The Guild 3

I don't know if anyone here is hype for this, but this releases in early access in 3 hours. As far as we know the game is almost finished and just needs tweaking, also there's no multiplayer yet.

It's made by GolemLabs who apparently haven't made a game since 2004, so I really dont know what to expect. But I'm really badly hoping it isn't shit, I loved The Guild as a kid.

Trailer here

I know some of you here have played The Guild before, so post wants and fears in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

ah yes, the guild, too bad Medieval/Renaissance Germany is the blandest setting possible

It could be set in medieval China for all I care, the gameplay is what makes it good.

As long as isn't as buggy as the earlier games, I'd consider it a win. Obviously not gonna buy early access though, fuck that shit.

it would make the games more interesting, the HRE was such an irrelevant shithole...

pls be good

Nigger what

I loved that bug ridden shit. I hope those new developers will be more competent

How was it relevant ?
Bunch of micro-countries beating themselves over the head for a thousand years, occasionally getting BTFO by France and muh Hansa.

>I don't know if anyone here is hype for this
right here nigga

Oh shit how did I not know this. This can either make my week or utterly spoil it.

This is either going to restore my faith in video games or hammer the last nail in my gaming coffin.

what kind of video game is it ?

you build your empire from scratch starting from various archetypes from clerk to ruffian, cool concept but the execution is always horrible like with most German made games

Agreed with that, really hoping this installment will surprise me in a positive way.

The sims made for men. You have none of the needs bullshit and instead run business and can apply to office, get elected as various positions of power to (ab)use.

It's like Crusader Kings 2 in that you have to manage your dynasty, but it's about business instead of feudal politics. My favorite way to play was to play a Rogue and have thugs and pickpockets in every town across the map, I was like the medieval Godfather.

You build a family dynasty and business in a comfy as fuck late medieval German town. You can be a farmer tilling crops and sending carts to the market, or a trader or smith. You can even be a thief or a priest.

Can I become an aristocrat by monopolising pork production in my city?

Oh shit I had lost all hopes of playing this this year. I've been playing the fuck out of the guild 2.

>still nothing on the price

i wont pay more than 30€ for an EA game

Is this game hidden commie propaganda? I remember the moral of the second game was basically that if you could afford the initial investment to become a business owner, it would be only a matter of time until you became wealthy and politically powerful.

EA is 29.99€

You don't buy games in EA, not after ark survival devs were allowed to release and expansion while still in EA.

I hope this time you can let the AI run your business properly because this series feels like working your ass out when playing.
I played a 11h lan game with two friends and micromanaging your 10+ businesses will literally turn you crazy

but there was several map in G2 france, england, germany
they have already shown the paris map

Sure, the economy is completely based on supply and demand where everything sold is manufactured somewhere on the map. You can hire a bunch of thugs to destroy your competitor's businesses or steal all their shipments on the road. The Guild 2 was buggy as fuck though, the economy works properly in the early game but in the late game it bugs out and slows way down when nobody buys stuff.

The first one was so good I still replay it from time to time. I hated the second installment. Could never get into it.

imagine being this thirsty for yous

day one refund for ark and kf2 god bless steam refunds


Speaking of Steam refunds
>buy sequel from some indie dev whose first game I liked
>sequel is unfinished ass
>refund it
>11 days later and still haven't gotten my money back

you maybe asked a paypal refund, sometimes they only accept wallet refund

Hoping against hope. But it will likely be shit

I kinda want to buy it anyway, Ark's devs are big jews who cashed in on their huge playerbase. While the guild 3 has had next to no marketing and the only people who know about it are people who really badly wanted a Guild sequel, sounds like the devs are good people who are making a game for the fans. I will wait for the preliminary reviews though.

I paid with Mastercard, I asked for Mastercard back. They accepted it 11 fucking days ago. The original charge hasn't even shown up on my card, yet my money is gone.


how does multiplayer work in this game? I found out about the previous games not long ago but never tried them out, I'm really interested in this one though.

I'll buy it on sale for $5 in two years or so.

The Guild is a fun concept but tends to be boring and tedious in execution, and the games tend to be unpolished, janky and very buggy as well.



Guild 1 is legit one of my all time favorites and classics

Please be good

Holy shit please be good

>releases in early access

Loved the second game, I just hope the pathetic isn't a piece of shit.

I'd like an exotic guild game.
Imagine sacrifying a kid to the eunuch to get a foothold.

the thief and priest games are generally hilarious
nothing better than putting the protestant leader in jail and bombing his heretic church

about fucking time, it's been on my wishlist since 2015

This could either make me very happy or ruin the rest of my vacation

>the rich nobleman finally had enough of you raiding his carts and calls you to court
>you arrive with an innocent smile on your face but the nobleman has disappeared off the face of the earth never to be seen again, and the judge is forced to let you walk free

Have you been living under a rock?
This shit has been in development for like three years now

Can't really blame him, the game has had no marketing. I only found out a couple days ago that they were at Gamescom.

There's a Guild 2?
How late to the party am I?

pretty fucking late

Over a decade?

It's at time like this that I'm happy that Sup Forums is Anonymous, otherwise I would never hear the end of this.
Now excuse while I go buy the second game on gog or something.

Holy shit, user. You just saved me some bucks. Couldn't decide if I waste money on either Danganronpa or Blue Reflection but now those two are irrelevant

Oh, hello Lewis.

That women is very scantily dressed.

It´s on sale on Steam
Get The Guild II: Renaissance


good choice, weebshit is worthless garbage

It runs like dogshit on my PC.

Yeah, but I prefer GoG. I can install it on every PC I'll have to use. Thanks for the tip!

Prostitution is in the game.

the game somehow runs like dogshit for everyone, don't expect 60fps

is it really?

>Medieval/Renaissance Germany is the blandest setting possible
Here's a longer gameplay video that I found, no cinematic teaser nonsense that shows nothing of actual substance. Looks promising?

it's one of the few ways that thief classes can make stable money

all of the other classes have some sort of refine -> sell option, but thieves have to actively go out and do stuff

with prostitution it's basically free money since there's no refine/creation process, however prostitution alone is generally not viable unless you're able to control a lot of real estate in multiple cities/parts of town. It's a supplement to the thieves other actions which ends up normalizing their income a bit more

>40 second loading time
Jesus fucking christ, nazis. Get your shit in gear.

I hope there are new mechanics for forcing a girl to marry you. I don't have time for romance.
If I could just buy a little girl I'd be very happy.

Pickpockets are really good too, if you have a bunch of them in the city center they will make a lot of money.

I've heard people describe these games as The Sims but focusing less on the social sim aspect and more on building up your character and moving up in the world. Is this true?

especially when used in tandem with prostitutes, whoever doesn't get fucked gets robbed at least

Assuming it's not terribly expensive, I'll go against my better judgement and buy it.

yes, but it's primarily a management game

Its kind of like the Sims crossed with Crusader Kings 2. You control your guy like a sim but the aim of the game is to amass wealth for your dynasty, and if all the members of your dynasty die then the game ends. You start as a commoner but when you get more money you can buy higher social status, better education for your children, grow your army of henchmen and influence, and you can buy upper class houses and equipment.

Is there a way to moralfag and crack down on prostitution?

It's a business simulator with some minor Sims-like elements.

>in 3 hours
I had no idea

Really love the series though, I hope this one won't be shit

What's the deal with all the different versions? Are they all different or just iterations of the same game? I was thinking about buying it desu.

We need to make a roll sheet random start generator like we have for Skyrim and Oblivion

Basically the one you want is Renaissance

>The Guild 2: base game, this has a tutorial which Renaissance doesn't have
>The Guild 2 pirates: a stand alone expansion
>The Guild 2 Renaissance: an expansion but it has has all the shit from base game and pirates except for the tutorial thing from the base game

That's how I comprehend it

it's literally the same game released over and over with a differend name and extra bugs.
only renaissance is somewhat stable, don't bother with the others.

Only thing I remember from the game was constant fucking desyncs in multiplayer.

I hope they've fixed that shit this time.

How open-ended are these games? Do you have to rise through business, or do the lite-social sim aspects allow you to manipulate your way into power?

First you start as a commoner and amass wealth by doing business but later on you get involved in politics. The higher your status the more shady shit you can do.

You have to rise through business, or thievery if you're a Rogue, but there are a lot of professions you can choose from.

>throwing your LAN friend into prison over bullshit charges because he set your house on fire

good times

>guild 2 is 2.50 right now

Aw shit yeah nigguh

Reminder that if you do you should get Renaissance and not the base game or pirate edition

Make sure to get the Sovereign mod if you're gonna play guild 2, it adds content and bugfixes

>no multiplayer
>rogues removed
>no thugs/combat until fucking december
>no more priest option
Its going to be shit

>rogues removed
But they showed them in the gamescom gameplay?

>>no thugs/combat until fucking december

I mean that's like two months off, it's not forever
And it is early ass so if you don't want an unfinished game you just wait until it's done like a non-retard

For what purpose

>Guild MMO
>Every single NPC is another player
>player run trade guilds trying to outjew each other

let me dream user

I'm not really sure what they are doing with the rogues, they said they were overpowered but I don't know what they did to fix it. Also I'm pretty sure combat is in the game, just not the feature to forcefully takeover buildings.

Steam page says they want to implement 16 player multiplay

Early ass for 4-6 months
we can hope

> Multiplayer

Fucking WHY

I like the single player too but I had good times playing it with my friends over LAN back when

i'm hype

Holo mod when

Seriously this would be the perfect game for that kind of mod

shirley, you cant be serious