Games puzzle needs to be solved irl with pen and paper

>games puzzle needs to be solved irl with pen and paper
Is this good or bad design?

In terms of video games it's bad design as requiring a pen and paper means it's not using the medium to its fullest.

very very good

What, can't do basic logic in your head OP? Git gud

this are the fucking worse most low effort shit, the complexity lies on the number of elements not on dynamic between elements
good riddles are functional and elegant like good prose

>logic grid puzzles
>not rely on dynamic between elements

It's not a needs if only brainlets need pen and papper

piling up a bunch of elements is retarded, riddles are prose, adding more shit is not a difficulty slider

Is absinthe a whiskey?

this puzzle is optional though, you can just go to durante's office and get the solution

I think this is a pretty fun way of doing it. You need to write down which move beats which and which commands change from one move to another. Takes a relatively long time to do but I think it was fun.

I think West of Loathing pulled them off pretty well with the graveyard puzzle and whatnot.

Does this count?

I really hate these types of puzzles. They're not hard, they're just long winded simple logic problems. That said, there's nothing wrong with having puzzles that require a bit of extra effort.

>thinking people are retarded enough to put that kind of ambiguity in a puzzle

ye, but i liked the twist.
I solved it even tho i did the normal route because i want to pick every bonecharm/rune in every level

Where the fuck do I find two swords?

there aren't any in the game
as of yet this point is impossible to get past, I've been waiting since release for devs to patch it

Is purple lady in the middle for this iteration?

I got this one.

Is it:
Doc White Bird Pendant Dabovka Absinthe
Baroness Blue Jacket Snuff Tin Dunwall Rum
Lady Purple Ring Fraeport Beer
Madam Red Diamond Baleton Whiskey
Countess Green War Medal Karnaca Wine

Brainlet. Pls no bully.

>Heard about how good this game was
>Being a huge fan of deep video games I immediately ran to the store to buy it
>Start up the game jittering like a leaf because I'm so excited
>"They've finally made a game for intellectuals like me!"
>Get to this part
>Can't figure out the sollution
What were they thinking???

I used excel for it. It was pretty neat puzzle and it's optional so who cares.

>I used excel for it.
Same, treated it more like a physical jigsaw.

I used pen and paper.

This was my favorite part of Dishonored 2.
Me and my younger sister solved it together.

If it's a puzzle game, then yes.

But that's refreshing improvisation that goes beyond the medium

i like doing it in the witness simply because the diagrams i ended up making looked really cool

another game i did this was with spacechem, the diagrams i came up for spacechem were a lot of fun, sadly i dont have them with me anymore

I remember having an entire page dedicated to dark fall. All the notes and drawings / puzzle solutions I drew. If someone found it and didn't understand the context they would've thought that I really believed that crap cause of all the decoding letters puzzles in the games.

Puzzle doesn't need to be figured out if you're a brainlet, the combination can be found in the game world retard.

>is it good or bad

What did he mean by this?


They got a few variations apparently, tho i'm not sure mathematically how you can do it

that's correct

>won't even try to solve the puzzle
>calls anyone brainlet

please refer to the patrician choice

The fuck are you talking about , I said the puzzle is in the game world for brainlets who don't want to figure it out.

Wait a minute, is this riddle dynamic? I definitely remember the Dabovka woman was at the far left drinking absinthe and dressed in purple.

I liked solving it, it was pretty well designed for a 2010s game, but kudos to Arkane if it's dynamic as well.

I could never figure out the Jindosh puzzle on my own. I suck with logic puzzles, especially one as hard as that.

I solved this part by figuring out about half of it by thingken, and the other half by dumb luck.

i then went and did the whole dust district part anyways, in favor of the inquisitors

>waiting like 5 years for game to get patched

wew lad that's dedication, i'm sure it must be a godly game hiding behind this puzzle no doubt

>dev spends his days mostly shitposting about people making porn of trailer girl

whoops, misread what you meant

it has a few variations apparently, not sure if they were implemented manually or if they wrote a script to scramble the clues.
Either way it's impressive imo