MMORPG thread

Vertical progression (theme park) or horizontal progression (Sandbox). Which one is better?

What you mean like the map designs?

I tried gw2 and it was trash desu

I got better

Gw2 is trash
Wow isn't complete trash just mostly.


>guild wars 2

its 100% a theme park, and so is WoW.

but horizontal progression is better. FFXI > WoW

A mix is needed.
GW2 leans more into lateral, horizontal progression with its updates and expansions where WoW and FFXIV lean more into horizontal progression in their expansions.

They have fundamentally different appeals which are fine. Neither are really sandboxes though.

Part of the issue with the recent WoW expansion is that they attempt to have it both ways, going for lateral progression that adds little to your personal character and is a bit more contextual but give it the same grind as horizontal progression which you slog through because it's a permanent change to your character.

FFXIV has had a better time about doing it both ways by keeping horizontal and vertical progression systems mostly separate

What is wrong with GW2?

>a mix is needed

if you're 15 and have adhd maybe.

Why is a mix bad?

fffags need to die

theme park style is utter trash, no matter the concentration of the trash it is still trash.

go enjoy your gear treadmill faggot


Well Id on't think it's trash...its good for playing with friends, like an actual theme park.

Sandbox is just way more difficult to execute intelligently...Eve is one of the only titles that fulfills on the promise of a truly player-run world to a degree that I can think of

>implying i play xiv
>implying xiv isn't also theme park garbage

>its good for playing with friends

so is 90% of games. they're still trash.

>he doesn't play GW2 because it's "bad" or it's "SJW shit"

I'm so sorry.

>I enjoy fun games
>gw2 isn't fun
Sorry for what

>try GW2
>combat is boring and for retards
>"I'm so sorry."

You're not the only one.

Give me a quick run on GW2

classes all feel the same because there are no roles

shitty meme dodgerolls like DARK SOULS XD

PVP is a zergfest

the devs didnt even play gw1

90% of the game is dressup

its a theme park where you can teleport across half a world in 2 seconds and it has no real community

All MMO combat pales in comparison to normal multiplayer gameplay

Objectively wrong and gay.

8 vanilla classes, each can play any of the four combat roles but a bit differently.
Combat in vanilla zones is pretty easy, you get 10 skills at a time: 5 tied to the weapons you have equipped, 1 heal, 3 utility and 1 elite/super skill.
Every class also gets a dodge roll that can store up two charges.
>devs didn't even play gw1
Mike Obrien is still there and he's literally an Arenanet founder

Prove me wrong.
Name one MMO with better combat than a comparable multiplayer but not massive multiplayer game

Sandbox > Theme Park
However Guild Wars 2 is just as much of a theme park as WoW.

the majority of the people there didn't even look at it. Don't pretend this game is anything at all similar to gw1. its a bastardization using the same name for branding purposes.

>horizontal progression
what progression? every single class is supposed to be played the same way, there's nothing "horizontal" when there's a clear meta and clear inferiors unplayable specs

Combat's weightless and static. Does not have the shitload of customization from GW1 to make up for it; it's just inherently barebones.

>All this salt on GW2.

I'm going to continue to play it. It's a comfy game that doesn't feel like a second job. Stay mad.

I agree, GW2 shares very little in common with GW1 but I don't think that makes it a bad game necessarily.
It's not perfect, it's got some huge flaws and the devs are very bad at addressing particular issues. It's good for a particular audience for whom its particular take on certain features and its pacing appeal to.

I'd say a big difference is just the fact that GW1 was closer to an instance multiplayer game whereas GW2 is closer to the MMO mold set out by WoW. They're two different games but for people looking at picking up an MMO with no knowledge of the history behind each title, GW2 isn't bad

It is a second job though. You have to farm nonstop to get competent gear so you can actually do damage.

>You have to farm nonstop to get competent gear so you can actually do damage.


What the hell are you talking about?
Exotics are easy to get and they're perfectly useful to run even Raids with.
The only content that needs you to farm gear are high level Fractals that need Agony resistance and that's only because people COMPLAINED about there being no typical MMO-gear grind in the game.

Why are you replying to me? I'm the one that said you don't need to farm.

Woops, sorry, picked the wrong one
meant for

>raiding in a casual theme park

I like the game, and the sjw stuff is pretty subtle most of the time but still mildly annoying.
What's more annoying is it seems like 4/5 of the important NPCs are female, so if your toon is female you hardly hear any male voices.

>sjw stuff
what kind? except the 2 useless gay characters I didn't notice any of this stuff

>11 equals 14 now
Don't post if you can't read or count.

Every class must be played as condi, and viper gear is expensive as fuck if you're trying to get into the game and didn't get living story bullshit. I spent something like 100-150g on viper exotics, armor only. Accessories were unobtainable in a reasonable manner without living story; something like 50g each. Then there's the autism grind for masteries in HoT that killed my experience for me. I came back to the game a few weeks in since a few buddies I played with said it was good, and then I was subjected to an annoying grind just to make my elite spec playable (fine whatever) and then cucked out of a good 40-60% of activities because of masteries. I can accept the autistic grind for endgame cosmetic shit since that's around in every game, but basic functional dps in a dps zergfest game being tied to grind is a huge turnoff.

seconding this
get back to enjoying games instead of whining about political views

>90% of the game is dressup

welcome to mmos

>implying these newfriends even know anything about xi

If you boost a character, it puts you in full exotics, itemized for health and damage reduction. Think just a little bit about your build and the overworld is easy to survive in. The things that kill you quickly you can't overgear anyway.

someone post the "very brave of you" transgendered NPC

>literally have to go out of your way to talk to it

I played GW2 on launch and tried to play it again a couple months before HoT and this week and all the systems got worse

I unironically play oldschool runescape. The attention to detail in that game is truly amazing.

>not a theme park
dynamic event for gathering apples is so much better than a quest for it

objectively false tbhon

the progression and weapon systems are worse though

Yeah, if you're trying to min/max, viper gear is best right now.

And yeah, the HoT masteries are a giant grind and Anet didn't think those out. They designed masteries to be account bound and shit but they made the mistake of assuming that players would ever want to run HoT maps on anything other than their main. That was their fuckup.

It seems like they've addressed most of these issues in PoF: masteries are easier to get and the actual open world PvE is interesting to fight against compared to the vanilla map PvE

objectively incorrect

Can you be more specific?
Like the thing I don't like about the new weapon system is it's just flat attached to level rather than you 'learning' new weapon skills the more you use it

The early progression is seen as better by some players but it drives me up the fucking wall when I'm leveling alts for fun. I just don't get how any of the systems are so complicated that they need to be drip-fed to the player like how it is now

when I started the game I could pick up any weapon I wanted but now I unlock one every 20 levels and there is this whole mastery stuff

>he plays bad games


Get back to your general and have your fun there.

Why are you posting two Themepark MMOs in your OP picture if you mention sandbox in your text?

I agree, the old weapon unlock system was great.
The mastery stuff for HoT should only be done if you really want a legendary or are mining that area for resources (or if you just really like the meta events in Auric and Verdant Brink like me)

Otherwise, just grab the first level of Itzel, Nuhoch and Exalted and the first two of Glider for the story and never touch them again

>expansion is out
>less than 1,5k viewers on Twitch

You watch Twitch typically because the streamer is entertaining in some way.
Not a lot of entertaining gw2 streamers.

Most streamed games tend to also be more about the shit that players themselves do to produce humorous situations by accident. Sometimes its for reactions. GW2 doesn't provide much for either of those

Themeparks are better for early game, Sandbox is better for end game. A good MMO would have a balance of the two like PSOBB

>put 4 rares in mystic forge
>this gets pooped out
t-thanks arenanet

I'm building Eureka now.
It's nice to have some reliability with the precursors finally

Vanilla can be kind of boring. PoF however is the best MMO experience I've had since TBC. I would even put it above the original GW games.

I have no idea how any of that shit works, I'm just happy I went from 70 gold to 800 gold, pretty chill

>building a legendary without a precursor scavenger hunt

That must be pain, LS3 maps were pretty shit.

I'm kinda bummed because GW2 strayed even more from GW with all the shitty updates they made, all the while raping the story of GW.
Man GW2 is such a stupid shitheap of failures, shit design and wasted potential.
Did they even had GvG yet ?

What does that mean?

80% of the content is open world pve which doesn't have a meta.

I'd say it's still too short to be above any of the gw1 expansions, but I'd also say it's one of the best expansions for an MMO I've ever seen
also gw2 has some of the best art and sound direction of any mmo

Guild Wars 2 developers are literally trannies, lesbians, and SJWs that play FFXIV and copy their shit.

FFXI disagrees with you. There were objectively best party comps against open world bosses. People would refuse to invite you to groups if you didn't play a certain job/subjob combo or didn't spend hundreds of hours grinding for 1 piece of essential gear.

the art is good too bad the game doesn't look anything like it, I love how when you create your character and pick your race you have those cool as fuck artworks for each races but then when you pick let's say sylvary you end up with a salad faced mongoloid that looks like trash in any kind of armor

it's just like tracer's lesbian stuff, just a token so sjw and other shit spouting 'journalists' won't start to do everything to ruin the game

I dunno, some of those maps were definitely KINO for lack of a better word

why the fuck would you ever watch a stream of an mmo, it's literally the least interesting stuff to watch

GW1 had a better art direction

the characters can get a little weird but the world itself looks great
and even then, the characters have been getting much better recently

maybe if you're doing pugs. it was super easy to find linkshells full of like minded non-min maxers. back when the game came out nobody min maxed really



additional reminder that this is a literal who npc added by one random dev and there's literally no reason to talk to them unless you're actively seeking them out

>back when the game came out nobody min maxed really
that was back in like 2003, in 2004 or 2005 is when people were minmaxing like crazy because they were designing the game to be more for NEETs than casuals.


diagonal progression my lil nigga

why do people still play gw2 when ffxiv is superior

XIV is really bad too

wtf lol ffxiv is straight up treadmill my niggrosaur

Because I found FFXIV to be boring even with friends and GW2 is fun with friends. The new maps are pretty cool too, Elon Riverlands is my favorite map in the whole game at this point.

as expected from addicted guild wart fags

>talking shit about gw2
>playing an equally garbage game in ff14

GW2 is shit. Do you hear me? Objectively SHIT! When will we get a game to match GW1, guys? Is the MMORPG genre permanently dead?

Well it's nice since I accidentally came into about 2000 gems, so I used 1200 of that to get that Black Lion Board item for your home instance where you can choose what type of material you want to be mailed to you every day. Useful for the Gifts of Might and Gifts of Magic I need

I obviously wish that I could do a scavenger hunt, the one for Astralaria was fun
Well before, to get a legendary weapon, you needed to get a precursor weapon specific to that legendary.
These precursors were ONLY available through RNG, either by enemies or by mystic.
Nowadays you can grind for one.
Nightfall and Factions were pretty substantial in terms of the areas they provided and the story you could dig into.

But PoF is, at least pound for pound, as good if not better than them.
I wish they could make the characters look more like the concept art...maybe add some sort of special filter or some shit.

I appreciate that the skill effects generally maintain that art-brush, watercolor style though, instead of sparkly that WoW does that doesn't really jive with me
I liked GW1's art a lot too. Post your favorite bits (I REALLY liked the Utopia concept stuff that got released)

gw1 isn't an mmo

gw1 wasn't even a real mmorpg you fucking newfag

I shat on GW2 a lot in this thread, see

It's short because they basically adopted the model where Living Story episodes following the expansion are just continuations of the story. It worked for HoT even if I didn't really like the story.