Mario Odyssey

900p docked
640x720p in cutscenes portable
30fps snapshot mode with better visuals for shitposting images.

Wow. Bravo nintendo.

Other urls found in this thread:

And it'll still be GOTY.

and perfect 60 FPS no drops, GOTY, your point?

It's still a Mario game. What's your point bro?

>and perfect 60 FPS no drops
Actually with some drops.
So can't say perfect 60.

What the fuck do you expected from the Shitch???

combat looks like trash

those drops are in menus though

only drop is where the cap text bubble show up and DF, the dick stroking of visuals, said its impossible to notice the drop without assisting tools, so yes, perfect 60 FPS

Oh, so it doesn't matter. In fact, you can go lower if you feel like cranking up the quality. It's what Skyrim waifuposters have to deal with.

>drops during gameplay

Super Mario JUSTyssey

another technical blunder for the Shitch.. who is even surprised at this point ...

You mean the drop to 59,8 fps? Right, we don't have that on any other system do we?

>640x720p in cutscenes portable
>30fps snapshot mode
The absolute state of shitposters

I swear these videos from Digital Foundry look like they were meant for Sup Forums.


Lovely how I knew after reading the article that I can come to Sup Forums and see shitposters shitposting

>720p portable
Legit impressive. I was expecting it to be a lot lower.



Wish, I never knew Mario had deep and engaging combat. Sorry you mistook the red man for DMC5


>I was expecting it to be a lot lower.
Why? It looks like a gamecube game.

The Nintendo Switch is a 2017 console that is not a 1080p standard in TV mode.

Motherfucking wow, how did they do it?


Why does that moron keep saying "it's just like Galaxy!" while making statements that more accurately reflect 64 and Sunshine

But now you can't shitpost about PERFECT 60 fps.

The price of portability, I guess. 900p is great, all things considered.

>900p is great

Well i guess this is it nintenbros.

I wasn't planning to

no idea, he's saying galaxy was more open which isn't correct at all, they even divided up the level you were in into different sections in that game. I think he's just an idiot who is pretending to have played it or remembers galaxy much differently

only because gamecube games look so good to begin with

Oh my god I don't care

Nintenbros will let Nintendo get away with this.

No console is adheres to a 1080p standard.


It only dips to 58 when multiple text bubbles are on the screen. It otherwise runs at perfect 60.

its over
nintendo is finished


Man, it's pretty bonkers when you consider how small the Switch is in comparison. The thing must be packed.

1 month to go lads

All he said is that it's not perfect if it drops, how hard is it to understand you insecure fuck. I bet you use "literally" all day too

Watch me



1080p is a 10 year old resolution, friend. I can start counting on two hands how many games are 1080p on PS3 vs how many are on Switch.

very few ps3 games were native 1080

Why do the graphics become shittier just because it's not plugged into the wall? Since when does running on a battery make a laptop or tablet lose resolution.

>on a 40" screen
>on a 6.2" screen


And how many of those native 1080p PS3 games ran at 60FPS 99% of the time?

Power saving.

cancelling pre-order

so this is the power of FP16 shaders

start counting

you can downscale performance on laptops for better battery life.

>Mario Galaxy mario galaxy

The guy know shit if he thinks this is a successor to Galaxy.

why can't nintendo do anything right

You can make your laptop behave the same way if you want its battery to last longer., infact many do.
If the Switch had the same graphics in handheld mode as docked, which would be the most retarded thing since the display is only 720p in the first place, it'd run out of power in under an hour flat.

>Mustards again mad they cant play MArio

When will they learn


>no anisotropic filtering
When did this become acceptable? When I was trying to get HL2 to run on my GeForce 440MX in 2004, one of the first things I figured out is that anisotropic filtering has zero impact on performance. But every modern console game seems to lack it.

because if the switch was running at full power the battery life would be 30 minutes and itd run incredibly hot

>900p 60fps
So like an OG XBone fighting/racing game on a thing smaller than the VHS tape you'd put on that VCR sized motherfucker

Rayman Legends is 1080p60FPS on PS3. Has perfect framerate without a single drop and LOADS faster than Rayman Legends on Nintendo Switch. Eat a big dick.

Do they even make 720p TVs anymore? 4K TVs are like 500-600 USD now. Nintendo consoles can't even catch up to fucking DECADE OLD TV RESOLUTION.

please be patient he has chirchanditis

>We're still a month away until it releases

What's stopping it from running hot in docked mode? It doesn't look like it has much ventilation.

you should ask yourself the very same question

AF has no real impact on CPU or GPU performance however it eats a lot of memory bandwidth, Switch has very low memory bandwidth.

>3rd party as mearusing bar
you mean the same Rayman that Ubisoft had to take the demo off from the e-shop cause it was a turd??? HA

not a bright one are ye

Nintendo never has it
I'm not even kidding never.

Oh shit a 2D plattformer has a higher resolution than an 3D open world game

Also 720p is for the console screen itself i dont know why any sane person would make a tv comparison here

That's one. And comparing it to a shitty port doesn't say anything about the hardware. You had to lower the bar from Mario Odyssey to the shit port of Rayman Legends on the Switch.

Thought you said you needed two hands?

Reminder to take every DF video with a grain of salt until the final project is available.

hey consider this

IF they had gone with the same engine as Galaxy and just rendered that shit at 1080p, we could have had almost the same looking mario game at like 120fps

Do you think that all those subtle shaders of Odyssey are worth it? I mean galaxy is pretty much as nice looking as odyssey even if it doesn't have as realistic shadows and shit

looks really empty and boring

nothing, but you aren't holding it
it doesnt run hot enough that you'll damage anything but you can feel it

>People on this board are this stupid

Jesus christ...

>ps4 is approx. 15x more massive than switch
>only in the range of 1.5-2x more powerful

Wow. Such technology.

>Literally Mario 3D World 2: Electric Boogalo
Do you guys eat shit for free or does Nintendo pay you to they do with "professional game journalists"?


i hate this board so much

So far its 100% sure that every world in Odyssey is far bigger than anything Galaxy put out
But I#m talking with people here that couldnt even finish Hoigh school and think they know jackshit about coding

Fuck off cody

>ake every DF video with a grain of salt
When they were wrong?

it is absolutely nothing like 3d world


>900p 60fps

is this good or bad

Wow it's no different from 3ds. Explain again how this is a portable home console again?

That might be the worst and laziest pun I've ever heard. Kill yourself.

Well it's no biggie but it's very disappointing that a game like Mario can't run at 1080p

Considered this is home tv mode and game looks like a wiiu project, pretty bad.

This. Who the fuck cares?

fuck those shitposting niggers ! post your favorite costume !

>Sonyfriends laser focused on irrelevant shit because if they talk about the actual gameplay or art direction or story, they will have no choice but to admit that NINTENDO WINS AGAIN, BABY

why the fuck did they make his nose so wiggly

So? Ugly people can't be right?
How about you post your face so I know your opinion is worth reading.

The Switch is pretty weak, so I don't think it's THAT bad. At least it's 60FPS.

Lol he turned off his name