I was going to buy it anyway. But that's a pretty good trailer...

I was going to buy it anyway. But that's a pretty good trailer. Good of EA to be a bit more transparent with the content. Also no Season Pass is nice.

Looks fun. Lol'd at 4 maps for the first one

the fact that this actually has enough content for a full priced retail game and the fact that they're going the Titanfall 2 route with no season pass makes me marginally hopeful that this won't be garbage



Yes, same. I was very pleased with how TF2 handled things. The fact that they still put out new content with a relatively low playerbase is great.

Also a Singleplayer mode helps, too. Even if the Campaign is only 3-5 hours long. It's still a buying point for many people.

>main campaign you play as a girl
>will most likely defect to the rebellion cause girls cant be evil

I'm not going to apologize for shit.

No droideka no buy

tfw no Geonosis. Oh well, atleast Kashyyyk is back and looks awesome!

no "season pass" + dozens of dlcs?

what's the catch?


Nobody cares if you do

I guess I'll be keeping my copy of the first Battlefront so I can play on Scariff. Atleast until it returns for BF2

We're never getting any non Battlefield or LEGO star wars games ever again, are we?

Is galactic conquest in?

No season pass? What kind of complex jewish trickery is this? I refuse to believe EA is not actively trying to nickle and dime its player base.

>boyega and no finn doing the presentation

at least bring some charismatic motherfucker, hire mike tyson for the trailers if you are going to put that boyega boring shit

last time I got excited over dog fighting was when i saw the mothership map for unreal 2004. it became one of the worst onslaught maps. Im not getting fooled into another dogfighting map

looks wayyy better than the previous game and I'm a little hype but I know they'll fuck this up and it's still missing some options from the original games. I still want to play though so I'll most likely pirate it. hope it's better than I thought


Well that explains it. Is it just cosmetics or does it involve the star card shit?

a single purchase all inclusive DLC pass is no longer jewish enough to serve publisher interests

so you get multiple seasons or no passes and a shitton of microtransactions or whatever

>Epic 20 vs 20
And just like that I don't give a shit anymore.

The same way it is in Titanfall 2. New content is free, but specialy cosmetics can be bought. Also you can see lootboxes in the Trailer, you can bet on those being buyable too.


that's just for consoles right? PCs get 32v32?

Mobile games

>he thinks more players is always better lol

Just legal shit.

You cared enogh to give me a passive aggressive reply

Microtransactions are not confirmed, so I doubt he can give you a solid answer.


I will fist my apology into your shill ass

come on now, whats stopping them from having 32v32?
is there a server browser?


Nah fuck off shill.

let's be honest, you should only be buying this game for the singleplayer. if you want MP, play the old games. even better just pirate this game

This. Please don't buy this game!

I'd rather a season pass than this micro transaction bullshit where you never get to try the new weapons because of how rare they're intentionally made

they did the math and realized that as time goes on people spend less and less on DLC and the playerbase evaporates once too much is locked behind a paywall. Games like csgo or tf2 make 10x the money of any battlefield or cod and last for a long time. less effort, more longevity

This, remember to pirate the game and don't buy the mp.

Played enough of this in 2005

I wouldn't even begin to think about paying EA day one.
Only bought Titanfall 2 year after release.

bad company 2 was only 16v16 I think and that was great

>still no star wars battle royale

lmao maybe battle front 3

Shut the fuck up EA loot boxes were literally in the fucking beta

is that where the jewing comes in? is it cash shop shit?

yeah, that's pretty much exactly what i said. a season pass is jewish enough, but far preferable to consumers than nickel and dime bullshit
and we all know what happens to things consumers prefer. they get replaced with more expense

dude lmao we learning
put create and card in the game

>20vs20 games are considered epic in the current year
>especially from the developers of battlefield series

shit game with reused assets for a high price is the catch

At this point its a better option. Publishers and devs make more off the simps with more money than common sense and people who like the gameplay will not be punished for committing to the game for a longer period.

What do you expect?

yea but I'd rather have this than having content dlc

Its the difference between a dead game and a game where people can pay to not grind but its still alive because free content being paid by whales.

Sorry Sup Forums but I'm buying it

>40 players max

no thx

>higher rarity cards do more damage
More pay to win crap. Even the Heroes holy fuck.

>3 prequel maps
Why waste their time with the sequel trilogy when its a shitty knockoff of the OT and the environments are almost exactly the same. At least in the prequels you get planets like Mustafar, Geonosis, Felucia, Coruscant, Utapau, Mygeeto.

Who needs another Endor, Hoth and Tatooine?

peck you in the coconut, seagulls stop it now

Nope, fuck you.
If they did it like overwatch or Halo 5 that's one thing.
But they'll just do it like COD does it with weapons hidden behind the stupid fucking microtransactions

Why the fuck they put the nu-star wars setting in. There is zero likable characters in the new ones and the shittiest of them all is Rey and Han Solos wifes emo son.

there are an entire generation of kids out there right now who know who Kylo Ren is but not Obi Wan Kenobi

I'm not a pleb who plays cod so I don't know what you mean.

There isn't anything you'll be able to get through money that you can't get by just buying the base game. That would just be regular dlc.

They put in the shotgun from Republic Commando at 2:50

>Pay to win crates/cards with microtransactions.

>same shitty map design, gunplay and flying

>most likely will still have the same issues with hackers

Stop shilling this crap here.

Star Wars is dogshit

Except weapons are intentionally made so rare you have nearly 0 chance to get them through f2p which encourages you to pay for loot boxes you tard.
It's the same concept as Japan mobages except you also pay $60 for the game in this case

>what's the catch?

Microtransactions and pay to win.

apologize for what you fucking shill

But what about silver girl nazi?

you can craft my guy so you can bypass rng and just go directly for what you want

Please don't hurt me like that.
Why hollyjews must always ruin everything.

I hope Arcade is just offline matches against bots and not just those shitty "missions" again.

I'm getting too old for multiplayer and I'm fucking sick of the focus on online multiplayer. I just want to shoot some droids and have some fun at my leisure. I don't want to have to try or get my ass handed to me 24/7

It is. They added that to the first game a long time ago too, but now you can actually level up and complete challenges in the offline mode.

>Pointing a gun at Luke
>Lemme just point my gun at the guy that killed Darth motherfucking Vader.

What is this garbage story.

I want this on swich

>the guy that killed Darth motherfucking Vader.
He wasn't, though.

He did beat him, just chose not to kill him.

is split screen only for arcade? if so I can completely ignore the console version

Good, the only thing I want is to play Battlefront the way I did 10+ years ago

All I want is a single player Star Wars game is to too much to ask for

>loot boxes

Let me give you the answer why this is still shit as was battlefront 1.
Number one flaw with the game as unbelievable as it might sound wasn't even the massive lack of content but the absolutely shit gunplay, map design, lack of ways that enable and/or necessitate any real degree of teamwork.

>Gunplay is still hyper simplistic
>Maps are still one dimensional tunnels with a handful of important points making the modes dedicated zerging the side that zergs harder wins
>Only difference between classes is weapons and maybe one utility but they don't go out of their way to define the playstyle in any meaningful way
>Flight mechanics so simplistic and the skill ceiling so low that it's hard to even put into words because there are no mechanics to shit on
>Addition of new content such as but not limited to maps and vehicles and weapons this doesn't mean that the game has a lot of content but rather it is bringing it to what is expected
And that's just the peak of the iceberg of shittiness

mfw I hear my normalfag friends talk about how they should do a remaster of the game for new consoles, I tell them to just play it on their laptop and all of a sudden they don't want to play it anymore
you don't have to buy them

every single one of those points applies to the original battlefront series. every single one.

It has a single player campaign

You could make the argument but nowhere near to the same extent and you would expect a reboot or a sequel to improve upon the formula not be a downgrade in almost every possible way with the exception of technical aspects. Just look at the features that the original batlefront 2 had and compare it to Battlefront EA and it's absolutely pitiful.

>Half-ass the first game

Clever marketing tactics, I must admit.

it's not; the original battlefront 2 really wasn't as good as you remember it being. let me write a quick criticism of it's major flaws

>Gunplay is still hyper simplistic
>Maps are still one dimensional tunnels with a handful of important points making the modes dedicated zerging the side that zergs harder wins
>Only difference between classes is weapons and maybe one utility but they don't go out of their way to define the playstyle in any meaningful way
>Flight mechanics so simplistic and the skill ceiling so low that it's hard to even put into words because there are no mechanics to shit on
>Addition of new content such as but not limited to maps and vehicles and weapons this doesn't mean that the game has a lot of content but rather it is bringing it to what is expected

>you don't have to buy them
>but they offer an advantage in the actual game
oh wow

>they offer an advantage in the actual game
said who? because that's a real criticism

did you watch the video?

It's a multiplayer game with a little single player because people complained. EA haven't even shown anything from it yet which is bad news.

yeah, they didn't say that the power up cards would be in loot boxes. for all we know those are just skins

>EA haven't even shown anything from it yet which is bad news.
It's shown in this trailer.


oh ok i'm dumb

They showed a short cinematic, that's not showing off the game at all. Besides, it's going to be shit anyways. I want a full single player Star Wars game where you play as a bounty hunter or smuggler or whatever.

No seamless land-to-space battles no buy

Wait for Jade Raymond and Amy Hennig's game then

It's a big galaxy, there's lots of people that haven't seen what Luke can do in person. As far as the MC knows Luke beating Vader could just be rebel propaganda.


>Visceral Games
>Dante's Inferno
>MySims Kingdom
I doubt it's any good but I guess it's better than nothing.

girls got a giant head what the fuck

>implying women can't be of an above average height

>hey look it's the exact same game except this time it's like a big DLC