DON'T get hyped.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Don't get hype over Capcom announcement

I can't imagine a more unncessary warning.

I see nothing wrong with this design.

This is the fixed version.

That looks like fucking aids. So on par with recent Capcom products.

>it's mega time

This isn't dead yet?

If this cartoon turns out to be good/successful I'm killing all of you.

Isn't the one in this cartoon supposed to be a human high school student or something?

>This is the future of Megaman



It's like a retarded version of Megaman.exe's backstory.

Aki Light and his annoying little shit of a side kick.

It reminds me a lot of the Pacman TV show.
Who greenlighted this shit?

>It's Mega time!


look man, as long as we get decent mega man games I don't care. I doubt we will, but there's literally nothing at this point. Hoping we get a revival

it was a great show ahead of its time


Human-looking robot. So at least that part is right.


Cmon guys it could be the next sonic boom in video games cartoons!

What's wrong with his original design? That's shit's timeless

Jesus Christ it looks crap

megaman legends remastered

No "boco", it's not dead you fuckwitt


Yes please keep fucking that dead corpse


I often wonder how I haven't put a bullet inside me yet seeing how Capcom has fucked MegaMan to death so bad that even the afterlife can't make him rest in peace

>breath of fire is dead
>mega man is dead
>devil may cry is probably dead
>metal gear solid is dead
>silent hill is dead
>suikoden is dead
What happened to Japan

Conafune "west is the future"

Talentless left the industry because normies favor visuals more than the game itself now

Go look up any recent game and find reviews. Chances are they'll be on about content and visuals, not gameplay. And the times you do find ones talk about the gameplay it's often as shallow as possible

Why is he a human boy and why do I get the feeling that the little fuck that says mega time is the replacement for Dr Light?

Why not just make it like the Sonic Boom show?


Delete minimega and you get something somewhat decent

megaman already did the henshin thing with starforce though. It even got its own show.

>This is what a lot of modern children will first see of Mega Man and know him for

It's probably better than captain n at least

But this is not Starforce, it's Megaman. In they even show the NES sprites near the end.
Using your logic a new Megaman show should have X in elf form that some random schmuck equips.

God damn I fucking hate that ironically stiff attempt at "bouncy" animation that every 3D piece of shit tries to do. Stop dipping your fucking whole body just to turn a bit or lift your arm what the fuck is that, and stop fucking blinking every time you make even the smallest fucking move.

Truly the kino of cartoons

Tell one person who would legitimately get excited at that abomination.

Someone post his dead corpse being dragged on stage

>new megaman show
>no fanfare or negative fanfare
>kids don't even know who the fuck this is
>literally filler cartoons for kids
>obvious fail
>Capcom: You see? People don't like him anymore.

Capcom already got all the data they needed when Powered Up sold like shit and flopped. People clearly don't want actual good megaman games.


Better than Battle Network

>hey kid, who's Megaman?
>He's a pokemon that a trainer uses!

>they're actually gonna be holding a live panel

Holy shit i want this live streamed, they're literally asking for a death wish to get attacked by angry fans

>I never played it
Ah you don't say. I didn't know the original ahd Time Man and Oil Man. It's almost as if they didn't also completely redo the weakness for robot masters.
Oh man the original was pretty nifty with difficulty settings that outright changed enemy patterns. I really enjoyed how in the original I could play as the Robot Masters and roll
The originals construction mode was pretty neat in the original amirite. I also liked the fucking 100+ challenges in the original game, that sure was swell.

Please stop breathing

I'd hope that someone asks about Megaman Legends 3 and to hear their response. And I hope it gets controversial and blows up on twitter.

They can't say anything we don't already know from Inafune fucking up during interviews that he didn't think would get translated.

You do know that remakes can contain new features right? A remake with new features is still a remake.

>holding a live panel
Please be good

It's still a good game and people didn't buy it. Neck yourself.

That doesn't matter, it's a live panel and I hope people pester them about it and force them to panic and kneejerk. Like how Combofiend gives stupid answers like FUNCTIONS and NOBODY KNOWS XMEN.

Link please.

They wont ask that since it has nothing to do with it

You'll hear


>They wont ask that since it has nothing to do with it
You're underestimating fans.

Combofiend should never be allowed to do promotions or PR. They need to stick him in some corner and prevent him from talking during a games release winner

It was great, also:
>Megaman Zero was still a thing
>Megaman X was still a thing
It was pretty much the best Megaman years for me, I have no idea what you are talking about.

>Megaman X was still a thing

>exclusive on a handheld with meager sales
>early console release

mobile games


so this is what capcom is doing with the IP...

You take that back.

>meager sales
80 million over its entire lifetime
>early console release
Who the fuck cares.

But what's your excuse for not buying MM9 or MM10 shitstain.

That was pretty much the first glimpse of Capcom's future retardation, though. We saw the signs, but believed it was a one time mistake.

Mobile games, easy rereleases/HD ports/collection packs, and too greedy to make new assets for actual new games
>tfw this will be the last Mega Man piece of content worth a damn

You're a bit of a retard aren't you?

And it won't be released for another 10 years.

Hopefully the BN fan sequel gets finished in the next fucking decade.

I'm not the one making shitty excuses

Hey, just saying Aki Light being Megaman is no different than "Here's Wacky School Kid Adventures also Megaman is his tamogatchi"

JKB's been making steady progress ever since he started shilling the game on Twitch

>TFW the Megaman intro from Kids WB was less cheesy

This is irrelevant, but Pantheons were the best grunts

>Putting a game on the PSP
There was nothing i didnt pirate on that.

Thanks for being part of the problem that killed Megaman. Though I'm being too aggressive since the only person that is at fault for killing Megaman is inafuking

>the first time Inafune tried to push his retarded "No MEGAMAN/DR LIGHT is the bad guy" story angle

We should have seen the signs then.

Is this what really happens in the Megaman zero games?

Zero's his boy
That's why he has long, golden locks and a laser sword and a blaster more powerful than megaman's and horns and boobs

It's a copy of X because they didn't want to allow actual X to be the badguy (because that's retarded)
Pantheons are copies of a copy of X

Sorta. Inafune wanted X to be the villain, but Capcom vetoed the idea. Thus, Copy X was made.

Later, in Megaman ZX Advent, after beating a guy who is named after Dr Wily for the final boss, you get a sequel tease cliffhanger that has a good guy named after Dr Light want to take over the world.

Sometime later we found out about the Maverick Hunter FPS game that was never made, and how the plot for that was eventually X was going to turn evil and Zero would have to kill him.

Most recently, Mighty Number 9 has a post credits scene where Professor White shouts out "I'LL SHOW YOU, I'LL SHOW THEM ALL" to the Dr Wily stand-in, who quietly muses if Beck won't cause the ruination of the world.

>eventually X was going to turn evil and Zero would have to kill him.

Fuck the 100 years of moral conditioning, X turns evil and the robot created to be evil is the good guy because reasons

X was always kind of off

Fuck off, NT Warrior was the tighest shit.

This is like that crappy Brazilian comic. Remember when Capcom would license any shitty Megaman fic so long as the writer could illustrate?

Is this a fucking Saturday morning cartoon?

>tfw there was a part in the Gamecube game where this theme would kick in
It may not have been the greatest game, but it was still hype as fuck

>That Megaman 8 robot master select synth.

What's with this premise of just taking character X and tossing them in school?

where the fuck are my god damn Navis, you fucks promised me Navis in the future

>implying anybody will watch this shit

I liked the Beast opening the most personally

what is it with shitty megaman knockoffs giving him this infuriatingly smug smile?

MN9 did the same fucking thing, megaman never even made faces like that, he literally couldn't, he wasn't programmed to be a smug asshole. he usually either looked angrily determined or neutral. maybe a very small smile

never this smug shit

>Yfw the Axess opening music was used in Super Mario Bros Z

this series had some cool openings

this looks more like a 6am cartoon network show that's sent to die like sonic boom