>Ultrawide support
>4k resolution
>unlocked framerate
>Ultrawide support
>4k resolution
>unlocked framerate
Other urls found in this thread:
Here it is at 3:4. It actually scales properly the absolute madmen.
So why lie?
too bad the game sucks
Does it support setting arbitary resolutions? 4K, 5K, 8K?
Now post screenshots of the menu and character art at 4k.
Post UI elements.
>Highschool hall walking simulator
Totally worth the $59.99.
The highest rated RPG of the year is a Highschool walking simulator
For what?
I honestly can't stress enough how bad this game is. Nights of Azure is a 10/10 masterpiece compared to it
Your screen resolution doesnt mean shit when the textures are still being stretched
Don't stress anything. Explain instead.
They didn't. They said the 2d assets were at 720p. That would mean things like character portraits in the menus, etc. Haven't seen proof yet though. Most of the game would be in 3d models though so it doesn't matter as much as people make it out to be.
I'll consider this when a sale comes around but 50+ bucks is just too much for this imo even though I like JRPGs and had a lot of fun with Berseria etc.
In non-standard aspect ratios, dumb dumb
It's actually a light Yuri game with high school waifus and no males.
okay Lewis Graham you've convinced me to buy the game
i want to be Kaceytron's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me up her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her Kaceytron blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo Kaceytron blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her Kaceytron hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her Kaceytron hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her Kaceytron face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
How much magical girl stuff is in this?
It's that maho shoujo lesbian game by idea factory or gust, right?
A lot. It's Sailor Moon: the game
I want one single Yuri Game that isn't smut like Valkyrie Drive but actually has a kiss.
Holding Hands is not enough.
How's the gameplay, OP? Turn based abttles good?
gmg has it for $42.50 after logging in.
don't tempt me user, I said I'll wait and I also ordered Senran Kagura yesterday this one can wait a little.
>tfw impulse bought this because im a massive footfag
hope i dont regret it
GMG: $85
Steam: $108 + 2 bonus costumes
$23 difference. Are the 2 costumes really worth it? Tough choice.
So it's literally just Sailor Moon X Persona?
>assets locked to 720p
These people have no idea what they are doing, are they? This is a fucking 3D game. 2D Texture resolution is secondary to image quality.
so does it look like the vita port or nah
>about 10 enemy types (with 2 or 3 palette swaps each)
>7 ridiculously simple "dungeons" that you visit over and over and over
>4 bosses designed exclusively to look cool on screenshots to trick people into buying the game. They have almost no impact in the story. You fight each one two times for pointless padding
>almost impossible to not get overpowered
> "dates" are just taking the girls to places like pic related (a literal photograph with some filters on). Not even dates really, just some boring conversations
They literally did the bare minimum they could have done to call it a game.
>Aoba's show ends today
Sad desu. At least the MC of this game is voiced by her
>no yuri
whats the point?
you can fully enjoy those yuri undertones
Definitely not Vita
Vita version was hilariously bad looking
Just go watch Valkyrie Drive.
Also, nenechi ruined the whole show
Wait what? All the screenshots I've seen are just school girls walking up and down hallways with disinterested expressions.
What is the game ACTUALLY about?
Why are PC "gamers" such entitled little shits? Half of the shit in those reviews are blatantly false.
so what's with the hubbub about the game looking like shit on pc or something
>wanting to see cute romance = wanting to see stupid fanservice smut
Valkyrie Drive is the opposite of pure, it's like if the girls in Senran Kagura just started to making out every time a fight starts.
>B-But it's portable!
Some textures aren't very good looking.
>dlc is almost 100 bux
wat, are they retarded? do they expect me to dish out 200 dollars for the complete package?
did they look better on PS4?
Fucking KT. I hate this greedy bullshit.
Are you serious?
Why the fuck didn't they try and clear that up? In fact that's a shit easy fix on their end.
So the port isnt complete horseshit?
No. It's only the menus, which is what they meant by 2d assets, being kinda low res, but it gets upscaled if you pick 1920/1080p anyway.
This is a dress up game where you have to buy the clothes separately as dlc. They put 0 effort into everything else
its a slice of life anime in game form
the small school is all there is. its like JUST the school bit from personal. talking to girl friends doing mundane things from day to day like shopping or doing makeup.
there is an overall plot about big demon monster thing killing the world but its barely there and only brought up every now and then when you go into that separate world to fight as sailer moon
its a (magical) school girl simulator
Pretty game, will pirate for DLC.
Some people say that they do, but I'm sceptical when it comes to sonybros' claims.
i wanna fuck hinako
>It actually scales properly
the FOV compared to the OP would very strongly suggest otherwise
so is the black bar present in the pc version?
If that is literally it I would consider that a good fucking KT port then.
that doesn't sound bad honestly...
but it all depends on the gameplay
it wouldn't be insulting if this was a port of a game that originally had 720p 2D assets.
it isn't. the PS4 version was 1080p and the vita version was 544p, they deliberately made worse assets for the PC version. that's not something they should be praised for.
This isn't one of those games you buy for the gameplay, but out of your love for cute anime girls.
I think the first one is just a tutorial of the menu. But you can see how muddy the text is compared to the 1080p one, which is also taken from PC.
how's the localization? after playing V3 for a few minutes i could use some good news.
combat is very simple and extremely easy. only like 4 different areas to fight in.
events/social link things are the poor mans version of persona: 2 characters idly stand in front of a jpg and talk for a short time about nothing. not about each other while walking around or having dialogue options, they talk about nothing.
no city to explore and the school is mostly uninteractive. there is barely a game here
It's like they saw the success of persona 5 and tried to rip it off but had only one month to work on it
fuck, the ui looks so clean
That could be said for most Gust games. Seriously they need to stop with the yearly releases and actually dedicate some time into development.
enjoy watching the camera loop around the characters in the exact same way with the exact same soundtrack for 50 hours
I see. I never see the magical girl side posted on Sup Forums. The images of the school hallways catch my eye for a second, and then I lose interest, so I never bother looking into it.
Pretty good strategy if you want to keep this game niche. Just never post anything interesting about it, and bitch about UI graphics.
>50 hours
It sounds more interesting than Persona after having played them all, but I doubt it's as good.
They nailed the visuals, menu and music from the looks of things though, but there's no way in hell I'm buying it for that price tag though.
All that's left now is for the game to be good
The battle system is nice, to bad the game is so easy.
The game looks nice, but due to the rushed production, it suffers from a lack of content.
What kind of game is this. Looks nice
Pcfags and their shitty garbage animu gayms
Get a life
please if you think this is going to be anything like persona, don't buy it and save yourself the disappointment
I went into it expecting something on the level of recent atelier games and still got disappointed
Seems like that's the case, what a shame.
It looks so pretty, and I could listen to that battle theme for hours.
You didn't like all the convos about make up, purses and girl stuff? Fucking fag
>> "dates" are just taking the girls to places like pic related (a literal photograph with some filters on). Not even dates really, just some boring conversations
That's stupid, if this had real yuri romance instead of this bullshit I would've bought this game in a heartbeat in regards of all its evident flaws.
I think visual novels is everything that there is.
There's no yuri
I think VNs is probably the only way to go if you want Jap romance. Most vidya cant even show kissing.
Is it out on the US PSN?
Remember gaijin, don't pirate any of it or make n00die mods, otherwise you won't be seeing any more Team Ninja games!
>I would eat shit if it had yuri in it
Yurifags ladies and gentlemen.
They should hire some people who have some idea how to design the "game" part.
All this beautiful art and assets feels wasted on this barely functional "game".
I wish there was a Platinum Games equivalent for RPG development studios. The ideal game would be a Gust provided art, story, characters, music, etc. and they would actually outsource the game part to those who can create competent rpg systems, encounters, dungeons, quests, etc.
At least there would be a possibility for a dream game like Nier Automata to be born. Gust will always be trash because they refuse or just can't improve in this department.
What ever happened to that anyway
Cant we just enjoy a game about an all female cast being girly and not be a sperg about it?
Just fucking imagine it , man. Most moe SoLs shows arent even yuri in the slightest but fans make yuri pairings anyway.
I didn't hear anything about this. Is it out?
For that to happen, they need to stop making games every year and actually focus on thing.
This game suffered because Gust was also busy making Firis and Night of Azure 2 at the same time. Considering how small their studio is, they were just shooting themselves in the foot.
>camera vertical movement is locked so you can't look under their skirts
It's like they read my mind when I thought "at least I can enjoy the fan service part of this terrible game" and then went out of their way to fuck that up too
How's Firis?