>Da, Trung-Si
Da, Trung-Si
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>tfw blowing gooks the fuck off with the M79 in the radio relay mission
This game was fantastic
Replaying it now, got stuck on that fucking boat sequence and had to use cheats.
My own fault for playing on the hardest difficulty which is really not optimized at all.
Awesome game.
>when you gain the fire support option but have to figure out the fucking coordinates on your own by studying the terrain on the map
>figure out the fucking coordinates on your own
yeah that fucked me up. i took a lucky guess. guess im a casual. playing on hard too
>if you get hurt and use a medpack to heal then your maximum health depletes
what other games do this?
>we wait for aaatha men
No need to follow him at all, you can lead.
>order squad into stealth mode
>walk around, whispering commands and friendly chatter is also whispering
>tap Numpad3 or whatever the number is to call the pointman
>MC yells "NUTTTTT!!!!!"
Good times.
Thread soundtrack.
ate there any other games like this one
Hidden and Dangerous 2
My favourite and most adrenaline packed moment was that mission after you escape the tunnels. You have to make your way to the LZ. I was running forward while occasionally stopping behind cover to shoot at enemies behind me. At one point I ran out of ammo and only had 5 more rounds for the Mosin rifle. Shit was intense as fuck.
I'd love to play some multiplayer again...
>playing with a HUD
Do you support the communists, son?
Its important to know how much ammo you have, and just how low your max health is, because its possibel to lock yourself out of being able to progress.
That's the part I mentioned here. It's also literally impossible to go through that subsequent boat section without getting shitton of damage. But yeah overall that part was very good. You are finally glad to see daylight after those claustrophobic tunnels only to immediately hate it too.
>Its important to know how much ammo you have, and just how low your max health is, because its possibel to lock yourself out of being able to progress.
Only if you're one of those quick save casuals.
Vietcong and Rainbow Six 3 are great games if you want to spawn random enemies and see how operator you can get. The quick action and terrorist hunt game modes are perfect for that.
>walk around
>get wrecked
>eventually start getting good
>in the end you become an 30 shot fired 30 dead people operator
>Only if you're one of those quick save casuals.
You clearly haven't played this game before because you have only 3 quicksaves per missions.
Pretty sure it's only 3 on certain difficulties. I remember having more.
There are 4 difficulties iirc, the highest one called Vietnam, that's the one I am playing on right now. Only 3 saves and like I said, your max health depletes if you get wounded and heal.
My copy of the game always crashed right after the tunnel mission. And I want to die.
Do you also want to die because you wasted your life, you're deteriorating in every sense and everything is just a chore without any chance of gratification?
My base game was fine but Fist Alpha always crashed near the end of the final mision.
Make sure you're patched. Also try not to use shitty cracks, but keep the image mounted. If that doesn't work, make sure to get the proper version crack or the patched version of the game you have.
Haven't play this game in English, are the lines in it good? The original Czech dubbing was pretty great.
Why did the coop mode suck so much? There were no objectives, it was basically just the map with static bots that you could shoot to win.
>inb4 lostboy.exe
There is an unofficial coop campaign released by the devs themselves later on.
Vietcong Red Dawn.
It's a link to a torrent and you can see the files it downloads. They're images of the game to install cleanly and then apply the patches. It's as "clean" as you can get and install an unauthorized copy.
I always assumed that was just a new singleplayer campaign from the VC point of view. That's neat.
>tfw didnt know how to throw grenades and kept blowing myself up
>tfw mouse is fucked and registers one click as 4 occasionally
You're not alone bro.
Is 2K Czech the best eastern European developer?