Don't mind me, just pirating this...
...this EU report that says piracy doesn't harm sales?
Wtf bros... No... THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!
Don't mind me, just pirating this
I wanna fuck that guy
You do have to go back though
Does the sheer amount of moralfags prove that shills exist on Sup Forums? No other board is hostile towards piracy
b-but goy, it wasn't (((peer))) reviewed, it must mean it's not a legitimate study
This is nazi propaganda, I don't believe a single fucking word of this.
OP you are a huge fag
Do you retards care at all about what the study was and not just the conclusion that they came to?
We read it in the last thread dingus
That means I don't have to pay for shit now?
Don't mind me, just pirating this study
There is literally no reason for you to be disappointed. If you don't pirate, you should be glad piracy doesn't kill the games you love and support. If you pirate, you should be either unaffected or slightly uplifted that you really aren't ethically impacted by your choices. OP is the faggest fag that ever fagged.
Shills exist on Sup Forums for sure I just don't think they do to the extent that some anons believe
>Sup Forums is okay with piracy now
What happened? Did Trump already piss away your money?
>"believing" in studies
That's not how it works. Science is a method, not a religion. The study is only there to collect data for or against a hypothesis.
Any source for your claim? Didn't think so.
I don't see any so called moralfag shills there.
>>Sup Forums is okay with piracy now
>bringing politics into this
kill yourself neofag Sup Forums was pro piracy before you moral fags came
I don't know what's worse
Sup Forumstards like you that has to shove politics in any subject or the shilks that will start deploying damage control and deny that there was never shilling on Sup Forums despise the Borderlands obvious shilling attempt years back.
Sup Forums was never in support of piracy. Maybe some russian shitposters but never the actual people of Sup Forums.
Films only "lose" sales because films nowadays fucking suck and prices are retardedly high for the amount of content on disc
What bullshit. A fucking common sense will tell you otherwise.
I want to play a game. But, if this game is on PC, I will just pirate it. If it were console exclusive, I would be forced to buy it. Best example - new Senran Kagura. I bought Shinovi and Estival VErsus, even fucking Bon Appetite, but I will not buy PBS, because I know it will get released on PC soon. So, thanks to piracy, SK loses a sale on me.
>tfw all your hard work pirating games to bring down the industry has been for nothing.
>t. didn't read even the first page of the document and has no idea what it's about and what conclusions if any it's making
i make mspaint comic
Yeah this. I was on /o/ earlier and we were exchanging torrent download links for 2017 Dodge Challangers
Years ago people didn't give a fuck about whether you pirated or not and now we have these threads almost every day
His head needs to be bigger.
>piracy is alright/good
said no good person ever
said no person with a decent paying job ever
"Common sense" being what it is, I'll favor the scientific approach in a vacuum.
buy my game
Exactly, a world where pirates don't play video games is a pretty good world famalam.
I've been longer than you've been able to walk and talk and Sup Forums majority always supported piracy it was just the vocal minority like you who still whine and bitch to this day now fuck off
No, it's not that pirates don't play games, they don't play certain games.
The fact that the eu suppressed this report proves Sup Forums was right again and that the jews run the world
>Sup Forums is mostly ok with piracy
>Sup Forums is OK with piracy
>/hc/ is ok with piracy
>/t/ is ok with piracy
>shills on Sup Forums throw a hissy fit over piracy
been here*
I never felt bad about piracy. I wouldn't buy games that I wouldn't buy anyways and I talk about the ones I think are good to my friends. I'm basically doing the developers of good games a favour, it's free advertising directly to the intended userbase.
They should just stop releasing big budget new games on the computer. There wouldn't even be a piracy debate if they did that.
piracy, demos and leaks (like doos ex human revolution) will only increase game sales
prove me wrong
>this gen had more console pc ports than any other previous ones
>b-b-ut piracy
That's cool
Still illegal though
And that should be changed.
>you really aren't ethically impacted by your choices
it's still unethical to take someone's IP without paying the price they're asking though
Think about that for a second
Never stopped anyone, and that won't change
Absolutely not. Rules that act as guidelines are still necessary because they help prevent the slippery slope
Great logic there
>Never stopped anyone
That's not true and you're kinda dumb if you unironically believe that
If you read the study it says that 40% of respondents know how to pirate games, but most of those 40% don't pirate games. The study speculates that it's because you aren't getting the exact same content had you were to buy the game. If this is a conclusion good enough for people to justify piracy, go ahead, but it's pretty unfair to cite to this study and say "well there it is, me pirating doesn't affect the industry at all".
Not a moralfag btw, I have my own reasons for pirating.
Yeah, they buy over produced and over priced garbage that only people with expensive custom built gaming computers play.
Sup Forums is to piracy like Sup Forums is to christianity
No, I didn't.
>Pirates are retarded
Who could've guessed.
They know nothing of the theology and history and just repeat memes and 'deus vult' while ironically talking about Constantinople?
I pirate and it should not be changed
oh look this thread again!
Sup Forums pays lip service to piracy and says it supports it but no one knows its pretty shitty and stupid to worship a sky god when humans should see themselves as gods and aim for beyond the stars?
This analogy is hard to phathom.
>plebbit neogafer is a shill
like pottery
It's easier to pirate on consoles you mong.
And majority of piraters weren't going to buy it if they couldn't pirate.
Sup Forums pretends to care about piracy, Sup Forums pretends to be christian
Not even shills necessarily, just a bunch of fucking normies that can't get past "B-BUT IT'S ILLEGAL!"
Back in the good ol' days we practically advocated for it.
>no one knows its pretty shitty
uh probably because it breaks capitalism and is effectively theft?
Nobody's pulling their hair out over some manchildren torrenting yaoi in their mommy's basement, but that doesn't mean it should be legal.
>It's easier to pirate on consoles you mong.
Than on PC? Are you fucking high?
>And majority of piraters weren't going to buy it if they couldn't pirate.
Majority. So, there is minority that pirated and therefore didn't buy the game they would have bought, therefore piracy does harm sales
Good lord, what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums.
Theres less of a shitstorm over piracy on u18ch and they are degenarete furries.
fug, disregard, I can't read
Don't mind me, just pirating this kid.
There are some without a fucking doubt, but not as many as it usually looks like.
Anti-pirate/pro-denuvo threads are guaranteed responses, and don't take a lot of work to get peoples asses hurting. Low-effort, high-return shitposting will always be spammed a lot.
it's fun to laugh at manchildren who actually try to defend it
>Muh buzzwords
>degenerate people have less of a problem with piracy.
You don't say?
>can have thing for free
literally no downside here
>Pirates moral values align with furries
Lmao, just... lmao.
>supporting unethical laws because FEELINGS
really activates my almonds
>pro-denuvo threads
What? most of the time it's people bitching when Denuvo gets attached to a game...
That's the problem, pirates think they deserve the red carpet for some reason
how is that unethical? You aren't entitled to luxury items...
As we can see demonstrated here.
>Care about DRM
>When it's removed to them
I think you morons like you need to have a long look in the mirror in the night, preferably with a gun pointing to your small non-inhabitable skull.
I don't really give a shit if someone pirates just as long as their not using mental gymnastics to try and morally justify doing it
this report only emboldens lawless third world scum. suppressed? yeah but at least that doesnt change the fact that those who conducted this shit still are blatantly fucking pro-refugees/immigrants, recommend those to do piracy. eu is truly unhinged and fucked. get more fucked and destroy your companies artists and market.
do you not remember the Sonic threads from literally a few weeks ago? A week of constant kvetching that people couldn't get something for free.
Oh I remember, I was one of the people who were shitting on SEGAs shady tactics and guess what, never did I buy the game even when I had the funds to do so.
oh i guess that makes piracy ethical now
I think maybe you should get a job
piracy isn't a matter of morality
i blame shazbowl and gamergate for the huge influx of people.
shazbowl caused reddit to mass immigrate and gamergate caused a huge influx of normies.
if you check historic traffic of Sup Forums as well as google traffic searches with those events, correlation is immediately apparent.
ITT: Moralfags who have never pirated a single game in their entire life butthurt that pirates can get to enjoy the full experience of games without having to spend a single cent while they're busy being wagecucks that have to pay for their latest Neptunia DLC
>normalfags buy 60$ single player only games
>they never play them twice
>always play on normal
LMAO pathetic
Just shows how much grey matter you have to go about, please don't spend it all in one place, go see the world, might do you some good.
nobody's butthurt about anything except pirates who want to be validated for some reason
Then again, last time I said something like that, I got +5 replies from retards with no reading comprehenssion who interpreted my post as 'durr, piracy is bad, don't pirate!!!!!!'
So yeah, careful there, buddy
Did people already forget there a study a few years back saying that pirates, on average, buy more shit than moralfags anyway? This new study pretty much further confirms what was already confirmed, that there's literally nothing wrong with piracy, and in a lot of cases, it's actually beneficial.
Fucking this.
But it is. It is matter of nothing BUT morality, as consequences of pirating are nigh zero. This is a choice you make on your own - do you want to do something illegal and save cash or not?
I'm not sure if it's shills so much that the average age on Sup Forums is so young and every generation is MUCH more brand loyal than the last. I don't like using the term brainwashing, but corporations spend billions of dollars every year to make people think that companies are your friend, and it works. You wouldn't steal your best friend's copy of Mario Kart, would you? Then why would you pirate it? Corporations want you to think that's the same thing. Shills do exist, I just think it's a separate issue.