Legend of Korra videogame, positive or negative, is completely true.
Because I work out and fit people are healthier and more attractive than people who don't work out. The girls I see at the gym are better looking than the girls I see elsewhere.
>TFW no Oni gf to snu-snu
There's a really important lack of oni race in video games, especially from japanese game.
>Oni race got scrapped in EOV
Too bad she barely does anything any more.
It's an illusion that I prefer to maintain
That fucking sucks, she should beat his ass
Because meek is boring.
Why is everyone else in this fetish just "I WANT TO BE THE WOMAN"?
Depends on the She-Hulk
just to suffer
I like the idea of strong girls sexually assaulting girly girls.
Tight clinging one piece swimsuits covering a well tone body?
Eren cares more about taking down titans and survival of the people in the walls, he has more important shit to deal with
Get help
Much like literally every other woman, fit women also generally don't like submissive men.
I want someone my genetic equal or greater to bear my offspring. I want a woman I don't have to babysit through life.
I prefer a good mix between strong and chubby. As well as tall.
So the alpha path is letting her fuck you with a strap-on? I'm not sure if I follow you.
Was it autism?.
Not just tight. The clogging needs to look like it clings to her like paint yet the texture appears like latex but with softer reflection.
Whatever magical cloth material this stuff used in all anime needs to be invented.
How fit do you like em? This fit?
That has to be traced, the animu face makes it look all wrong.
Poor guy
source me up d00d
What this guy said. They're not going to enable your fantasies.
If anything, fit chicks tend to overcompensate for femininity in relationships.
just let me fucking dream
>Everything you've heard about The Legend of Korra videogame, positive or negative, is completely true.
The Legend of Korra is the GOAT, a masterpiece of the videogame industry.
Yep. That's been my personal experience anyway.
There's a reason submissive men have to pay dominatrixes. Men should be dominant.
I wouldn't turn her down, but that is a bit to fit for my tastes
>tend to overcompensate for femininity in relationships
You're thinking of tall girls
They're hot, yo.
>Fucking submissive little beta faggots who couldn't ever dominate a man have to settle for the weaker sex
>didn't bodyslam her so hard she stopped 4 floors lower
WHO jerks off to this?
Only other one I got. Spoilered for nipple.
RIP user