>Bluehole, developers of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), has released a statement saying it is investigating its legal options against Epic Games for its game of similar style, Fortnite Battle Royale.
>"We've had an ongoing relationship with Epic Games throughout PUBG's development as they are the creators of UE4, the engine we licensed for the game," said Bluehole VP and executive producer Chang Han Kim. "After listening to the growing feedback from our community and reviewing the gameplay for ourselves, we are concerned that Fortnite may be replicating the experience for which PUBG is known. This was never discussed with us and we don't feel that it's right."
am I the only one who reads PUBG as PBUH (the muslim phrase)?
Ryan King
>Someone else made a shooter similar to ours
Oh dear its been happening since the beginning of video games, boo hoo
Jack Gutierrez
Since when is it possible to sue someone for making a clone of your game?
Connor Harris
lmao are they serious
Jacob Davis
K >O Y R E A
Easton Gonzalez
Lincoln Ortiz
Bluehole needs to pull an Overwatch v. Battleborn and either do a free weekend or a week-long discount to fuck over Epic.
Chase Morgan
Isn't this game just fucking dayz/h1z1/the 10ns of other games out there like this? Why does success always ruin people?
Charles Wright
wow, and people here still support Bluehole and PUBG.
Eat shit you normalfaggots.
>Oh no! Someone makes a game similiar to ours
fucking faggots
Daniel Campbell
Lol fortnite is trash nobody will play that shit
Adrian Taylor
Imagine knocking off another game, and then crying because someone else knocks you off.
I really hope Bluehole invests all their money in a "new" idea that flops horribly and takes out their whole investment next. What a pack of absolute faggots.
Lucas Miller
But PUBG is literally a ArmA 3 mod and was inspired by other mods of ArmA 3?
How about Bohemia Interactive try to sue fucking PlayerUnknown?
What kind of filthy jew is that guy? Fuck that.
good thing I never bought PUBG, if you did you should go kys.
Levi Mitchell
It is an extremely obvious cashgrab from fortnite
John Fisher
>used to be a modder that took inspiration from ArmA 3 >sues people that take inspiration from his game
wow, what a fucking disgusting jew. Success ruins people.
Oliver Robinson
Beat it kid
Daniel Sanchez
and? PUBG is a cashgrab too, the original ArmA 3 mod is literally more polished and has way more features, more maps + bigge
Tyler Rivera
pubg's success is about to end LMAO >using a competitors engine >being useless gooks K E K
Owen Turner
Usually i'd side against PUBG but Epic fucked over so many people on Fortnite that i wish they both die.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Has anyone ever been successfully sued of this kind of thing?
In this case with epic and bluehole having some kind of relationship during development it'll probably come down to who has the most lawyers though. I'll bet some poor shmuck said wrote a poorly worded email somewhere along the line.
Brandon Carter
>dumb enough to buy a literally free game >it's Epic's fault
Bentley Garcia
>>It is an extremely obvious cashgrab from fortnite Who gives a shit? Games have been ripping each other off forever, I watched fortnite for 20 minutes yesterday and I saw barely anything in common with PUBG aside from the start and loot placement. You can build walls and shit in fortnite, that alone makes it far more interesting in terms of strategy. Shame about the retarded footstep sounds though.
Connor Phillips
Pretty sure player unknown actually made the mod so he can't really rip off his own mod
Hudson Rogers
And here we see a really good example of someone letting success go to their head. Watch this person next try to sue Valve demanding the 30% back from every sale of the game.
Luke Rogers
Then why are they so worried?
Tyler Gomez
If that means I can play phoebe in a relevant game I'll be happy
Andrew Morgan
And they can't do shit, because you cannot copyright gameplay
Christopher Phillips
I know that he made the mod, but his original mod already took inspiration from other ArmA 3 mods and ArmA itself.
Mason Murphy
Who got fucked over on Fortnite?
Aaron Morales
these sort of things rarely actually proceed in court and typically just end up settled outside bluehole will get btfo if they don't offer that money basically most judges just won't give a flying fuck that "fortnite" came after if epic can successfully prove that bluehole ran away with info
Jose Clark
Making clones of a popular title is now illegal>?
Elijah Cooper
Over a simplified king of the hill game?????
Eli Ramirez
>mfw Dean "Rocket" Hall will sue each and everyone that ever made a survival game after DayZ
Connor Brooks
Fortnite runs and plays better than PUBG. That won't matter though. Fortnite is a fart in the wind compared to the fucking juggernaut PUBG became.
Julian Watson
No, it'll be laughed out of court. Unless they specifically used assets and code that they never would have had access to, Bluehole don't have a leg to stand on.
I really hope this completely cannibalises their console profits, but it probably won't because little Timmy just wants to play the hot new streamer bait game.
Bentley Bailey
>Oh shit, someone made something similar to our, we gunna sue!
Might as well let the Tolkien estate sue anyone who made anything with Elves.
Easton Torres
>Getting mad when somebody copies a gamemode that you copied in the first place
Jaxon Adams
>game isn't even original just large. >we will seek legal action to protect our unoriginal idea Will corporations ever learn or will they play it off eternally as merely pretending to be retarded.
Matthew Reyes
long story short they released the game half finished (only 1,5 of the 4 areas of the game are complete, the two others are barebones with no quests and they all have the same design when they should all have a specific layout and environnement) and riddled with bugs and instead of working on improving the base game they just did a 360 and created that PUBG clone.
Ryder Lee
Right, because PUBG invented the battle royale trope. Fucking moron. I hope Epic's army of lawyers buries him for good and his shitty streamerbait game goes under.
Henry Rivera
So when are ID going to sue everyone who has ever made a first person game with guns? I feel like they're going to make some good money.
Nicholas Ward
id should have sued everyone that made a copy of Doom tbqh
Brayden Moore
Bluehole is either incredibly dumb, which may be true because Korea, or just trying to use legal action as a hype machine and hoping it wouldn't backfire and make Fortnite even more popular.
Hudson Jenkins
fuck, i meant 180
Grayson Hill
Don't be a dummy. PUBG is using Fortnite here to spread message. That message is: "we own this genre and will sue anyone who tries to copy it." They will clearly lose in the end, so I'll enjoy watching them crash and burn.
Nathan Fisher
doesn't literally every old FPS have a "survivor" game mode? What makes PUBG different on a technical level? Inventory?
Dylan Carter
>*takes away Unreal Engine 4 license* >*Bluehole is barred from distributing PUBG and gets taken down from steam*
nothing personnel kid
Levi Butler
If PUBG actually wins this it will set a precadent that will basically make the concept of a game genre infringement. Theres no way they win this.
Liam Mitchell
>Suing someone for competing with you
Are PUBG's devs really that retarded
Landon Brooks
is playerunknown the 12th imam?
Brody Powell
what a fucking faggot, this is like The Fine Bros trying to copyright "Reaction Videos". Battle Royale style gameplay is a concept that has been done to death in video games and movies long before PUBG.
Angel Brooks
Epic probably went a bit to close with copying little details, but I still don't see PUBG having much of a chance legally. There are still differences from it being Fortnite, like the base building and destructible buildings.
Tyler Roberts
hold up let me just tell Koushun Takami he can sue them both because his book inspired them both
Adrian Baker
>or just trying to use legal action as a hype machine and hoping it wouldn't backfire and make Fortnite even more popular. Literally all they're doing with this bonehead move is saying "wow, we sure are mad that people can play our game for FREE. Please don't go and play this FREE clone of our game instead of giving us 30 bucks!".
Michael Morales
Nintendo would cum if PUBG won. Nintendo would cum and then sue and successfully shut down PUBG because it was too much like Zelda.
Robert Lee
They have no grounds Only chance would be over the name "Battle Royale" being deceptively associative with their product. But they didn't even use that name exactly because Blue would 100% get sued first by whatever Japanese company owns those rights now
Carter Morgan
If anything, the guy who coined the idea of Battle Royale should be suing everyone.
Levi Jones
Because these guys invented the battle royale genre right
Jack Adams
Elijah Brown
He took the idea from someone else he even says it in fucking interviews about his time in Arma. FPS fags are the most uncreative unoriginal faggots in the industry.
Brandon Rivera
Watch as future call of duty and battlefield games come with battle Royale modes
Parker Turner
How does one knock off a game that they made themselves you fucking dolt.
They should sue Next Day: Survival as well because they have a battle royal gamemode too.
Also The Culling should be sued as well..... oh wait they made that game before PUBG was released hmmmmm
Andrew Myers
Yeah shouldn't H1Z1 be able to sue them?
Ryan Evans
More like idsoft sues Activision and EA for copying their FPS game idea
Oliver Sullivan
>Biting the hand that feeds you Come on
Oliver Cruz
Fortnite looks interesting to me, but it's not gonna be on Steam so it's gonna be dead as fuck.
Adam Clark
Gameplay cannot be copyrighted.
Blake Clark
I don't understand, they weren't the first ones to release a battle royale game, what gives them the right to complain?
William Bailey
>prove run away with info You don't own proof of concept, nor sub genres of genres in of themselves. That's like saying you own the idea of the internet and therefore can sue the entire internet for simply existing. It's impossible and any judge or person that does not see that is a mouth breathing dipshit.
Michael Martinez
it seems like a very bad idea. They literally can't win unless they're willing to port to a different engine
Joseph Hughes
Because they made millions of dollars and don't want the gravy train to slow down
John Peterson
>Wahhh you copied us >We copied H1Z1 >H1Z1 Copied DayZ/Arma
so there should be a lot of lawsuits here then.
Christopher Brooks
Don't worry, Fortnite got some backup
James Richardson
just watch a gameplay video and its seems X20 more fun then pubg. mind you i never played pubg but its seems you are able to build walls and bridges on this one so it seems like an improvement,and its going to be free no wonder why this pubg guy got his asscheeks clinched. but knowing epic it would probably end up dead due to no adverting.
Jackson Campbell
PU was the guy who made the H1Z1 and Arma modes anyway
Gavin Ward
PlayerUnknown made the battle royale mod for Arma and was an advisor for the H1Z1 one. It is basically his genre, but he's still retarded though, don't get me wrong.
Asher Davis
Can you imagine the shitstorm if Epic turned around and said "fuck you, say goodbye to your licence rights" and had the game removed from Steam? Sure, they'd probably kill UE with the negative press, but wouldn't it be worth it? Imagine the millions of screaming children.
Blake Morales
Levi Martin
It's just a marketing stunt to make PUBG more visible while throwing shit at Fortnite. I doubt they are so stupid they think they can get away with that.
Zachary Martinez
fortnite has thicc, pubg is finished
Lucas Nguyen
Its not even a genre, they just copied that Jap thing
Jason King
This this this
Cooper Turner
This is 100% promotion for Fortnite, PUBG is already past its peak.
Charles Torres
Well, Fortnite: Battleroyale is Free, so it's at least got a bonus over PUBG.
Carson Hall
Niggas aint gonna sue themselves
Camden Cruz
Battle Royale you mean?
Benjamin Cruz
Not gonna lie, I'd cum
Isaiah Murphy
Yes, because PUBG is SO fuckin' original, I hate these cunt developers.
Lucas Reyes
>ree stop making copies of our copy of a copy! lmao fucking greedy chinks
Connor Roberts
>asian >fat >nigger yep, this game is garbage
Blake Miller
Exactry it was japonese movie, baka gaijin steal everything from us nippon WHITTU PIGGU GO HOMU
Luis Jackson
The Japs copied that from Lord of the Flies.
Jayden Lewis
>had the game removed from Steam How exactly would Epic do that? I'm not even sure if they can revoke licensing rights to their engine, unless there's a part in their agreement that says this