Yes, well done mario, however

Yes, well done mario, however...

Other urls found in this thread:

Gutted singleplayer experience for GTAV style multiplayer with microtransations.

Enjoy your trash.


Why are a bunch of fucking elitists on this board now?

>still mad after all these years


I Hope its bully 2

Hopefully you play as a school boy in old west times bullying other kids


I just want to be an old prospector mining gold. Will it be a feature?

what's the deal with Mario and RDR?

is it going to be:
>a new trailer for RDR 2
>a release date for RDR 2
>a release date for a PC port of RDR 1


played Read Dead Redemption on PS3
don't understand the draw, really, it's actually quite boring for all the praise it gets

Name a game studio more overrated than Rockstar. How many times can you reskin and resell the same exact game and have people buy 40mil+ copies and praise it as a masterpiece every single time? And people think Bethesda and their zombie of a game engine are bad.

>Sup Forums memes

R* is pretty based. The only thing i hate from them is the shark card bullshit

>How many times can you reskin and resell the same exact game and have people buy 40mil+ copies and praise it as a masterpiece every single time?

ask nintendo


>implying Sup Forums and /fit/ aren't the only remnants of old Sup Forums left

Oh. Thats a good one.

>anything PC related

have you never played a Nintendo game? They're all very good


Is there any reason to be excited about Red Dead 2? I mean after the downgrade GTAV was to GTAIV...


>console games

Not in a million years.

ninty BTFO


what does mario have to do with this?

>Sonyiggers are this deluded

>but nintendo
I never even mentioned them, I'm actually just eternally assmad that every time I go looking for good Wild West games, RDR is at the top of the list when it has some of the shittiest gameplay ever conceived and should be considered antithetical for a Western game.

Not for their jewery about anything new in GTAO, or tossing the singleplayer GTAV DLC for more overpriced Online DLC?

>Being this new

Marketers like to create drama were there is none to draw attention and get (You)'s.


They cannot recover from this

>we made billions of dollars on GTA V before multiplayer even existed and got millions of people talking about singleplayer
>but no let's just ruin it next time, we don't like money
You realize how retarded you are, right?

>it's actually quite boring for all the praise it gets
You have to have the right mindset to enjoy that kind of game. If you want explosions play Uncharted and watch Michael Bay movies.

RDR is comfy as fuck and has an atmosphere that is only matched by very few and only the best of the best games of all time.

this is true. gtav was a disappointment. enjoy your cattle cards or whatever the fuck

We'll see. This was originally labeled for release in 2017.

Even back when the PS3 and Xbox 360 were going strong, threads were being saged by self-important PC gamers. It took years for Moot to make Sup Forums.

You mean like how they were completely eclipsed by the Switch reveal about a year ago?



>gtav was a disappointment

i fell asleep multiple times playing rdr and not because it was boring. the atmosphere was so relaxing. that music and the ambient sounds. it was so good

I am excited for this game.

he y-yeah fucking poor fags console owners

i cant comprehend how super autistic people like you even exist

theres just such a fundamental lack of common sense and logic in this post


Rockstar announces RDR2 reveal trailer. A few hours later nintendo reveals the time of the NX reveal to be at 10am. Lead to the shop of this


Nintenbros btfo. Again. They're used to it at this point. Gotta be.

How is he wrong? Is there any guarantee Red Dead 2 won't be gutted to push for a Red Dead Online?

nothing he said was wrong. gtav's single player took a back seat to the multiplayer trash

Sure fella

cowboys, dusty trails n shieet

Nice try shill but anyone with common sense can already smell the new "HORSE CARDS"

Nice. I can't wait to see a 1 minute teaser for the 1:30 minute trailer that will be released in December.


Swing and a miss, autist
>I explicitly stated that I don't own a PS4 yet
I own a PS4 and I can tell you're a Sony igger. Fuck off

Switch will run this game @60fps 1080p. Switch > PS4

refer to you are an actual moron if you think the singleplayer quality will differ in any way. oh boohoo faggot, there won't be any singleplayer expansion. imagine that, a complete game. what a travesty.


Sup Forums is cancerous as fuck populated by hypocritical retards

nu/fit/ is aight compared to the decline in most boards

GTA V's physics, options and ai were all downgraded from IV.

Purely because of GTA Online. Is there any guarantee Red Dead 2 won't be downgraded for Red Dead Online.



It's time I remind them

Does everyone have any of the RDR meme posters still? That 12 months of shit posting after RDR came out and PC drones berating us it would come eventually and then nothing where some of the funnest memories on here.


>GTA V's physics, options and ai were all downgraded from IV.
Hahaha, holy shit, imagine being this delusional

>Gutted for online
Literally how? Red horses? Golden horse carriages?

what if it's just the TGS trailer?

See Get ready to be btfo though

please stop

Hope they don't delay the fuck out of it on PC, was happy enough playing on 360 but fuck off am I buying any of these shitty consoles


See GTAV was heavily downgraded to allow Online

>still caring about GTA with horses

It's the wild west. Please God let there be no SJW bullshit.

Babies BTFO

>muh details
>muh boat physics
>muh realism
>muh super serious story and protag

I'm glad that one guy died a meth head cucked and sucked by Trevor's cock.

>Purely because of GTA Online
holy fuck you are dumb, it's actually unbelievable someone could be this stupid

I am ready to cowboy.

KEK BTFO, how can Nintenbabbies recover from this?

>check the time
>it's yuropoor oclock
that explains it

not a single insect or bug

>no arguments
Sounds about right, I said to prepare yourself to be BTFO and you didn't listen

Go play uncharted XD RDR is a masterpiece

Nothing suspicious here at all

is that last one real


Didn't follow the news, why is RDR2 supposed to be a threat to Mario ?

DLC is based off the main game, who knew

re4 floor textures

nice reading comprehension you stupid yurotard

Sony has no games for christmas (again, no wait has the PS4 had ANY games during ANY of its holidays?) and that makes their fans upset.

literally your only argument is an insanely retarded conspiracy theory that doesn't even make sense. try again sometime.

>muh outrage eceleb that takes nitpicks and exaggerates them like they're horrible game-ruining flaws
why don't you actually make a productive criticism like how shit the writing is, how the world is mediocre and how online is actual garbage for more reasons other than "MUH MICROTRANSACTIONS THAT I DON'T HAVE TO BUY!!!! DDDX"

genuinely sad lol

Have you noticed the huge influx of mario threads lately? Kiss them goodbye come thursday.

>Ping Pong 2: Ching Chong
>GTA 1+2 release on switch
>Dan Houser talking about how raping digital whores benefits humanity

>retarded conspiracy theory