Hey human. If you can beat me at any video game of your choice, I'll be your eternal servant!

>Hey human. If you can beat me at any video game of your choice, I'll be your eternal servant!
what do?

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Ask her if she has an older brother

Fuck off pedo

Is there a videogame that's just a coin flip?

Give her a donut and force that bitch back into your shadow. It's still day time.

buzz off, cowtits

mario party

pick some easy as shit game so i can lose on purpose and be her eternal servant instead

I was going to post the exact same thing.

I challenge her to a game of life and death where she gets to die if I win.

I pick the coin flip one. Because that equals a 50/50 chance of winning, which is basically a 100% increase in my chances.

You're assuming the deal goes both ways.

>no games where I can be a cute dominating vampire loli.

So you had 25% change to win in the first place? Why are you so bad at video games?

Can I choose the VR game where you watch a movie with her?

If I win can you introduce me to Meme instead?
He seems like a fucking lad

A race to see who can complete Meet n Fuck: Kingdom first.

What if I lose?

>You're assuming the deal goes both ways.
Fine. Then I'll pick any fighting game and order her to make me her servant.

Like average at the absolute best, and that's probably being generous.
It was obviously not an accurate equation, but it gets the general idea across.

Does this anime get better or what? I'm on episode 4 and I'm already tired of the contrived dialogue and shitty characters, I can also see the meme aesthetic getting old real fast.

There you go, user.

>deal doesn't goes both ways
That's not how deals and bets go, there needs to be something in for her as well. But fine, then I'll just beat her on Puyo Puyo and when she becomes my eternal servant and can't disobey me, I'll order her to make me her eternal servant instead.

dumb cancerous phonephosting frogposter

the first few arcs are the worst in the series
just stick with it and it gets better

first is best tho

Alright I choose : "You laugh , you loose" XD

How loose are we talking?

>dem feet

loose, like sleeve of wizard.


Time to git gud with Rachel in Blazblue, user.

>ka ka~

Big Rigs. I can't lose.

Half-Life 2 Death Match. dm_lockdown. Vanilla weapons. 3 rounds. No other players involved.

You're on, bitch.

>You're assuming the deal goes both ways.
I accept my fate, even if she drinks, drains and consumes me whole. To nurture a vampire loli is te most noble death a man can die. If you dont think so, your dedication is weak.

>we'll play highest number, you go first

Hey, do you know InkvizitorDK by chance?



I'll challenge her to Dr Nim, tell her the winning strategy, and let her go first. Then I can finally get to experience cute vampire loli suck the life force out of my veins.

*Unsheathe ps2 copy of dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3*
>"twas unwise to challenge me, demon child"

No. Why?

You lose because infinity isn't a number, good job.

Reminder that the film is much better than the anime since it actually has quality, stakes, actual violence, and great action


The game is called: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.

I punch her in her face and break her nose
Fucking bloodsuckers

International Track & Field

It gets worse if anything. If you didn't like Bake you're better dropping it.

not its a shit series people enjoy purely because waifus. They might delude themselves into thinking they enjoy the plot and character progression but we all know its bullshit. Bakemano is the only good one because it has best waifus and some action