I'm an adult virgin!
I'm an adult virgin!
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So am I.
We're not gonna make are we, bros
> younger sister losing it a decade earlier
Nope, I'm gonna be Sae's age this sunday.
A woman being a virgin in her mid 20s is a huge red flag imo.
I don't believe that for one fucking second. I don't care how overworked you get at your job. If you're Sae Motherfucking Nijima, you've had at least one dick in you in your life with your looks and personality
same thing is said about men
it implies nobody else ever wanted you and you are undesirable
I don't think that she should be bragging about losing her virginity to the principal.
I think it's easier for women to get laid. For me it would say she's waiting for marriage or some gay shit like that. I've had a few virgins interested in me and it so much fucking work. And they have no relationship experience so all that shit you learned they don't know. It's like being on NG+++ and someone wants you to start over with them.
> Sae still unmarried
> Sees how well Makoto and Joker's relationship is going
> Has to hear about how great having a family is constantly
> Stuck looking after the kids sometimes
> Sometimes when she's done taking care of them she goes home and knocks back a bottle of wine with a dead look in her eyes
The U.S. is a degenerate nation fixated on making their women utter whores then turn around and wonder why there are so many unhappy people, single-mothers, and teenage pregnancies.
Pay no head to the Americuck.
>this only makes Sae more attractive
>but it makes me less attractive
>Lost my virginity and everything remained the exact same
>Haven't fucked in 7 years now
lmao indeed my dude
This is just sad man. You're just jealous of how successful she is.
I am like 90% sure that both Joker and Makoto would be up for a polygamous marriage. Joker could bang both sisters and they could both have his kids.
Oh wow, people used to stay in shitty marriages because they had no idea things could be better.
You're welcome to wait until marriage dude, but I'm not interested and I would never marry someone without fucking them first.
>those looks
>that age
>still virgin
Literally impossible, even if you had the most crummy personality.
Anyone being a virgin past 20 shows they lack necessary social skills and understanding of social cues to succeed in life. It's harsh, but it's the truth. At least women who are virgins are prized, if you're a man and a virgin? Might as well bite the bullet or become a buttslut.
That graph clearly shows that things don't actually get any better no matter how many times you try. May as well actually try and work out your differences in most cases. Leaving someone because they're abusive though is entirely warranted.
She's married to her job, and her superiors could get much younger and tighter pussy at the snap of their fingers. She's a stale, moldy cake.
I don't think virgin women are super prized past a certain age. Maybe with a certain demographic, but most people are going to assume you're fucked in the head or waiting for marriage.
The problem with those images is they're a bunch of correlation without causation. Maybe if you're impulsive then you marry before you're sure, and make plenty of other shitty decisions. There's a reason scientific papers require a lot of evidence to make a claim for causation.
Plus she works in Japan and as a prosecutor. She has 0 free time.
Virgin women from 18-25 are definitely wanted. Late 20's it depends but once they're in their 30's is when their sexual market value hits rock bottom and they're begging for anyone to stick it in them because to not be married means to be left to a house full of cats.
That's illegal in japan.
>people act like Sae is undesirable when she'd be the most popular older girl if you could romance her
This is almost as forced as that unfunny "Makoto is socially awkward so she's autistic" meme
30-year-old virgin doesn't sound half bad desu, when incels talk about muh used goods they mean 30-year-old sluts.
Never said they would be legally wed. Just live together.
I dunno man. When I was in university people were pretty suspicious of a girl over like 22 and still a virgin.
They'll have 0 relationship experiences. It'll be like teenage dating but only one of you is a retard. You're supposed to learn all that shit when you're still young so you can get it right later.
You'll care less and less the older you get.
>Sae begs her younger sister if they could share Joker together as she can't get any guys that are reliable like he is
>Mentions that even at her age, she's still a virgin and embarrassed to admit it. Even Makoto feels sorry for her
>Reluctantly gives her consent if only out of pity
Huh, never knew the Kingpin was the principal
I lost my virginity with 21. It's no big deal, really.
But this is definitely true. I'm a huge social retard. Can't even do basic smalltalk.
It's just a sample so it's virtually nothing user
It doesn't sound bad at first but then you realize you need to knock her up ASAP if you don't want your children to be literal retards
Because universities are degenerate and students minds have been warped to think it's fucking and keg stands 24/7. Unless you dislike being in charge and depended on, there's nothing wrong with dating a virgin girl because if you lead right, she will be loyal and dependent on you.
Friendly reminder that:
>We can already bang the teacher, which we couldn't do in previous games
>We can already bang the doctor, which we couldn't do in previous games
The age of cakes is upon us and all bets are off. Crimson will let us bang the prosecutor.
So how long until the Crimson version that will fix that?
I don't want to babysit a child. I want a partner I can work through life with. I don't want a woman to be dependent on me for every little thing, and if you're a worthwhile man and know how to pick a worthwhile woman loyalty isn't an issue.
Interesting how any sort of social gatherings are "degenerate".
Take your pick fags.
shortest hair is best hair
What the fuck? Are you a woman pretending to be a man? Being a virgin doesn't make a child, and it doesn't make you some complete social retard either. Quit rationalizing being a huge slut and virgin-shaming.
All women are mentally children, it doesn't matter whether date one that needs their hand held or not. And most social gatherings aren't orgies.
FemJoker needs #2 hair.
#1 is just standard, #2 is still unkempt but very feminine and would look great in mission clothes
First one is Joker's child with Takemi
Second is Kawakami
Third is Ann
I like the way you think
Best hair for best girl
University isn't an orgy either you dingus. You're r9k as fuck if you think all women are the same. Some female brain surgeon is mentally a child?
I'm actually a serial monogamist. I'd much rather date a girl with a 2 year relationship under her belt than a virgin with no relationships. A virgin who had a 2 year relationship under her belt is clearly saving herself for marriage and she's dumb as hell if she thinks I'm down for that.
There are things about relationships you can only learn through experience. I'm not shaming them, they can do whatever they want. But it's a huge red flag for me personally.
What about without the braids then
What if I'm 22 and a virgin, but I've had a gf, I've had a fwb, I've missed many times before, and I've done foreplay?
This incel mentality is really unhealthy
>long messy hair
>hot pants
>midriff tease
I want to impregnate Joker-chan
Impractical as hell and gets in the way / Edgy Mitsuru knockoff
I'm predisposed to short hair, you'll get no objectivity from me
What if you post about video games instead of blogging?
>All women are mentally children
how do you neckbeards not see the irony in your posts
>virgin with 2-year relationship
that poor boyfriend
>implying she didn't lose it in a drunken bender or roofied
>Or trying to get favours to pass the bar exam
I forgot, this is mainstream Japan media, can't have used goods
Was just a question
>brings up /r9k/
>muh women doctors
>women saving themselves for marriage are dumb
Yeah no, woman detected. Kill yourself you fucking bitch.
She also laughs like Ayame Kajou from Shinometa during sex.
It usually doesn't happen because one of them pushes for the relationship out of a desire for sex. I've seen it though. They meet first year university then decide to get married after uni or something. That's 4 sexless years. Fucking brutal.
I respect your commitment to your taste then
The whole "x detected" meme is just a way to abandon a discussion when you have nothing left to say.
Anyone saving themselves for marriage is fucking dumb. Why would you ever marry someone you weren't sure you had sexual chemistry with.
Anna's better.
Chihaya best girl.
God I miss her voice, why did she die a cake? Why did the japanese flu strike her? Oh god why?
Youre just making me want to impregnate her more
My god, four years without sex. Just imagine, I definitely would have killed myself by then.
>still virgin
Nani the fuck?
You're probably tfw no gf though. Imagine having a gf and you still can't get any.
Not as sad as that Seiyuu who posted on twitter after her stay at the hospital she wants to get married and live a good life.
She didn't live.
>be a 27 y/o middle eastern virgin
>read this degenerated shit americans do to their women
how the hell can a father worth his salt let his daughter lose her hymen outside of wedlock? have they no self respect?
Like, I can't imagine a week without sex...holy shit 4 years...
I'll never understand how a nudist can get so flustered over lewdness when she's not posturing
If we loved each other I wouldn't care. My best friend is a devout christian and got married to his high school sweetheart when he was 22. They didn't fuck for almost five years.
That's not what irony is.
>four years without sex
I dunno, if people generations back could mostly handle it, I'm sure things aren't so bad.
Or are they
It must be weird for you because your women marry at like 12 or something.
Hopefully....I don’t go full wizard.
Did they? I think their entire courtship process was pretty quick because they knew people wouldn't wait.
I'm being facetious.
Not him but i have the utmost fucking respect for people like that, god bless them
That is her
that almost never happens except rarely in some hillbilly nomad communities where girls becoming a baby factory is the only future some girls have.
4 years without sex while single is not the same sort of torture as being with a woman you see all the time that you're attracted to.
Yup, our mutual friend was in kind of the same boat.
>the haven't had sex since this morning
I'm not gonna make it guys
Oh shit
I'll never understand it. What if you're just totally sexually incompatible.
I'm not interested in learning about your culture so much as I am in judging it sorry dude.
So...I should only stick my dick in Jesus?
I want to marry Sae and impregnate her in Makoto's bed
>finally fuck after five years
>feminine penis
Isn't a feminine penis just a big clit?
I guess realistically anyone who waits that long is probably a prude anyway. It's likely missionary for procreation once a month or some shit.
But what if one of you was a prude and the other was kinky. Just seems like the benefits of fucking before marriage far outweight the negatives whatever those are.
I mean I've kind of gone past the point of caring. I've been rooming by myself more often than not since I started college, and after a long day at work I'm too tired to do anything but shitpost, listen to some music, catch up on some TV, and make myself a 5 minute dinner. Can't imagine what that would be like if I didn't have a place all to myself.
Besides, a box of tissues is cheaper than a steak dinner
I love FeMC
Is it bad that I have been in multiple romantic relationships + marriage and a divorce, and don't want to find anyone and just focus on my work? I kind of like the freedom,
even if it does get lonely.