Has WayForward redeemed themselves?
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Looks really cool.
I'm genuinely interested.
I want them to remaster Abuse. Abuse was a great game with great graphics for its time. It was a copy of alien and predator movies but it was cool anyway.
metal slug castlevania ?
I don't really like either of those games in 2017 so not really interested 2bh
This game was so good back then.
I still play it. I want to make it work on Android but I wasn't successful yet.
what's up with WayForward? they just announced like 3 game in this month. I don't like modern pixel shit, but WayFoward do it great and they have their unique style.
Reminds me a lot of that Aliens game they did.
Abuse kicked ass.
This takes me back to the 90s/80s/gameboy era. Movie tie ins that were just action platformers.
They tended to be shit but hey this might be alright.
OH man fuck yes, Abuse is like the epitome of a hidden gem.
check this, ported with SDL and in HD:
Abuse is incredible.
>simple mechanics but high difficultly curve
>gorgeous graphics and decent sound
>tight gameplay
>good enemy aesthetics and challenge
>side scrolling twin stick style action platforming nirvana
>very few people know about it
I might go download this and play it again, thanks user.
>not liking Metal Slug
agreed. great game, was actually spooky for me as a kid and really nice difficulty curve.
fyi for indie devs, the spritesheets have been released with no copyright terms..
check this, the guy has a github with download links for his port:
No Brendan no buy.
Come on, Wayforward how much would he be charging these days?
looks neat. does jake kaufman do all their music, and is this him? i love the music in their games.
>A movie tie-in game
>That doesn't look bad
What is this timeline?
fucking hell it's based on Tom's mega flop Mummy too, I guess it's the only good thing attached to that movie.
it did really well in China actually. which is quickly becoming Hollywood's biggest target market.
fucking chinks will watch anything to escape the reality of living in China
>The Mummy
As in the movie? As in the terrible one?
Which terrible one? The original one, the Brendan Fraser reboots, or the Tom Cooze reboot of reboots?
Aww man this is awesome, thanks.
>the Tom Cooze reboot of reboots
This one.
>Wayforward making something that isn't generic le lawaii girl garbage
found the fag
Looks neat.
Contra 4 is a real game though, user.
Looks better than the movie.
>he didn't play Double Dragon Neon
Actually, turns out WayForward made a ton of games.
I would give the left version of ever redundant organ in my body for a Super Metroid remake in this scale and fidelity.
this actually looks cool but it's a movie tie-in so I probably won't play it. hope they do something similar as a new IP though
Can't be worse than HGH, right?
wish it would be physical. And on Vita
>basically metroid
>literallly dancing the line of lawsuit territory
>an ancient evil has returned!
>howie long scream
did you miss the bird chirping as that text flashed or right after it?
Found the boring autist
How could they possibly sue when Metroid itself is just a ripoff of Alien?
ita not basically the same movie with a new coat of paint though this looks like it plays just like a metroid game
It actually looks pretty good wtf. That trash movie doesn't deserve this.
It is, right down to the facehuggers (Metroids) and the female protagonist. They even named the main villain after the guy they copied (Ridley).
Looks like they were making a pitch for Contra 5 and Konami ditched it, so they reused the assed and slapped the mummy theme to it.
it doesn't look anything like contra
stupid ugly dumb weeb kys
Don't reply to me ever again.