>dad walks in
Dad walks in
Other urls found in this thread:
>dad walks in -to the grave
>dad walks out
>inb4 "it's not gay if..."
Why is that controller floating in mid air?
>dad walks in and then out
post more cute asian girls / "girls"
Can I cum in that?
>dad steals your gf
>dad walks in
>unbuckles his belt
>I just want my son back
>in retaliation you steal ur dads gf
Jesus christ...
>this is considered skinny in america
Cute boy
Post more Japanese shaman girls.
It's a girl I swear!
>import rpg from Japan
>no idea what the fuck is happening cuz cant speak moonrune
>he doesn't know
Neir thread
She's got a qt bulge.
>you will never play PS4 with Anri
>she will never get frustrated and play with your dick instead
I wanna fuck a trap~
Source now please. Image search isn't helping
Who is this?
Google that.
She really makes me want to fuck a big breasted prostitute.
Shiori akb48
Too bad there are none with a body nearly as good as hers where I am.
I need to stick my dick in that boob window.
Does she do porn?
No never.
>not going to conventions dressed as lukako and getting free swag
>not owning the official steins gate luka cosplay
I'm living the dream lads, gonna do mayqueen maido luka next year
pics or it didn't happen
She's pure
Is there more of her in that outfit?
This kek
Post a picture, for religious purposes
Isn't that your mother?
>asking if a pure christian girl does porn
I wouldn't usually but eh, why the fuck not.
This was after 5 or so hours on the con floor so my hair was pretty fucked, how the fuck people can walk on those wooden sandals for more than 5 minutes is beyond me.
Got a bunch of free things from the Pqube stall and had a few people take photos of me & chat, for first time cosplaying it was pretty fun. Also met reading steiner too.
please be lying...
so this is the face of your average anime poster on Sup Forums
why would we lie user
He does it for fun
she's a food blogger
cause my dick needs to feed
I applaud your courage.
Keep doing your thing.
i'll never have a cute japanese gf...
>tfw you basically look like that except with short blonde hair and dont pretend to be a girl
seriously, what the fuck user
loved her old vids when she would stuff herself with fresh chinpo
new one eating manko wasn't that interesting
It usually helps if you actually look like a girl and not an egg.
It was for a trading card series I think.
How does one person look so inbred?
She's a retired JAV star. Look up her name and have fun.
I won't lie to you baby. You're not my type.
used to be when people here did something so outrageous, others didn't tend to put them down
This entire city must be purged. Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you... get out of my sight!
dont lie like a filthy jewish faggot user
here's her name and some cosplay she did before user
It's as Ann as the plain on Egg's face
wait what, anri's retired?
Eh I had fun. me and my friends did a group cosplay.
Never said I was 10/10 super hot, it was for enjoying some lels and getting drunk in cosplay.
I'm a bad man who doesn't like unironic anime posters.
don't let it get to you, I would totally go there with you dressed in something ridiculous if I had a chance
You had sex with any of your friends?
>post anime
you're a bigger fag than he is
Put me on le screencap xD
>white people
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated the joke. I don't have an appropriate reaction image on hand, so take this Berserk wallpaper I have instead.
Reminder that Sup Forums is anti-fun
For a while now. She "sings" and "acts," and recently did some topless stuff for Nadine J's website.
This is what I imagine all the fags posting sissy anime reaction images look like
If I didn't all I'd be doing is just walking around and looking at overpriced stuff. At least with that cosplay I got to actually talk with people and get some free shit, hell I became acquainted with reading steiner who was doing his daru cosplay from it.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting that many (yous) from something we did for some laughs.
If she goes to macao, you know what's up.
no my fault you get anxiety attacks near groups of people
I loved carnivals as a kid and we don't have game/otaku cons over here
every occasion we could don some masks we picked the stuff that made people freak out
I was in drag more times than I can count
>also a faggot
You're not wrong.