So I finally got around to playing this, and you know what? it isnt shit

so I finally got around to playing this, and you know what? it isnt shit

can we talk about this at all?

>can we talk about this at all?
Good luck getting anything but stale memes and one and the same piece of lore from several hundred that makes the game 'sjw', also selective memory in regard to character sexes and roles.

Wish there was more melee options, otherwise it was ok. Tallnecks were the best Ubisoft towers ever.

>stale memes and one and the same piece of lore from several hundred that makes the game 'sjw'

this was why i was hesitant to make a thread desu.

i dont really recall anyone ever talking about this in anything other than the sjw light on release and due to the shitty release window it had i backlogged it until now.

its enjoyable from start till end. fighting is fun, and whenever i got bored of it i'd bump into a entirely new species which needed a different approach.

i liked it. i don't care about anyone else's opinion. you should too.

Great game. It felt very fresh and unique to me. The lore and world are really different and interesting, well fleshed out. The combat is fun (fighting human enemies was never great though, that got a bit tedious). The soundtrack is fantastic. I thought I was going to hate Aloy but I ended up finding her very relatable and well written. I also really liked her friend Erend, he reminded me of myself and I don't know if I've ever encountered a character like that in a game before. I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

I've been meaning to try this, but I'm not sure how I'm going to like it considering it's another open world game.
I don't hate open world games, but I'm getting pretty tired of their formula. Can I at least turn off waypoints in objective markers in this?

I enjoyed it.

Needs melee variety, armor variety and a little bit more freedom on climbing. Otherwise it's fine.

Oh and more actual boss-like battles. Final boss was a letdown in terms of model

Story was solid even tho I got about half of it spoiled. The parts I didn't get spoiled were still pretty damn good.

Overall a solid experience. A little too safe in some aspects but a good foundation to build on.

My only concern about the sequel is that even though there are some good sequel hooks left, the biggest questions (that we're aware of) about the world and history were already answered, so I hope the sequel can still find a way to keep people entertained

Oh and needs female villains. There were pretty much zero evil ladies in the game, just a couple of cunts

>Can I at least turn off waypoints in objective markers in this?
Yeah, both the HUD and map markers have a lot of on/off options.
For an open world game there's surprisingly small amount of collectibles and the ones that are there are mostly lore connected instead of just shit sprinkled all over the map as filler.

Graphics and art stile style were fantastic. Combat is fun but all the weapons get boring quickly. I Only cared about the parts of the story that covered the past, could give a shit about aloy and the tribe bullshit. Open world was fucking empty. Aloy was ugly and mildly annoying.

>Only cared about the parts of the story that covered the past, could give a shit about aloy and the tribe bullshit
I wish there was a DLC dealing with Operation Enduring Victory.
Would be pretty awesome to fight as part of special OPS guys against Titan class machines or relive through a few encounters of freshly armed civilians with the swarm.

I just wish the Rattler was stronger.

It's literally useless until you juice it with all the best purple mods but by that point, game is a cakewalk on normal and the rattler is still bad on higher difficulties

Its honestly a problem with a lot of games. They start off somewhat challenging and then you get a few more tools and just meme through everything. All higher difficulty does is adding more HP for you to chew through and the highest highest difficulty just means everything's going to one shot you

>I want to turn this into a dudebro TPS


Also the Horus Titans were not combat bots, I thought they were literally walking factories

I'm about to start fresh. Ultra Hard. Not New Game +. No HUD. Aiming by memory. Wish me luck.

You also get in-game rewards for collecting them since you can trade them in for things.

Don't be a shitter. The highest difficulty's dope. Stop making excuses. Enemies are way the fuck more intelligent. Aggressive as fuck.

>wanting to fight bullet sponges

Leave it as it is user. It's a great play-it-once game.

>dudebro TPS
No, not really.
With the civilians it would be more of a horror with fucking terminators instead of zombies.
Would be pretty neat if we got some larger skirmishes followed by swarm inevitably overrunning the defense lines and some survivors struggling in machine infested territories.
>Also the Horus Titans were not combat bots, I thought they were literally walking factories
Factories / supply lines / brains (hope I don't mix up some shit) and there were lore texts about special forces fighting them to slow down the swarm advance.

I'm not a shitter. My first playthrough was Very Hard. Shit's easy. I play every game on the highest setting. I'm fucking hyped that we can have real Horizon threads now. Game's fantastic.

Are you me?!
Wtf user.
My thoughts exactly.
Also the game needed more of that rad dude that helps you rescue the prince kid.
The guy with eye-liner and iirc a British accent.

>it isnt shit
No. Just extremely mediocre and generic. I got it for free with a bundle so it was nice to sold it after I finished it. Just you standard boring open world game with awful story. Good parts are visuals, idea of zero dawn and combat against machines but it gets repetetive fast.

I wanna play as that bitch from the cannibal tribe. Hope we get to see those fuckers next game.

How much is this game really worth?


All the caveman politics and massive fucking assholes annoy me but damn if I don't love the parts of the game where you fight robots.

This is a solid game but i cannot into Alloy. For any game of this type i need either 2 things, character creation that allows me to make a badass protag, or if i HAVE to play as a woman, she had better be smoking hot.

Alloy is a little ginger Gremlin who you grow tired of fast.

>you share a forum with insufferable millennial gen z'ers like this who haven't left puberty yet

She's cute with the Shadow Carja helm

Is this game really light sjw? I was thinking about buying it, but if it is, I won't.
Actually, are there any AAA games made in America or Europe without politics other than FIFA and Madden?

I agree and all, but god, stop with the buzzwords

She is hot though, and a good character. It's purely the hairstyle that makes her ears stick out and look silly.

If you're a Sup Forumstard that sees sjws everywhere don't bother.

Stop cucking yourself outta good games. There's two fags. Both minor characters. Aloy's tribe is lead by women. Big deal. The other tribes are lead by men. Same with MAFIA III. Two fags fucking in the background. One lesbian bitch. The racism's shit that happened. Main character's portrayed as a fucking monster. Just as bad as the people he murders. Also, he'd be fucked without his educated white friend.

Not even close. You can pull specific examples to try and make a case, but then 100 other major non-SJW things contradict it immediately. Biggest case in point: you're an outcast in a matriarchy that worships a metal door, and the rest of the world considers them savage and stupid. If anything you can argue that this is "anti-SJW."

It has a shred of women's empowerment early on, but it can be taken as just action porn, like many other games. NPCs start to suck your cock but I guess that's expected when you kill tons of mechs and liberate towns and shit

this has to be the most sjw main stream game I ever saw. literally feminist propaganda oh yeah and white people apparently donĀ“t deserve to have a home country either

>Aloy's tribe is lead by women.
This is one of the most retarded things trolls used as a argument for game being sjw.
Look at the Nora tribe.
The most ass backwards, still basically stuck in caveman era, superstitious and poor.
Yet the faggots scream 'BUT MATRIARCHY'.
Every other tribe in the whole fucking game is miles ahead, yet somehow retards claim that game promotes 'matriarchy and sjw values' despite depicting them as bottom of the barrel tier.

It's weird that the game is full of SJW and feminist things, yet the main character seems to be rather redpilled and against all of it. I can't be the only one who noticed this, and yet no one ever seems to mention it. She literally fucking despises her matriarchal tribe and has a tendency to subtly shit on all the "girl power" characters she meets in travels. Meanwhile all her closest friendships are with men.

>enjoyable from start till end
I had the opposite reaction.
While it is not a bad game at all, it was pretty mediocre imo.
After being spoilt with BotW this year, this game fell short.
I ended up avoiding combat as much as possible, because it was boring, I skipped side quests and just rushed the main story and grinded collectables post game for the plat.

>playing a baby all-age game like BotW

Grow up

>baby all-age game
here he goes, look at the faggot trying to start a flame war.

Just because zelda games are too complicated for you does not mean they are complicated for the rest of us.
Cry as you like a zelda game is known to be the best game of all time
A zelda game is remarked as the first open world game
A zelda game has inspired all future third person combat and camera movement
And a zelda game will be 2017 GotY

>making this thread again

Is ultra hard just higher enemy hp?




Do gamers really mind when Nintendo's all age games get awards? It's the same as cheesy summer flicks getting good revenue, we all know it's just catering to the lowest denominators

You seem to mind, given how you already made up a justification for it


For what

>catering to the lowest denominators
this is backwards logic really.
if the games are all age games, they are catering to all gamers.
Zelda is 30 years old, the fans who play these games are probably that age too.
Despite what shitposters say, zelda is NOT a game for children, they are often too complex for kids. Memory, puzzles ect.
BotW is a damn good game in every aspect (maybe not graphically) but the real quality of that game comes in its physics based gameplay, which makes it unique.
The real freedom of exploration is also a quality and uniqe asset to the game.

You will see at vga that BotW will get GotY and probably shit loads more awards.
I've not seen any other game this year that comes close to how good BotW was/is.

Faggots fuck outta my thread. Horizon's good. Breath of the Wild's good. Both games are good. Quit shitposting. Fags are allowed to like Breath over Horizon. Big fucking deal. This thread was good till now.

For Nintendo winning GOTY.

I actually loved this game. Only open-world RPG I've played with really good combat