ITT: the most overrated games in their respective franchise
ITT: the most overrated games in their respective franchise
JUST fuck my plot up
But that's not Kingdom Hearts 1
This one has the best gameplay and that'll all I play KH for.
KH1 - fun refreshing take on arpg
KH2 - fucking mess; quick cashgrab by the Mouse
Pretending BBS wasn't the best
You're thinking about Dream Drop Distance, the shittiest in the series even including the phone games
I dropped it after a few minutes. Maybe I'll go back someday.
My favorite combat and leveling mechanics in the franchise.
This guy gets it.
I guess you could argue 1 is better since it had a more competent story, but I'd say they are both horribly presented and done.
I didn't like the look of the ability system.
I wonder if people remember how clunky some of the gameplay in kh1 was.
KH2 is the favorite of people who actually fucking play video games. People who pick anything else never played anything in the franchise and just watch 'lore' videos on youtube.
That's not BBS
>So it's an "I've never bothered to understand the mechanics and play at a higher difficulty than normal" episode
I played KH1 recently, and didn't find it very clunky. It's a lot simpler than KH2, for sure, but there's nothing really bad about it. The only thing that seemed clunky to me was the camera. The original version was never great + the game used the shoulder buttons to move it, and the remix has a pretty poor implementation of mapping the digital camera controls to the analog. It's undeniable that KH2 is a flat-out upgrade in every single gameplay respect though.
The camera wasn't great, the jumping doesn't feel great either. IIRC KH1 was made on a mashed up version of another engine that wasn't really suited to the job and KH2 got its own engine. I could be wrong though.
You could change this post it "Most overrated franchises" and the picture would still be applicable.
Dark souls 2
That shitheap having a single fan makes it overrated.
I still consider it a good jrpg overall, but it is among the three most annoying games I have played in recent years and BoF4 did everything better.
Gameplay was better than BBS though
Came to post this.
I'm 7 hours in and I don't get the appeal, that segment with Locke was annoying as hell, and the encounter rate is too high, makes it feel like I'm playing FFII.
BBS was braid dead gameplay with shitty characters and a convoluted story. Pretty much nothing redeeming about it except Aqua a cute
Kingdom Hearts 2 was the best RPG on the PS2 but virgin weebs are scared of disney for some reason
KH2 is a great game and the Final Mix version bumps it up to being one of the best games i've ever played. Also very easily the best in it's franchise, not even close.