>win 7 out of 10 placement matches
>get placed in silver 4
>second worst rank
what the fuck
Fucking hearthstone
>Anub main
Mah nigeria brother
I'm not a person of color my slavic fren
How much of a griend is it to even get to platinum or diamond starting from bronze? Even if youre good at this?
Nobody cares, faggot
At this point its probably impossible, or at least it'll take several seasons to get out of bronze
why did you come to this thread?
simple question
this is why you shouldn't play ranked in ANY moba game. It's just unnecessary stress user
What the fuck. How does this system work? Why is it so fucking shit?
This game is not like dota. You can't just carry yourself out of the gutter
Yeah I came to the same conclusion long ago. I was a dota and then dota 2 player with a fuckton of hours in it. Played around 5k mmr when I stopped.
Just played hots casually because I like the heroes and visuals. Maybe I should just stop it altogether. My friends also don't want to play it with me so there is no reason
I don't think it's possible to get anything above Gold from the placement matches.
Reach master and with a 8\10 you get to dm4-5
So it depends on earlier rankings? That's good to know.
I went straight into Platin on my first placement matches lmao
Blizzard do not seem to know how to do competitive ranks in any game
>Overwatch season 1: placement puts me at 70
>season 2: placement puts me at 3400
>season 3: placement puts me at 3400
>season 4: placement puts me at 3400
note that so far most of my placements have been roughly 7 wins and 3 losses
>season 5: win EVERY placement match, holy shit feels good man
>placed at 2300
I instantly quit and uninstalled
...is this not Heroes of The Storm
You seem to know your stuff pretty well user
What's your favorite game?
is this real or are you hiding something?
if this is real then holy fuck.
how can anybody play and enjoy that
I started at Silver 1 and I'm struggling to get to Platinum 5 and I think I'm pretty good at the game because I'm very rarely the cause of any losses and this is a game where the worst player in the match usually decides who wins or loses.
I think that it would be next to impossible for anyone to go from Bronze 5 to Diamond 1 in one season without investing all of their time in HotS and being so good that you're practically 2-3 players in one.
Maybe you only beat scrubs.
Alternatively it's probably tracking some retarded metrics about your play and estimating how good you are based on that. Blizzard isn't really known for it's matchmaking.
>I don't know how calibration matches work
It's not about how much you win, but who you win against retard
You coincidentally won against people below your rank and lost against people above your rank
In overwatch season 1 they fudged all the numbers based on what character you played. Switch to Lucio because you wanted to win the game? Eat shit you're dropping down to shit ranks.
I'll never understand why you'd play ranked in a team-based game in the first place, its just psychological torture. I only do team-placements for those sweet end of season rewards
stop defending this shit.
if the matchmaking only matches me with scrubs where it doesnt matter if i win or lose ITS STILL THE MATCHMAKINGS FAULT.
7 out of 10 is 70% win rate in fucking placement matches.
The matchmaking is based off of your MMR in quick match and unranked. The placement matches were to determine whether you should go up or down based on where you currently were. This means that you were literally bronze.
Basically, your placement matches really started when you first started the game, said you weren't a master at ASSFAGGOTS and started playing against real players.
so what do?
win 100% of my games?
hello roach
stop playing shit games